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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. if optimisation and tweaks are important to you, you are using the wrong operating system :PIm using Gentoo at the moment, but a few months back, i was using Linux From Scratch, optimised for size and speed, optimised my for Athlon 1.3Ghz T-bird, and all the libraries / binary's were pre-linked....i managed to get it to boot in 6 seconds !!!!!!a 1.3Ghz athlon t-bird, 256 meg ram, old 5200rpm 6 Gigabyte hard disk...LIGHTNING !!!!!!!
  2. I cant even use windowsXP, i just get too angry at it....for the first 2 minutes after booting, it just thrashes the hard-drive, the start manu takes 15-30 seconds to respond, constand popups, constand security updates available messages, constant, i just installed a critical somthing, you must re-boot... AGH...im used to gentoo !!! what can i say.
  3. I use kopete.. its great.all the usual stuff + spell checking, GnuPG encryption, tabbed conversations, desktop integration... blah blah blah.
  4. so basically, you are restarting the network and hopeing that the DHCP server gives you a different IP address....so.... the question arises.. why would you want to do this ?this is about as usefull as changing the colour of your kidneys.
  5. you say people dont understand the interface ? i replaced all IE icons with links to firefox, and my 12 year old sister didnt even notce the difference in the interface.
  6. there are 2 types of people who try linux... Some Try it after using Windows for years, but find the interface too different, and dont believe the advantages are worth having to re-learn how do use a computer... then there are people like me... after years of using windows i give linux a try.. after using linux for a month, i realsie i dont have a virus scanner... do a little reasearch and discover that there are no virii capable of infecting linux... then a month later, decide its about time i should de-fragment the hard disk, do a little googleing and discover than Linux doesnt have the same Flaw windows file systems have that fragment the disk in the first place. and are so overwhelmed at how advanced linux is, how everything is free... whereas in windows, if its free, its loaded with spyware / adware.... and they never go back to windows
  7. or if your not using MS-Windows, you can extract a cd-image ismply by copying it... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cdImage.iso and to mount it, well, just mount it asif it was a normal cd... or if its an audio cd, you can pseudo-mount it in konqueror.
  8. it suddenly occurs to me that you dont actually know what you are talking about sorry, but passwords cannot be found in javascript source.. any-one who ever try's to password protect somthing on client side has obviously never seen a computer before... all password authentication is always done server side, with (usually) MD5-Hashes. (or MD4 for the the few windows machines out there)
  9. If someone stands on the edge of america, and says @im standing on the edge of the world@ id say its pretty safe to say they are american !!!! and about the internet being neer undestrucatle... thats what i said.. (in a complicated, jokeing, terminator 3 kinda way)
  10. dont worry, this is what we call a troll.making obviously pointless comments.firefox crashes opening PDF's ?firefox doesnt display PDF's its a light weight browser... although firefox can display pdf's using a pluggin or extension to a 3rd party pdf viewer. if the pdf crashes, then its the 3rd party viewer crashing, not firefox.people cant find completed downloads ? well, it they cant remember the save-as location they shouldnt be using a computer un-supervised... (they might get an electric shock when they start sucking the mouse)wanted popups didnt popup.... well then click the unmissable bar that says @we blocked a popup... if ya wanna see it.. click me !@the speed pages open is not a firefox thing... its either 1) slow / unresponsive netowrk.. or 2) the unlerlying operating system... (windows probably)
  11. Lol.. end of the internet... why do americans assume they are the earth ?its actually goes all the way round lol.cant be bothered to quote.. but someone said a world war would destroy the internet...1) the internet was designed to survive quite alot of destruction... aslong as there are 2 machines connected together,,, there is an internet :P2) In the Future, when Skynet takes over the USA military, and decides to kill all the humans,,, even though skynet was software on the internet, it launched all those nukes without a care in the worls as what it would do to its own processing power.....and since the teminator film series is soo fantastic, i think its safe to take that as concret evidence.
  12. lol, i thought this was going to be about preventing reverse engineering...Stopping people from copying your HTML code is like trying to sell a work of fiction, without letting your customers look inside the book...its never going to happen UNLESS the government gets all 1984 on your *bottom*, and passes a law saying all browsers must not have a "view source" button / feature...and even then, those of us who know a little about puters can still steal the source / images using the greatest, and yet most simple networking took of all kind... telnet.And with open source browsers like Firefox, even if the law forced them to remove such "view source" features, it wouldnt be 5 minutes untill someone wrote a patch to put the feature back in.anyways... hiding source is pointless.. lets face it, anyone who knows anything about HTML can re-create a simple html webpage.... in that sence hey are only stealing the design, not the code.but if the authos has actually put some hard work into making a web page (like the forum page here) then the html code has to be generated remotely via GCI or PHP.
  13. i have lots of friends in the USA who sell cheapish ipods.... and they all live at ebay.com !
  14. Look up "Chaos Theory - Butterfly Effect"
  15. the only beeef i have with harry potter is..... (and admitably ive not read the books, so im just *****ing about the films)1) an intelligent wizzard would make a spell to keep some dungeon safe that works by ONLY letting the people he want to enter, enter... or maybe some kind of password / key... or somthing like that...but in the world of harry potter, the safety is a CHESS GAME..... ohh no... whatever i was keeping in the dungeon has been stolen... ohh well, atleast whoever stole it was good at chess !!! who would have thought that evil people played chess too !?2) i COULD stif my coffee with a spoon... but instead, ill use magick.... but not a magic spelll that actually stirs the spoon,,, one that makes the spoon follow my finger.. so i have to do the whole stir motion with my hand anyway, thus saving no time or effort.. masically im a showoff !3) dementors... what are they really... just towels that flap about in the wind a bit.4) Kids around the age of puberty just piss me off for some reason.... anyone seen terminator 2 ? john connors voice... AGH , especaially when screaming.. cummon !5) luminose maximoso, unlockio-doorio, make broom-io go faster-o.... what is that ??? latin !! ? doubt it.6) my number one HATE..... nobody ever read the book untill the film came out.... after the film was a sucess, it suddenly became fasionable to read the book in public.also that phrase..."The film was good, but its not as good as the book" I KNOW... a film is NEVER as good as the book...people just say it to show off that they have read the book like reading is some kind of proof of intelect...
  16. Why bother with a Mac...why not go for FreeBSD. MacOSX is based on BSD, but BSD will run on your PC hardware... and in my opinion, the KDE is much better than the Mac's Desktop environment (kde.org) or.... go Linux..... Similar to the BSD's except it has a much better name.... im not sure which is the better mascot though... the little daemon, or the penguin And it seems linux is ahead of MacOS in terms of general acceptance... the Linux Version of Doom3 was released only a month or so after the windows version... and they still havent released the Mac version... saying sumthin ? Yup.
  17. safe from what ? Code injection ?
  18. Ive always wanted a Linux smart phone... partially cos penguins are soo cool...
  19. I hate IE because... 1) its the slowest browser ive ever used....2) im used to firefox, which blocks banners and other adds, when im forced to use IE, im blinded by adds using 20% of some web pages !!!3) Popups !4) No tabbed Browsing !5) when it crashes, it takes out every other web page your viewing too.6) it crashes7) cough cough.. SECURITY !8) can you smell the bloat ? just using it makes me feel fat.
  20. OpenOffice.org is free and open source... AND you dont need to buy MS-Office to write the MS-Word formated document
  21. Hide IE... whats the point... why not just Uninstall it ? Okay okay.... yeah ! people say that wou cannot uninstall IE.. you can delete iexplorer.exe, but IE is all over the place, integrated into the OS with all those .DLL files, and if you truesly uninstall IE, then you computer wont work... well... they are wrong.. every single one of them. Uninstalling Internet Explorer is actually Quite easy ! Uninstalling IE will imporve system performance, System reliability, everything. but it will require a re-install... step one... take you windowsXP cd, insert it into the toaster under maximum setting, (in a well ventilated area) step 2.. install one of the following replacements... https://gentoo.org/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.suse.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.linspire.com/ Done... IE is completely and afely removed from your system forever.
  22. you can also do it with OpenOffice writer.... download it here http://www.openoffice.org/runs in Linux, Windows, and other Unix's / BSD's
  23. anouther reason windows sucks... it doesnt always show the 3 charatter file extension... (like .exe) so it will somtimes display SuperHappyFunJoke.txt.exe as just SuperHappyFunJoke.txt. I recently tried Gnome 2.8.. i dont like the Desktop environment (im a KDE guy) but one feature which impressed me was the way it handles file extensions. Windows treates files depenfing on what the file sxtension says... if you rename a jpeg file to .exe, windows will tryy to execute it ! Linux looks inside the file at the headers to determine what the file is, nomatter what the extension is, the extension is just for the human user (like the icon) anyways, i tried to open an .mpeg video file, GNOME poped up a warning that the visible file extension did not match the file type.... the extemsion was .mpeg, but the file was an AVI. in this case harmles, some one renamed the extension possibly to get MS media player to load it by default... SO.. gnome poped up a warning box saying that the extension did not match the file type, and warned me that this could have been done by mistake, or possibly to misslead me into running possible maliciouse code. if windows had done this, then how many worms could have been stopped dead ???!!! but im sure windows will steal this idea sooner or later...
  24. actually the reason that macs are so secure is because MacOS was trashed... then they made a custom Desktop ENcironment for BSD, and named it MacOSX. so... basically.. its secure because its an Open Source BSD, like FreeBSD and to a lesser extent Linux.
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