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Posts posted by jipman

  1. I just want to make sure I understand this right. We're supposed to type input string at the COMMAND > prompt that makes the server does something cool? Right???Anyway, I did found out that the program kills itself if you enter anything longer than 47 characters, that would mean that the return adress is overwritten causing the program to halt doesn't it? Could you give a hint though on what tools to use for finding return adresses? do you think that ollydbg does the job?

  2. There seriously aren't much hints to give...
    The banning system is only to get you guys frustrated and off guard :). You need a lot of proxies probably, (one for eacht try). So at least I'll give a nice adress. http://tools.rosinstrument.com/proxy/?rule1, after some clicking you get a proxy list with http proxies.
    About ToR though, i think it wouldn't help much to use it because I don't think there are much of those switchboard-servers so you end up using the same server over and over again. maybe when it gets more popular :P

  3. Cheaper???.... it's kinda free....The problem with users and software is that users don't choose for quality, they choose quantity, example. Windows users are so common because microsoft did a good job building up the marketing. But windows is not much compared to any *nix distro. Same goes voor office software, since most people already use ms office, it's very unlikely for them to switch over SINCE everyone uses msoffice.Where the few Openoffice users differ (including myself, is that they are strong enough :P to conquer the majority and go for what is better (although ms office is probably slightly better on stability and speed), however, openoffice's development is much faster than ms office's is, so I expect them to defeat ms office in quality in a few months

  4. Most of the programming languages all kinda look like each other with only slight syntax differences, so if you know one language, the other one should not be a problem.About books, the problem with those that they get outdated fast, and most books on php i've seen don't cover every thing (like small details and stuff) on let's say functions. Also, like using somesite like php.net, it's really quicker and easier to find what you're looking for using the search form(s), in a book, you have to keep turning pages... (when I read a book and want to find something, I kinda always press ctrl + f in my mind, weird uh? ). Also, the best things in life are free :P, so are programming documentation and stuff :PFinal note, I fully backup mc about that easy to learn thing, because it's easy (it is, php.net explains it so nicely), many people learn the basics and leave exploits/bugs/(combination of both) in their scripts and get 1337 h@x0r€d (:P, i know i know, leet speak sucks :P ).

  5. It's quite useless to do liquid cooling for a gaming pc.1. If you ever go to LAN parties, it's hassle with a extra waterthingy block.2. The parts will die quicker, it's after all H2O3. Most people that do liquid cooling are diehard overclockers or wanting it for the show.4. Usually the warranty is voided on your other hardware if you use liquid cooling (not sure about it)Btw. there's no doubt about it, AMD pwnz Intel, so go for a Athlon 64 3xxx+ and you should be ok :lol:

  6. Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/tbaforum/public_html/forum/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 65Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/tbaforum/public_html/forum/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 68ERROR: Cannot find database tbaforum_ivbd1Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/tbaforum/public_html/forum/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 101

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections
    This means that there were too many connections to the db-server ?? Maybe the server is flooded or something( if it happens everytime)

    Warning: mysql_select_db() This is because the server can't establish the connection, thus failing to select a database

    Warning: mysql_query(): It can't find the database, so it can't run the query.

    I suggest trying to check the settings of the ipb installer and / or the settings of the databases in either your cpanel or a phpadmin thingy.

  7. Cool... now we all will be hacking toilets :(. And remotely activate someone elses toilet, or what if we can trigger a buffer overflow and cause a toilet to crash and execute malicious code that causes the toilet to cough up all the things one just dropped in it :x. I can almost imagine myself going to the loo with a laptop and a network cable HAHAHA :(. ps. I'd like to see someone update the firmware of a toilet :P LOL

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