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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. But why turn a batch file into an executable ?ill call them scripts, cos, well... thats what there called on my OS.the advantage of scripts, is they can be easily edited.compiling them as a binary removes this advantage.secondly, scripts are used to chain other programs together,the other programs will probably be binary, so unless your script hasa very long computational loop (if it doesm your using the wrong language)i cant see any speed advantages to compiling a script.if you reeealy wantto get into scripting on win32, i would recoment installig "cygwin".it will give you a bash envoronment to code in.
  2. Lol....i think im just an idealist.the thing is... The movie industry started crying when household VDR's and METAMAX's became popular..the movie industry b1tched that it was being destroyed be people tapeing films off the tv !and even lending them to there frend next door !what did they do about it... they increced the price of blank tapes, and a % of the money you spent on them went tothe movie industry... So they are charging you for copying films... but still tell you not to do it.either dont let me copy.. or stop making me pay damnit !im not sure if its still happening, but at one time i think that they did this for blank cd's too.Anyways.. if the music industry DID die... that would be great.no more MTV, no more insulting sellouts.everyone would go and see bands perform live more often, and the musicians that actually work, playing live would get rich, rather than the guy in the suit.
  3. Wow.. windows STILL doesnt have a decent download manager built in ?last time i sued DAP, it came with adware. have a look at wget, its the de-facto download manager in *nix envoronments, if there's a script that ever needs to download anything, u can guarantee it does it via wget.
  4. LoL... yeah, those exact sentences have already been said.. you dont 7 pages of disscussion without comming to a conclusion around page 2. anyways.... a MacOSX looking Linux desktop.. whadaya think ? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. when i say OSX clones... i suppose i should have said OSX themes for existing desktop tools...i canot remember the name, but there is an openGL taskbar with a macOSX theme, many OSX themes for metacity, GTk2, than kind of thinghave a look on places like gnome-look.org, some screen shots show people having a very mac looking destop.
  6. Switching to firefox is just general good advice.a virus got in through IE on my windowsXP machine, and setup a local Prixie, then set IE and outlook to use this local proxie.for about 2 months, all my dads emails's and website activity was passwed through a virus proxie.it it wasnt for me noticing "" apearing in Internet explorer just before loading each webpage, this could have gone undetected for alot longer.dureing this 2 month period, he started using servies like Paypal and Ebay. passwords and usernames are sent via email...in plain text form.paypal all setup to make transations from my dads credit card, and the paypal password passed though a virus on several accasions, luckily i spoted it when i did and could cvhane the passswords before anything happened.And yes,, there are far too many windows vs Linux, and IE vs Firefox threads.but you are not helping by posting "firefox sucks" in theards are are dead / dieing.this just makes the problem worse.its called Flame Baiting....and giving me negative feedback because i gave you negative feedback is pretty childish.So lets all act responsably, There are too many of these types of threads....solution, well, there's nothing you can do, but posting what you did is likely to restart this argument.
  7. well you obviously didnt read mey post very well. Changing you IP address can only be done by your ISP, Yes, restarting the interface somtimes the ISP will give you a new IP, so what. Changing your IP is Useless. IP Spoofing is only of any use with UDP / ICMP, not with TCP. ( http, ftp, ssh and almost every protocol that conts works on tcp) Useless all of it. please let this thread DIE.
  8. Okay... im not a hrdware *expert* but i know a little about electronics, i know how to read benchmarks..Not sure about price, but for benchmarks.. My AMD64 3400+ (actual clock speed it 2.4Ghz)wipes the floor with an Intel Pentium4 Running at over 3Ghz. even though the pentium has more L2 cache.So, here is how i see it... The AMD does more work per CPU cycle than Intel.Intel runs at a higher clock rate.This SEEMS to even performace out... but consider the following.....Higher Frequency Requires more Power....Higher frequency increaces Electro magnetic induction into adjacent tracks... so again, you need even more voltage to keep the CPU stable.which in turn SURELY means a hotter CPU, and the need for better cooling.What would you rather have, a nice cool Calculator CPU running at 11Mhz.or a large collection og logic gates running at 12 terrahertz ???CPU clock speed is not everything.it seems Intel spends too much money advertiseing, and not enough on impocing their CPU.
  9. The shutting down of Bittorrent ?this should NEVER HAPPEN !Bit torrent as far as i know isnt even used as a means of stealing.Bit torrent is a GREAT idea, it greatly improves a servers ability to distribute legal material.for example, when Fedora core 3 for Amd64 came out (3Gigabyte download) the servers, and many local mirrors slowed down to a painfull pace, so i launced bit torrent, and successfully downloaded fedora core at my internet connections maximum rate (90kbps)by all means enforce the law... but dont cut off the arms of innocent people to remove the possability of them becoming criminals.As for the argument about P2P increacing Music sales, i can belive that.The type of music im into is not played on any of the tv vhannels i have, nor the radio.I downloaded approxamtly 15 random placebo songs, simply because peopl who liked similar music to me, also liked placebo. After *Stealing* the songs, and realising i love the band, i went out and paid for all 3 albums.Same with Nirvana.People, dont steal music....Law enforcers, dont inconvinience 1000 law abiding people purely make 3 crimes slightly harder to commit.
  10. the facts as we know them..... IE is painfuly insecure. firefox is not perfect, however the number of critical securety holes is an order of magnitde lower. firefox is not integrated into the OS apart from the icon, average users cant even tell the difference. so why do you feel so stringly about this ??? i noticed you put microsoft adverts in your posts, do you get commision ? ill never understand why people brand themselves, like people who wear plain t-shirts with "Nike" written across in big bold letters. like they are proud to be supporting child labour. anyways... True, firefox doesnt support ActiveX. but i think thats a good thing, i havent even seen an activeX using site in years. and anythin activeX can do, Java can do better !
  11. yeah, when i said windows wins for gaming and hardware, i was talking about windiows as a product, not an OS. be be fair, Linux is nothing like windows.. at all, the internal stuctur is based on Unix standards, somthing windows has avoided. about linux distro's being similar to windows, i assume you are talking about the open source project "KDE" which as stated on its web page, is a "Unix desktop environment" nobody over says unix is too much like windows. KDE is a very small part of Linux, and isnt needed, many distro's actually dont install KDE per default, and use Gnome instead. As for learning and copying the Mac..... Well, there called OSX desktop clones As for the comment about useability sucking... well... the thing about amateur programmers, and other contributers of linux, they seem to love the codeing, but never bother to learn User interface design theory. At my university, there is a module on User interface design.... and yep, its not all about making it look good, there are formulaes.. lol.. did i take it... nope, it boreing.
  12. Like we have been saying, no single OS is good at everything. for example, i doubt even the biggest Mac fan would argue that MacOSX would make a better Mission Critical Juicy hackers target fileserver, than OpenBSD ! Sadly, windows has to win for gamers support, and hardware support. For the nerdy hackers types, linux HAS to win... its got too many kickass features. as i speak, i am using an AMD64 computer, an AMD Athlon XP, and a pentium2-266 as a cluster computer to Author a DVD at almost double the speed my AMD64 could possably do alone. and harnessing the wasted CPU cyles of machines in my house was as simple as "emerge openmosix && genkernel --menuconfig all" so although i like MacOSX, its just not nerd orientated enough. lol.
  13. i would have said MacOSX / Linux for genral desktop, but i had already given MacOSX the desktop publishing crown. however where i live, there is ony one shop in the whole city (nottingham england) that i know of that sells Mac hardware / software. Pc hardware is almsot anywhere, and all of linux's software is available on the internet. but i would definatly say that Desktop is Linux / MacOSX... moving towards Linux as nerdyness increaces, and towards the mac for the first time user / novice / whatever. Ok, Linux and MacOSX can share the desktop crown, depending on the type of user.
  14. you say that now... but when you get a virus because someone embeded a virus iin a JPEG and used it as their avatar on this site, is it still your fault ? OpenBSD has not has a single Remote securety hole in almost 10 years... why.. because they AUDIT code before they use it. If the University of california can clean code of bugs of a whole operating system suite, then afford to give it away for free, why cant microsoft, a GIANT compared to a single university, who sell the OS, who have for amore people working for them. why cant they fix the code ? do they even try ? there are far more lines of code in BSD operating system Suite, than in microsfts operating system and IE. without IE, microsoft couldnt have played dirty, and killed off netscape. without the death and release of netscape source code theremight not be a mozilla foundation, wihout the moxzilla foundation there wouldnt be firefox.
  15. whats it say when you run the follwoing "dmesg | grep eth""lsmod""lsusb"?
  16. for cheap powerfull computers, you gotta build yourself..i have a 64bit Athlon 3400+ (2.4Ghz) socket 741 Hyper Transport Technology512Meg Ram80Gig 7200 Disk400Mhz FSBGeForce FX5700LE AGP8 128megRaid / ATA / SATA / USB1.1 and USB2 / onboard networking, surround sound output.all for £400, a similar spec system pre-built was on sale for £700 / 800 depending on extras.
  17. Like i said, the only way i know of is with Knoppix, using the porgram qt-parted. i posted the link in my last post. boot the knoppix CD, run qt-parted as root, shrink the NFTS partiton, so there is enough un-partitoned space on the disk to backup your work (add about 10% to compensate for space wasted by NTFS) then shutdown, and boot your windowsXP cd, when it asks where you want to install Windows, Select the un partitoned space, create a partiton consuming the un-partitoned space, and allow windows to format it, and install windows to it.
  18. If people are still using windows, then securety obviously isnt important to them, or they are un-aware of alternativs. ive stoped being surpriused at microsofts abuse of its customers... MS keeps slaping its customers round the face,, the customers kep giving microsoft more money, singing them praises, and thanking them... its the phonomenon that is Bill Gates... greatest Buisnessman alive.. for the moment,,, GO Torvalds GO !
  19. you mean re-partiton the drive... first you would have to shrink the partiton that windows is currently installed on, then generate a new partiton, and install windows to that... provided you never boot the origonal partiton, the new one should be safe from any virii on the origonal partiton. Anyways... as for shrinking the partiton, you cannot shrink a mounted partiton, which means you need a boot CD capable of re-sizeing NTFS (assuming you use NTFS ?) the only boot cd i know of which can do this is Knoppix. http://www.knoppix.com/ but its a big download.. 700 megs. edit: hey.. didnt you say you had several computers.. why not just FTP over your files to a different machine while you re-install.
  20. duuuude !!! let me save you £600 per year.... When Windows degrades to an un-usable state... either 1) switch OS's 2) format and Re-install windows. that will remove ALL virii, and return your PC to the state it was in when you bought it. its much easyer than it sounds, the instruction manual will guide you through.
  21. Maybe one of the viruses ware a "dialer"a dialer changes your network settings so that your internet connection is routed through a different hpone number (usually high priced)go into your internet settings and double check the hpone number, username, and re-enter your ISP password.so you have the money to buy a new computer every year, but you are still on dialup. your mad.and that animation under your name is disturbing.. stop punching me !
  22. and the vast majority of free software (not including the spyware infested stuff) is made for Unix / Linux Only. My Linux System has a far better choise of Media players than your windowsXP system will ever have... well, windowsXP is limited to Windows Media PLayer, and the dead project winamp. Linux has Amarok, Xmms, Beep-media-player, mplayer, Xine, and many more. yeah we already discussed this and decided... Best OS's for different tasks.... FreeBSD (or possably Solaris) for servers MacOSX for desktop publishing (no contest) Windows for Games. Gentoo Linux for performance for EXPERT users only Linux (fedora / mandrake / xandros / lindows / suse) for general desktop OpenBSD for super paranoid security (not a single security hole in 10 years !) NetBSD for portability (some1 managed to install netBSD on a gameboy Advance !!!)
  23. naaaa that will never work.i can never concentrate that well. just image handing in coursework, and half way through writing it your mind wantered a little, and the random sentence "i like big buts and i can-not lie... u other brothers cant deny, when a gurl walks in with an itty bitty waste, n round thing in ut face u get SPRUNG" anyways, the next big thing will be quantum computers
  24. WOOO gentoo !people are always saying how hard things are to install in Linux. they have never used emerge.yesterday i "emerge --update system" by the time the simpsons was finished, my pc was again, bleeding edge.
  25. lol... on a side note, after the vunerabilities of IE period, and every Windows version / service pack since 3.1, i think i will be sticking with Gentoo
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