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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Yeah, thats already been ssaid atleast twice i think in this thread.
  2. anyone lpayed around with a program called "lightspeed"its a kickass program that lets you see what objects look like at different speeds....anywhere from 0 meters per second, to 0.999999% the speed of light.one of the moddels is the star trek ship Voyager...its so cool, you can make it accelerate and look at it from different angles...it warps and bends the models, does doppler effect colour shifts...its a totally useless program,,, but its just sooo cool.
  3. quote] What is needed is a free OS that is as easy to use and work with as microsoft's Windowsi think its called CherryOSor maybe not.. i cant find a good link.anyways, there IS an open source clone of MS windows, which is compatable with windows applications, no emulation !however last time i looked, it was a long way from being finished.
  4. the only advantage of using a seperate /home partiton is that you can change distro's or do complete forat and reinstall without losing yor data or having to backup.anyways... the rule of thumb is to have twice as much swap as RAM...however i have half a gig or ram, and my swap partiton is never needed.sio i dont want to waste 1gig disk.i have 512 megs of swap, but only so i can suspend to swap, and get ultra fash power on's (no need to boot)as for the /home partiton... ive explained the advantage, now the disadvantage...changing partiton sizes is anoying... and takes a few minutes, plus you will need a rescue cd (knoppix) because you cant resize a mounted partiton.so you want to avoid a home partiton that is too small, and you will fill up..however, if you make your home partiton too big, you are wasting root partiton size, which is used fr application install'sHow much personal data / Mp3's / work / ripped DVD / movie / saved emails space do you need ?use all the rest of the free space as / (root partiton)oh, and before you jump into this... are you planning on gaming ?check to see if there is a linux driver for your card (from ATI, not an open source driver)i know ATI support linux... but the drivers are not as easy to install as Nvidia's
  5. Whats meant to happen if you run it with IE... ?on my Linux system it just says "No cigar" and applauds me.. i take it i passed ^_^is this a bug that wasnt fixed by SP2, and will also affect Sp1... or was it a bug introduced by SP2 ?
  6. Yeah.. but the mac has a very unfair advantage...the same company that makes the hardware controll's the hardware.
  7. Definatly ReiserFS.ext3 is just a journalling version of ext2, its a very old filesystem, i like reiserFS, ive not noticed much of a speed difference, but i rarely run porgrams with high disk i/o. but benchmarks seem to surgest its time to put ext3 to rest :Das for partitons, i only use 2 partiton's Root and Swap. but i have a very small hard disk (6 gigs)when i get my new 40Gig disk, i will probably have a dedicated /home/ partiton./boot partitons, that some distro's surgest putting in are almost totally pointless.the only good use for a boot partiton, is if you want to have multiple root partitons for different distro's but a common kernel / common grub config.or if you were planning on encrypting the home parttion... also almost totally pointless.im curiouse.. what graphics adapter do you have ?once on redhat 9 i had to edit the Xorg config file to change the default screen resolution, but i didnt have to read anything for that
  8. Really ... ? you dont like KDE ?older versions of KDE were pretty ugly, but Kde3.3 is nice.but ive never thought of it as un-ergonomic.ive only ever used MacOSX UI Clones on linux, and maybe had 15 minutes hand on time with a real OSX install... but i found it to be similar in ease of use and design.very different, but all the same features were there.as for the windows roll up.. yea, i never use it, but an extra feature that you dont choose to use isnt a problem (untill it gets to bloat level)anyways.. one problem with the linux community, is the so called Glory...Yipee for the guy who porgrammed in suspend to swap into the linux kernel.. AMASING feature..you can power off the machine half way through a compile... power the machine back on, and the ram image is loaded, and everything continues asif if was never stoped.AMASING...but nobody is singing praises about the guy who made graphical install programs slightly easyer to use.
  9. Sorry, the only debian based distro ive used is Knoppix. (the Live CD distro)im surprised. its obviouse you have a good knoledge of linux, you have obviously used it befre, i thought you were a windows person.anyways, if you want to use Debian, knoppix has a good debian installer.so you dont like RPM's i liked the RPM interface, but not the dependency hell.Slackware is quite good.. not debian based though
  10. to the tree frog:)Maybe the windows driver system is better, maybe it is not.the advantage of the Linux driver system, is the driver is written and maintained by the Kernel hackers, these drivers are usually insanely stable, and are constantly being maintainsed.the dissadvantage, is that some exotic hardware is not always supported.the advantage of the windows driver system, where windows has very few drivers built in, and its upto the manufactutrer to make a driver is good because it means there is a driver for everything..although its dissadvantages include... if a company goes out of buisness or drops support, the drivers stop being maintained. so my modem which worked under window98, is useless under windows2000.ALSO... i cant remember the statistic, but a sygnificant number or windows BSOD's are actually caused by fautly drivers, and are out of microsofts control. nomatter how stble the OS, a bad driver can bring it to its knees.MS is trying to combat this with Digital Driver signing... as a result, windowsXP has recomented againsed me installing my Fuji IDE hard drive, my network card, my Printer and sound card.Some of us buy the cheapest componnets when upgrading, you have to ask what are the quality of the drivers when you buy low quality hardware... in linux, even though you are using cheap hardware, you know you have a high quality driver.the different systems both have advantages and disadvantages...If gaming is important to you, then you have to be more slective with graphics hardware under linux... ATI and NVIDIA are good.and if you want wireless intrnet, again, you have to be selective with hardware, check compatability before you buy.Linux is Harder, Linux is Free, Linux has a better securety record, Linux has a shorter Securety hole to fix time, Linux requiresyou read the documentation.Each OS has its good and bad points...i dont think the Linux Driver system is bette, or Worse.. just different, with strengths and weaknesses in different areas...And for a user like me, who knows how to check compatability before buying, the compatability issues are Nullified.Dont forget.... although they are rare.. some computers ARE sold pre-installed with linux... like ones sold in poor countries. or the under 100 $$$$ PC...installing windows on them wouldnt be easy, you would need to hunt drivers on the iinternet.most people are install linux on machines sold with windows only hardware.
  11. Hands up who managed to optimise a Linux system soooo well, that on a 1.3Ghz Athlon it booted in 6 seconds..... I did !!!thats the POWER of an operating system that is correctly optimished, and customised for the exact task you want it to perform.never underestimate !
  12. Debian is powerfull and fast, but aimed at the linux competant users.. wow.. so much conflicting advice...the real answer is.... Different Linux distro's can all do the same thing, but each is especially aimed at a specific use more than other uses... some are designed to be general use.pick a distro... eventually your needs will change... or your expertese will change and you will want more control, and use a more customisable distro...Gentoo was not right for me 3 years ago... it was too hard, so i used fedora.2 years later, im a linux expert, and i want 100% controll, and want to build my system customised from completely nothing.... now gentoo is right for me.install your first distro, and expect to become curiouse and try anouther distro further down the line.
  13. Redhat stoped porducing Desktop Distro's ages ago after redhat9,Redhat is now a server distro, However Fedora is forked from the redhat9 desktop, and continues to develop the desktop.you may be better with SuSE.Fedora worked great for me as a newbie, however Fedora is a bit of a playground for developers to try new things..SuSE is more of a *finished* product.go SuSE.
  14. the only MANUCATURER that provides linux support that i trust is nVidia. Having a DEVICE supported by LINUX is always much much better than a MANUFACTURER providing a linux driver. Supported by LINUX, and Linux driver available are not the same thing.
  15. And Windows Provides that to you ? well fine, carry on. i need to do graphical loggins on remote machines... eXceed for windows can do that.. but i prefere X.org and the benefits of a *Nix to *Nix login. HOWEVER.. on a day to day basis when im not working, i requre exactly the same as you. windows does not rpovide this. after windows is installed, you need to apply all the critical securety updates that take ages to doanoad and install.. you need to install a virus scanner, which needs to be kept upto date. you need to install adaware, and keep that up to date, and do frequent scans. every month or so you need to defragment the hard drive, which drains system performance. virus scanner, disk framgmenters, windows updates, spyware remvers require maintenance.. uppdates, re de-framgments, occasional entie disk scanning for virii..... EVEN if you set this to happen as a cron job, it still eats away your bandwidth, slowing the PC responsive time and download speed dureing an update / scan. a one time Linux install, and one time inconvinience or a complicated driver install EASILY beats a disk de-fragment every month for the rest of your life... virus scans and updtaes every week for the rest of your life... ok, it sounds drastic when i say rest of your life, maybe,, rest of your windows computer using life.. but you get my point. its like a one time payment or ÂŁ100 being much better that ÂŁ1 a week for the next 10 years. how can you disagree with that ? dont tell me you dont have to use a virus scanner and defragment your hard disk, cos even microsoft will admit that disk defragments are essential to keeping your filesystem from slowing.
  16. Whats the difference between Bochs and Virtual PC ?
  17. PC's (on *nix platforms) have PearPC (a mac hardware emulator)Doom3 i agree isnt much for game play, ive only played the demo, but the way it looks rocks !i would LOVE to get my hands on the code of that engine.
  18. Good point, however its good to see that they are attempting new ways of doing things. for example clik 'n' run, limits choise to what they have made available, but makes it easy for your 85 year old grandma to learn Have you ever tried Gentoo ? they use a similar system. there is an online database of available software, and scripts to install it. you run a sync to update your local database to the gentoo database then use a program called emerge, or a graphical interface to emerge to browse the available software, on chooseing to install, a script downloads, customises software tto your preference, and compiles it. compiling means slower install's but the extra speed of hardware specific optimisation is great. the database is soo huge, ive been using gentoo for almost a year, and never come across a program not installable by emerge. objiously it would be much harder to maintain such a database with all pre-compiled binary's (like apt-get is attempting to do) but i think Gentoo is great !
  19. Okay.. we are all biased towards our favorites, but thats a hell of an overstatement. i can install Linux + The Office programs + multimedia + everything i need in 15 minues on my Athlon 1.3Ghz machine. Plus... some things dake a little more time to do in linux.... but i think the added reliability stability and securety alone is worth it. Plus, there are things which are EASY to do in linux, which are physically impossible with windows... for example, take my normal 3 computers, on each computer i emerged openMosix. thats as simple as a few clicks of the mouse. and now, my 3 computers work as a single, tripple Processor Desktop computer. Ever tried to encode a true DVD format iso from a full quality compressed media format ? takes hours, my machine will do it in a third of the time, this feature is invaluable to anyone who has more than one computer in their house. how long untill windows can share cpu power whist allowing all computers to function as multiple cpu machines ? Linux is not good at being windows... however, for those of us who use our computers for anything other than playing games, Linux is a very powerfull tool.
  20. I meant Compatable with the linux kernel, not compatable as a reverse engineered hack on sourceforge.
  21. I Dual Boot WindowsXP (for the family) and Gentoo Linux for me.Ive used Firefox since it was called Phoenix (around version 0.5 i think) on Linux,but i recently installed Firefox on a windows System, and ive got t say i wasnt as impressed as Firfox on linux.i installed it because Windows IE was suffereing from some nasty browser hijacking... half the time you click a hyperlnk, you are taken to some site full of Ads. i installed firefox, thinking that firfow wasnt popular enough amunsst windows users yet for the hijacker to take interest.. but it did..Firefox IS GOOD... but to see it in its full glory you need to see it running on ats FOSS friends ^_^Ohh, someone mentioned GetRight.... you can use these so called download managers with a plugin.thats the idea of firefox... Bloat Free,,, any desired utilites / bloat are added with plugins
  22. Yes... so your script would be somthing like #!/bin/bash#uncomment one of the following.#to delete a set directoryrm /path/to/temp/directory/* -R#to delete a tempory directory given in parameter 1#rm $1 -R i know you are a windows user, and thats a nix script, but this server is running on a nix system. for a windows system, replace "#!/bin/bash" with "@echo off" and "rm" with "del"
  23. you mean IP spoofing ? amungst other things, an IP packet contains a "from address", a "to address" and "data" you need "root" or "super user" access levels, but it is possible to manually construct an ip packet, and lie when you insert the "from address" meaning when your packet is sent, the reciever will think it came from a different place. unless you are planning a DOS attack, you can only forge your address with protocols ICMP, UDP and IGMP. the TCP protocol is a connection protocol, if you forge your from address, the reply to the connection attempt will be sent to the wrong address, the handshake never made, and no connection opened. here's an old example... the orginal Quake server from ID software had a backdoor. the backdoor would follow instructions sent to it from ID software's IP address range over a UDP port. it was possible to send instructions to quake servers, forging the from address to ID software's IP address.
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