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Posts posted by jipman

  1. I think it's best not to fiddle with those things if you're not someone with good knowledge about electrics.

    Anyway, if you want to reduce noice, it's best that you buy better fans, maybe zalman or arctic ones. Because they standard run at lower rpm's and are built for silence they won't produce so much noise.

    If you want to control your fans, you can also use program speedfan to change the rpm's, maybe that it will allow you to set the rpm to a lower setting.


  2. It kinda sucks in my opinion. Me myself love straight tables and lines, and also not all information about the elements that were on the old table are on this one. For instance the atom-weight ( atoom massa in dutch) and this is usually the thing I need when making chemistry tests. Also, the full name of the elements, since I'm not such a great chemistry student. :)

  3. I would not use this code if i were any of you.

    Since the input to the database file is not checked, I could also just input something like this.

    <body onload="javascript:open('http://jipman.astahost.com','_self')">

    And yes, even if there is already a body tag, most browser will do what it says here, immediatly opening up jipman.astahost.com.

    This is just one very small example what you could do with this security hole, using javascript.

    you have to check the file for any html characters and strip them out. Lookup php.net on howto do that since i am too lazy at the moment to explain how.

    this is the problem area
    $data = "$author | $date | $time | $ipaddr | $shout\n"; fwrite($handle,"$data"); fclose($handle);

  4. mse,rars and zips don't work this way.The file itself is encoded with the password and a crc checksum is created of the original file. If you enter the correct pass, it decrypts and finds out that the checksum matches the checksum of the file that was just decoded.If you enter a wrong pass, the original checksum won't be the same as the new calculated one. Then the program assumes you used the wrong password, that way, you must decode the entire zip/rar for every password attempt, so if you have a file of 700mb, decoding takes quite long and is very inefficient.This means that it's no use to use one computer to crack a large file. Of course, you could try creating a distributed brute-force cracking program that you can run on multiple computers so they will crack as one.

  5. As you know mse, i registered for netbux, but i just found out that they now use stormpay instead of paypal. After seeing so much changes in a short while and the problems they seem to have and the hassle for that key you need to type for every search, i decided that Im gonna quit netbux.It just seems to unstable to me. I hope you raise enough money for antilost, but i'm afraid you'll have to do it without me :(

  6. Msn messenger is for sissies, smart people use gaim the opensource multi protocol chat client thingy.


    Since Gaim is open source, i don't think msn will outrun gaim in skinability eh :D.

    To be honest, untill recently i also was using msn 6 :(, but that was the last one, msn 7 is too bloated with things i'll never use and banner ads. And i hate to have to download all kinds of plugins to make a little useable.

    I wonder why they disabled the support for msn 1, because that version was quite crap free

  7. Ehm.... maybe it is a little too difficult, so let me give you guys some hints

    0. You need the global password
    1. NO SQL, PHP only
    2. Think before you do because else you might be having trouble finding proxies.
    3. READ THE INTRODUCTION, there are NO typo's :P
    4. About the none shall pass, did noone of you watch Monty Python & The holy grail? The scene with the blackknight was the coolest.(not really a hint but you really do have to watch that movie, so funny)
    5. decrypting the md5 hash might be worth your while, it gives you quite a good hint. Or you could use logic to figure out what the hash would be ? :D
    6. What is the most used password but also the least secure one?
    7. There is no place like
    8. With all those security checks i implemented, i might have overlooked something don't i? :P

    note. I changed the POST stuff to GET stuff, because it works the same but is easier in use.

    ps. if changing proxies doesn't work, i think you did something wrong :(

    have fun :D

    to mastercomputers:

    There seems to be checks performed on the posted information than anything else, especially the user. Then the next check would be to check if you were banned and if not show the page, however we may not be able to continue if we have been banned.

    Wow, you are not some mindreading person are you? Good thinking :D.

    just for the heck of it, there are 27 bans activated at the moment :D

    a small note for the none shall pass, it has something to do with hint # 7. But you gotta find out in what matter

  8. I wasn't bashing on the topic starter :( seems you misunderstood meI was talking about the people who fall for these phising acts :D. But I guess, when i got my first computer, i also clicked on anything when i didn't know what something was. These sort of things will wear out because more and more people learn more about puters, so i think phising will extinct because people will out grow them and see them through.darkool:sorry if you thought i was bashing you, i wasn't :D

  9. And here's number 3

    Before you try to hack this one, I have ONE hint to give you, if you don't do this right the first time, you may encounter even more difficulty to pass this test, so be carefull. Because this one is full of ambushes.


    ps. I've run out of inspiration now, so it might take me a lot of time to write a nice new challenge 4.

    Notice from jipman:

    Here's a list of all people who have managed to hack this challenge:

    - flachi

    ps. I really wonder if someone is going to succeed, if someone pulls this off he/she is seriously good.

  10. Hi guys,As you might have read in the other posts, I have made some hacker challenges. This because I want to increase my own coding skills as well as improving yours and of course I want you guys to have something like a weekly puzzle. The passwords you'll be asked to find are nothing, they do nothing, they mean nothing. So it's no use asking for them since them you missed the whole exploiting part.I am planning to make challenges so as long as 1. There is shown interest in them2. I still have inspirationJust 2 :PHowever, there are a few things I want to clear up:1. Please don't give away the correct answers or (partial) walkthrough for the challenges. Because that might spoil the fun for others.2. The challenges consist of 1 PHP file called 'challenge#.php' where # is the challenge number. You don't need to walk around in my own homepage I saw a few who did :P. 3. If there is something you don't understand or if you need a hint you can post in the appropriate forum.4. If you think you solved the challenge, pm me to get yourself on the 'hacked by lists' on each of the challenges topic.

    Notice from jipman:
    As a final note, I'm planning to make a challenge at least every 2 weeks, but of course, I could also place one every week, this all depends on me having enough time / or inspiration
    The most important thing is that you have had fun in the challenges :P
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