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Posts posted by jipman

  1. Your right actually, I have a nephew who is 10, and he is able to pull off more hours of computer-time than I have, and I am 18. I got my first computer at the age of 11, which was just before I went to junior high? something like that. Anyway, all he (my nephew) does is playing counter strike :|.... I can't say that I was such an outdoor kid when I was younger, but I certainly did not spend three quarters of the day indoors, I used to be outside, playing and building cool treehouses B).It is really weird, but after I got my computer, i got out less and less. Also, I seriously think it's bad for kids to computer so much. What I can see about my nephew is that he's showing signs of lacking social skills, he's kinda shy around people and stuff. (not that I am such a great social person anyway :P).Finally, if we don't do something about it, humanity might just end up with every single person at home behind a computer and living there (A little like how some american people live in their cars :blink: (read something about drive through churches once)).

  2. It's like putting a 50 mph speed limiter on a Ferrari F14..... quite a waste of all those nice and pretty horse power. B).Anyways, I've been wondering for quite a while now. If you overvolt and undervolt your computer all the time (eg. switching voltages all the time, wouldn't it be bad for your hardware? I'd guess that it would wear your hardware down faster if you switch stuff all the time.)

  3. Notice from jipman:
    k guys, let this be a official warning, since those download/uploads stats are quite big in text I think it's more appropriate to use QUOTE-tags around them.So, the next one I see pasting these ridiculously huge amount of text generated by those next WITHOUT quotes, they get themselves a warning
    By the way, Nobody at adsl2+ at the moment? My provider (wanadoo) is going to switch to it very soon so I'll be enjoying 20mbit/1mbit for € 23/month. (Not that I actually will reach those speeds, B), adsl 2 requires you to be very close to the phone central hub thingy, which I'm not really close to)

  4. anything that has a dot in front of it, eg..elinks.trash.htpasswdsusually store settings made by programs you run while on SSH, like links.also, the files with a dot in front, are also settings, like the last login adress and time and the like.It is recommended not delete them since programs will be acting as default or may not even work at all.the logs-folder is where the serverlogs go. Public_ftp is well... a public ftp folder you can use. And public_html, or it's link ->www, is where you have to put your stuff like your site in.

  5. There is a better solution though, did you know that there is such a thing as a glassfilter for monitors? I've got one myself, bought it in Vietnam for under $10.


    These are the things I'm talking about, the advantage is that they slightly dim the amount of light coming off your monitor, thus you can computer longer without getting all tearyeyed.

    Anyway, gaming is not considered a good argument anymore, since there are already monitors with refreshtimes under 8 ms, this is not a prob.

    Ofcourse, the price is still kinda high for LCD's.

    So I would recommend a CRT B)

  6. You know that Tor works in a kind of a P2P like kinda way?.So, if you would run 2 ToR services, which is perfectly possible, and have 2 irc clients and connect them both with either one of the service, chances are that you will be able to connect, since it's very likely that each server will find a different route to the server.If you mean fake ip's in this way, then yes, it's possible.

  7. It depends, if you want to overclock your CPU, you have to do that in the BIOS settings of your motherboard (which can be accessed during the boot process of your computer). OR, there are also some programs that can overclock cpu's through windows, but since those programs differ per motherboard, you have to look at the site of your motherboard manufacturer.

    Graphic cards are different, since you have a ATI card, you can use a program called ATI tool ( https://www.techpowerup.com/atitool/ ). This program has the ability to automatically overclock your card to its maximum, so you don't have to do anything.

    PS. overclocking a notebook isn't too recommended because they already have a reasonably weak cooling so you might want to pay extra attention to your system temps while overclocking

  8. , temperature(heat) and heart rate sensors.

    Usually when a man and a woman do this or that together, I don't think neither of them will have their panties on do they? I dunno???

    Sounds a little useless though, anyway, these kind of things could bring up new privacy issues. anyhow, if you are married, aren't you supposed to trust each other with everything? Anyway, if i had a wife and she would do something like that to me, I'd be disappointed in her. (not that I'm married)

  9. You're never safe ;)Virusses are released faster than virusscannerpeople can create fixes for. About your files, you probably have to delete them since (especially exe's) can contain the virus and spread when you run them.If you really want to be safe, use Linux, 99% of all computer virusses are for windows so that means only a very small numbers of virusses exist that target linux comps.

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