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Posts posted by jipman

  1. Guys, I had the same problem but you know what? I did the same thing only a little worse than you guys did, not gonna tell you but trust me, it was quite a laugh. Anyway,You should always watch out with these kind of things. You should try not to provoke things, if the admins have some kind of spying on you program on the computers, just kill them and work on. About the smarter than who stuff. Maybe you are, but with what? 1337 hax0ring your admin because he forgot to log off doesn't show a great skillz level. My point is, try to avoid hassle with admins, because their control over the internet-flow (thats how i call it) in your school will overcome any skill. Because if he really wants to, he can easily packetsniff your passwords and give you the same treatment you gave him.That wasn't quite a short point was it :|, now, the real point is.If you really choose to bug your admin, bug them real hard and good while protecting yourself.

  2. Well...I think you should do these things if you make something for someone.First, create the site on your own server, and ask if the client likes it, if he does, let him pay up and then send him his stuff. If not, no sweat, just rm.But this helpes of course nothing to your current situation, I think that you just have to step to him in person and ask him your money OR return of your stuff. Or else, I would start a legal procedure (only if it's a quite big deal of money of course).

  3. Thank you mastercomputers for understanding my point :P (about hiding too relevant info :P )About the password,There is no use for the password as some of you may have noticed, but as with many things it's not the destiny that matters but rather the path to it, i made these challenges to entertain you guys and let you increase your skillz :P.So it's no use giving away the password since it is worth nothing, it's the path that leads to it that is more important.So I hope that you won't give too much of direct tips to solve the puzzle, rather give subtle hints.ps. If you pm me the password (which proves you successfully solved my challenge) i'll put you on the list in the start post of this topic.

  4. I think he means how to have a php file download another file

    I think you should use the system() command. (more info on http://php.net/)

    It works like this

    $foo = system('wget http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ~',$output);

    If i'm correct (im too lazy to test it atm, it will download a file file.exe from asdf.com and give back the console messages to the variable $output.

    I hope this is what you're asking for

  5. Notice from jipman:

    Please don't give away the things you need to do to solve the challenges, this would spoil the puzzle for everyone. You may give hints, but not something like, 'download this and do this ... '

    I hope you guys understand :P

    In the previous topic ( http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83605-topic/?findpost=1064301480 ) i presented a so called hackers challenge, and now i present to you the sequel

    I just felt like making another one and so i have. This one is more difficult than the first one.

    You can find it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Final note: You have only really hacked this challenge when you see something like, 'here's the password'

    If you think you have the right password, PM it to me and I'll add you to this list

    Notice from jipman:

    Here's a list of all people who have managed to hack this challenge:

    - mastercomputers
    - gentoo
    - qwijibow
    - moonwitch
    - optykal
    - Spectre

  6. Notice from jipman:

    Please don't give away the things you need to do to solve the challenges, this would spoil the puzzle for everyone. You may give hints, but not something like, 'download this and do this ... '

    I hope you guys understand :P

    Regarding the interest for so called hacking challenges I've created one on my own homepage


    Please give it a try

    Final note: You have only really hacked this challenge when you see something like, 'here's the password'

    If you think you have the right password, PM it to me and I'll add you to this list

    Notice from jipman:

    Here's a list of all people who have managed to hack this challenge:

    - eyvind
    - mastercomputers
    - vizskywalker
    - gentoo
    - runefantasy
    - moonwitch
    - optykal
    - qwijibow
    - mitchellmckain
    - Spectre

  7. Why do they develop such things ? Really weird isn't it, there is actually no need for development of such weapons. There are no really BIG wars going on and if we're trying to have peace, why then create bombs?SLIGHTLY OFF TOPIC (but the topic reminded me of this)I can't really understand why governments decide to have such weapons created and developed further. I think that if for example USA decides to drop an neutron bomb on Iraq, the whole US population and the rest of the world would protest against it and bushy would be in great trouble.I presume the americans are still developing those bombs, but then they accuse the iraqis of creating 'weapons of mass destruction', but those are just toxic bombs, and way less dangerous than nuclear stuff. I think they should also check the US for dangerous weapons.

  8. I just got recruited by them, I gotta say, they got quite some Ubeer (gaming)rigs here :rolleyes:.Neh..Just kidding.But seriously, I don't think that we should rely on comps so much anyways. And I thought hacking stuff was illegal, I guess when it's about national security everything is allowed. I surely hope that the Afghan Uber Leet Hackers Organization will get them :). And about the taxes, you're totally rightJFCCNW, cool word.

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