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Posts posted by jipman

  1. You mean creating fully JAVA or flash sites? Like for instance nickelodeon.com? That site is hard to copy since it's almost all flash, but it also makes it noobish, In my opinion, flash is not supposed to be used this way.Generally, as someone else already said, the more you prevent them from ripping you off, the more they will try to. And it's also VERY irritating if someone wishes to print your site, or bookmarking it.

  2. Whadaya mean mispelled, I never make coding-errors :D

    You know, translation thingies are funny, they always screw up the text you put through them for. I love translation-scripts :P

    There is there 1 one year old hoera hoeramaar-ik-zag-dit-topic-gister-niet-dus-doe-ik-t-vandaag-maar, that can you, however, see that she is. We find it all this way pleasant jaja, and for this reason we sing gladly glad gladly glad gladly. They leve long hoera hoera...
    Press any key to ongoing...
    ps. congratulated

    Hahaha :P

  3. Just a side note, gpedit.msc is not available in windows xp homeSecond noteA lag is different from a pingping is the total time it takes for a certain packet of information to send to a server and the server sending a reply. This is also called latency.A lag is something way different, lags occur when the server cannot keep up with the amount of data it has to process and slows down terribly, like trying to run a 3d game on a very bad computer (not enough resources).Of course, lags have kind of the same result as pings as that the time it takes to send and receive increases, but this is the fault of the server and not of your connection.just wanted to make it clear :D

  4. whaaaaa????????

    Please phrase your questions a little better next time, anyway.

    http://localhost only works for your own computer since the server is run on YOUR computer
    If you want to have for instance hello.com direct to your local server you have to do this

    Windows : Edit the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on the all the computer in your network and add the following line <tab, press tab> hello.com

    Linux : the same but for the file /etc/hosts (not fully sure about this one)

    This will make windows everytime you request hello.com send it to your local server.

    About distro's, any linux distro is good enough to run a http server(apache), most distros even can install it during the installation of the system.

  5. You can use a mobile phone that supports being a modem and use it as a modem. You can use a bluetooth connection (but anyother connection will do) between the cellphone and the computer and you should be able to setup a dialup connection. You can probably best do this with bluetooth software like Bluesoleil, you have to turn on a modem-service or DUN-service (dial up networking). Then you should be able to setup the connection as any other normal dialup, like specifying telephone nr's and stuff.

  6. Want to add that there are more so called live-cd's around


    Most of them based on Knoppix, like this one you mentioned.




    Here are some more knoppix remasters (my personal favorites)

    - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    - http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/


    Here's a huge list with other releases


  7. yoyo != diaboloDiabolo is plaything that consists of one diabolo in the shape of an hourglass (usually) and has to sticks with a string that connects the to sticks and you use them to give spin to the diaboloYoyo is another plaything that involves (usually) 2 disclike thingys attached so some kind of axel that has a string attached to it and you use your finger/hand to operate the yoyo.ps. My english sucks :| :):P

  8. Hmm... some it sort of reminds me to a really screwed up paintjob :). There is also something like google earth which is basically the same but with America, I wish they implement holland and the rest of europe too, that'd be cool. Or China so you can see the great wall.

  9. Why would you ever need to block MSN? Do you just not want Windows users to be able to connect to your server or something?

    1. Did you ever think about that every single message goes through the m$ servers? And that privacy is a rare thing there?
    2. Ever thought that if at work, everyone's nudging and msg'ing each other, would there be any work done?
    3. You are confused, this has nothing to do with windows/linux, it's the PROTOCOL

    4. MSN is the lamest protocol ever and GAIM ownzz it's sorry *bottom*?

  10. Oh.. Here is some info on HOW i think I did it.

    after reading the article about "smashing the stack for fun and profit", I realized that you have to overflow the buffer and overwrite some sort of 'return adress', if i'm not wrong that adress is where the program will go back to after executing a (certain?) function.

    Anyway, I just kept trying entering long input strings to find out when the program crashed, which indicates that you overwrote the adress (The chances are that you accidently enter a existing adress are almost equal to zero btw. since you can't enter the NULL character from the keyboard).

    You can enter anything you want, i just used x'es.


    xxxxxxxxxand so on untill the program crashes

    after I found out about the number of x'es it takes to have the program crash I got myself a debugger -> OllyDbg

    This program allowed me to see which memory adresses the program tried to read, also when it crashes due to the overwritten adress. It showes WHICH adress it tried to find AND I used it to find a valid adress I could use for the 'proof-of-concept'.

    Since valid adresses usually contain NON printable characters, line-feeds etc etc. I got myself XVI32, a nice freeware hexeditor to create those characters with.

    After creating a payload file (file where you store the string you want to use for input) I used a pipe to have the program use the file for the input.

    eg. date_server_win32.exe < input.txt

    If you did it right, the server should now popup and do something weird.
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