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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Someone recomended FTP ans SFTP.this is okay if all you want is to upload / download.but if you want to actually remotely execute and use files you will NEED samba.
  2. Also, an interesting point to add. Unlike Unix, Linux isnt made by any company or single group of people.Linus started the Linux Kernel, and ultimatly has the end say in what happens to Linux, however it is programmed by a global network of people who simply code for the fun of it. (Hackers)so yes... Linux is just a kernel. A kernel is the first thing loaded when you boot, it controll's all hardware, and contains all of your drivers.GNU is software, Like the C, C++, Assembly and other compilers, also libraries, and other base things that run on top of the kernel.Then, there is software like X.org, the display server. X clients like KDE (one of the many available desktop environmetns for Linux)Linux and Unix share many similarities... For example, KDE, the graphical user environment will compile and run on both Linux, and UNIX. so some Modules of Linux, can infact be the same as Unix.What you guys Class FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NetBSD as ? they are more Unix like that Linux, but they dont class as Unix do they ?As for Unix itself... i dont think unix *IS* an operating system anymore... more of a class of OS's like IBS's Unix and Sun's Solaris is also Unix right ?
  3. Gmail now has POP access. so even without the extension, you can still use your normal "You Got Mail" popup applet thingy.
  4. A Linux machine can use both systems...1)NFS (network file system). which is the standard for accessing disk drives across a network asif they were actually in the machine you want to access them from.2) Samba, the one windows Uses.Why windows doesnt just support NFS is beyond me... however, linux supports them both.Windows computers on the networkwill use Samba, all others NFS.an NSF server or Samba server will allow other machines to use the drive asif it was a normal internal drive.you can listen to mp3's directly, run software directly, whatever.
  5. The *Correct* choise of OS is FreeBSD / Linux.especially is the system is old, Linux doesnt force users to upgrade hardware the way Windows OS do, so Linux would still run fine, whereas windows 2K / XP might be very slugish.for somthing as simple as a file server, i would recomend looking into specialist Linux distro's that run off a floppy disk drive, there's no point getting a multi-media gaming graphical distro when a floppy distro, maybe even somthing like Devil Linux would run as a fine file server.however, are you willing to loearn Linux ? Windows Follows NONE of the computer standards, so you would find yourself in a very alien environment having never used Unix / Linux / BSD or any other proper Operating system.
  6. what sites dont work on Firefox ? ive never come across a single one !
  7. From the Penguin piccy, and "Penguin Power" .sig is it safe to assume you are running Linux ?the trojan only effects win32, so you are safe.
  8. The view that assembly is lightning fast compared to high level languages is less true than it used to be.compilers are much much more sophisticated than they used to be (im talking GNU GCC, not MS's compiler)Often, a programmer can achieve assembly execuion speeds by properly writing c++ code, and properly manipulating GCC optimisation flags.however, bottlenecks can still occur, and when they do Assembly is inserted into C code.
  9. I am curiouse... Has anyone who voted Windows ever used an OS other that windows for a significant abount of time ???I have Used Windows for 2 years, Linux for 3 years, and i use Soaris Unix at university,so i feel qualified to say that i think Linux is better.but most people who say windows is better will admit to haveing never learned how to use a *nix OS.surely their vote is simply adding bias to the poll ?
  10. 60Gb of music.... whats the point ?when a minute of audio is approxamatly 1Meg....let do some mental maths...1024 Megs in a Gig, * 60 = 1000 * 60 + 24 * 60 = 60000 + 20 * 60 + 4 * 60 =60000 + 20 * 60 + 240 = 60240 + 20 * 60 =60240 + 1200 = 61440 minutes of music.minutes in a day = 60 * 24 = 10 * (24 * 4 + 24 * 2) = (96 + 48) * 10 = 1440minutes in a week = 7*1000 + 7*400 + 7*40 = 7000 + 2800 + 280 = 9800 + 280 = 10080Minutes of music / minutes in a week = 61440 / 10080Approx 6 weeks of none stop, 24 hours a day, music....
  11. Still no mention of Xorg-X11 ? lol.these is so much FOSS, it would be impossable to mention it all.People are always saying there isnt as much software available for Linux / BSD, but i think the opposite is true.Anways... Kickass Software that works on Linux... (i dont say for Linux simplly because most of it will run on anything that isnt Windows)CD-Burning = K3BWeb Browser = Firefox (work on windows)Email = Thunderbird (works on windows)FTP server = vsftpdWeb Server = Apache (works on windows too)Desktop = KDE, GNOME, iceWM, XFCE.Multimedia (music and video) = Xine, MplayerMultimedia (audio only) = beep-media-player (winamp equivelant) xmms(old version of beep) , Amerok (definatly the best mp3 / ogg player)Ohh.... and the greatest program ever... Emerge/Portage (never sure what to call it)no package management system will EVER beat it... EVER.
  12. For me, its all about the Drivers !Not too Long ago, ATI's support for Linux was poor, Nvidia's support for Linux was Excellent.however today, Nvidia's drivers are still more up-to-date, but atleast ATI are catvhing up.ALSO, you gotta love the nvidia driver structure... One Driver fits all.the computer newbs dont need to worry about what card they have, just that its a nvidia, no version numbers to remember.HOWEVER.... MESA_GL does run alot faster on ATI than NVIDIA.so out of the box, ATI performs better on pure open source distro'sbut very few people will stick with MESA when they discover the ATI / NVIDIA drivers.
  13. I dont think this post is about an OS that network boots or stores its file on the google servers, just an OS developed by google which installs to your local hard disk like most other OS's.I think its too late for any *NEW* operating systems to be developed.not too long ago, someone offered linus a sum of money (a few hundred thousand) for a copy of the linux kernel to be released under the BSD licence (meaning it could be forked as closed source)after this was made public, the actual cost of the linux kernel was calculated, if linux had been developed (just the kernel) as a closed source project, it would have cost billions to develop.If any new OS's were developed, for them to even compete with modern Unix / Linux / MacOSX. they would need to heabvily use open sourced software like a Linux / BSD kernel, and GNU utilities like the C compiler, Graphical user interfaces like KDE.a new OS completely written from scratch would be very very very expensive, and possably never catch up to developing OS's.Unless Hardware significantly changes (Quantum computers ?) i dont think we will ever see any new OS's that dont very closely resemble *nix.
  14. The Kernel source IS on your installation disks !it may be called "kernel-devel"it is absolutly vital that if you download a kernel source code, it must be identicle to the source code used to compile the kenrel you are running, use the command "uname -r" to get a kernel version string.
  15. Yep, Linux is the way to go.unlike windows, linux doesnt force users to buy new pc's to run up to date software.you could easily install a modern distro (with the eye candy turned off) on your old machine.that way you would benefit from a secure system. look into window managers like XFCE and iceWM.
  16. Yes.. so what !?Computer securety cannot protect a computer againsed anyone who has physical access.even if you set a bios password, anyone can open up the case and flip out the battery, or shortout the CMOS jumpers.any encrypted password can be changed with HASH INSERTION.the hard disk can be removed, placed into anouther machine where an attacker has root access, then again, passwords changes with hash insertion.if you need to protect your files, then encrypt your home partiton, that way, even if your computer is stolen, your data is safe.this is basically like saying your car securety is useless againsed anyone who has your keys.
  17. i assume you are talking about the kde help when you say "help in linux"i cannot comment on that, ive never installed the kde help packages.however.. i would rather have a linux kernel dump, than an "error code 10" any day.anyways.... ALL BIAS asside.... mr tree frog, you seem to know alot about what you are talking about... so rather than start a new thread, and abouther OS flame war, id like to ask your unbiased opinion on OSX.my family pc seems to be dead... probably a motherboard fault, anyways, my family is far from computer literate, but they constantly complain about virii, worms, and popups.i have introduced them to linux, but they say the interface is too alien, they dont want to re-learn how to use a pc.do you think OSX would suit them ???to me, OSX looks even more alien than KDE, but i am a linux user.how do you think a windows only user would survive the mac world ???how good is the windows emulator ?my dad uses a travel manager / route planner program called "Travel manager GB"it does not work in wine. is it likely to work in VirtualPC ?and how much does virtualPC cost ?it doesnt work in wine because of an umimplemented "int 15" interupt (which im quite sure is a timer interupt) ive triped NOP'ing out the assembly instruvtion with no success.also, my sister plays games... does the sims, and the sims2 have a macOSX client ???
  18. Google produce an operating system.... Nope.however... a Google Linux distro would be interesting !
  19. When i updated my windows partiton from Win2K to XP, the modem stopped woring.th driver was digitally signed (the only driver i have that actually is signed).however, the system was constantly BSODING with a reference to the drivers .sys file.and what did the help function have to say... "Your modem is un-available because it is either unplugged, or not functioning correctly"USELESS !! and i had to look that up from an "error code 10"your right, the help function is useless.and as for the windows firewall...i set that up to block everything, but a remote port scan showed multiple open ports, like uPNP, RPC, and 8080.
  20. what is "connection computer" ? is it a switch ? a router ? or a normal PC ? if its a notmal PC, what OS is it running ? is there a Local DHCP server on your LAN ? if so, then rollow the instructions already given. however if there is no dchp server on your network you will need to enter the netowork details manually. in the network init script, or rc.local script (depending on your distro) you will need somthing like echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf ifconfig eth0 up route add default gw [//code] repace the address's with the ip's of the services in your network. if your gateway does not support a DNS server, then use your ISP's DNS servers.
  21. The Greatest Linux Resource avaliable is....(drum role)Linuxquestions.orgIts a forum purely dedicated to linux, with a large number of users.when you post in the "newbie" section, provided your subject line is clear, and you clearly pose your question along with adiquite information (distro / version / error message / etc etc etc) you will usually find an answer very quickly.i found the forum years ago when i started out, years later im still there asking much much much more compilcated questions, and helping out the newbs, give it a try if and when you run into problems.
  22. I use the Kwin window manager (part of k desktop environment [ KDE ])i have a Athlon64 3400+ CPU, so i can spare a few extra cpu cycles.But when im using a slower machine (my pentium2 266mhz), i go without a desktop environment and just use a pure windows manager like IceWM or FluxBox.XFCE also deserves mention, its very good looking, but as as light on the cpu as fluxbox.. (almost).
  23. dont get me wrong.. i love gentoo, been using it for years.. but ive recently migrated to the AMD64 platform... No newb could have done what i had to do to create a fully 64bit OS with my hardware. the 64bit gentoo boot cd refused to boot because of a buggy IDE-CD driver losing the interupt. however a simple fix for this is to use scsi emulation on the ide device, but that cnanges the hardware address, and the boot cd thinks its own cdrom has vanished of the face of the earch. you can only compile and run 64bit binary's on a 64bit OS, so i couldnt install entoo from my 32bit Knoppix. i had to build a 32bit stage3 partiton, rip the kernel and initrd and he drivers from the 64bit install cd, boot the 64bit Kenrnel into a 32bit root partiton with 32bit emulation, then chroot into my desired 64bit stage1, then install from there. the bad thing about linux.. if it goes wrong, and you dont know what you are doing, you are screwed... the good thing, if it goes wrong, and your a bit of a computer nerd haXor Zero cool, Cerial Killer (as in fruit loops, but he does know stuff) Acid Burn, Crash Override... then you can rpobably fix it. and when tempting fate with the latest hardware, and a DIY distro like Gentoo, you are just asking for trouble.
  24. Thats a good idea.. but can you imagine the chaos that would follow if for the newbs sake, all the linux apps were re-named. people would fill online forums with questions like "whats Firefox called now... WebBrowserFox..., i cant find it anywhere cos i dont know what the frek its called". total chaos... gonverments would fall, antisocial teens would take to the streets to loot cheap cider, and drink it in anti-social ways, lol.. ok, maybe thats a little over the top. however it Does seem hat the linux community is working on this problem. for example, in the main KDE menu, instread of program names, a descrition followed by the rpogram name is there.. for example.. Web Browser (firefox) Instant Messenger (kopete) Audio Media Player (amarok) So strange names only become a problem when you are searching for an application that does not come as part of your distro. still a problem none the less... but its being worked on.
  25. Lol... If that were true (the part about there being nothing wrong with your computer, and winXP sp2 not being buggy), you would not need to use Norton, Adware, Spybot, spyware blaster, and spybot....
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