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Everything posted by qwijibow
no its hand written ascii art. but still worth a look. but the aalib is great... there's nothing quite like watching a DVD or playing Quake in ascii art. i would love to see KDE running on a super high resolution framebuffer ascii art !
true... HOWEVER.... wait a minute... why is it that wherever i post... you get here and post just before me ? am i stalking you, or are you stalking a future echo of myself ? anyways, back on topic.... there is this delighfull thing called ssh tunneling ! but to bounce the connection off more than one remote machine, you need command line access to it, preferably ssh.... here's how it works.... create an encrypted tunnel from your local mox to a remote machine with the command..... ssh -L 8080:RemoteHost:RemotePort username@RemoteHost this creates a tunnel, so whenever you connect to your OWN machine ( on port 8080, it travels though a tunnel to the remote host on the remote poer.... you could then setup anouther tunnel on the remote machine to a second remote machine, and again and again and again. the traffic you send could be made to travel down a series of different tunnels, bouncing all over the place before it reaches its final destination. but you MUST have a valid login account for each machine, and each machine must have (Open)SSH installed, or PuTTY if its a windows box..
Lol... so mr Admin... what was that rule about posts having to have more than 25 words, and 3 lines ?but yeah... telnet rocks ! did you ever see that telne star wars film ??? i cant remember the URL, but its a telnet server, when you connect, it plays the ENTIRE star wars film in ASCII ART !!!!!
Not exactly.....There used to be a Linux Based Operating System Called "Lindows" L for the linux kernel, and the rest because, well, it was a linux idstibution designed to be identicle to windows (minus the bad parts) anyways, Microsoft got angry, and files a load of lawsuits, and the result... Some countrys found it to be trademark infringment, some didnt. in the countrys it was ruled unlawfull, lindows changed its name to Linspire, in the rest of the world it continued to market itself as Lindows. Lindows promised the benefits of linux with the same interface as windows... all the good stuff with non of the learning.. microsoft didnt like this soooo much, that they paid a great sum of money (cant remember, but it was quite a few million) to linspire, to totally drop the lindows name.
Each of those structures needs to be 1 byte long, if each eliment in the array has a number of bits that does not devide exactly into 8, then bits will be wasted.plus my code allows the user to treat these so called small variables as number variables, not bit arrays.Arrays of small numbers seems easyer and cleaner than an array of arrays of bits.in other words.. no i dont think so.
and if the PHP mail mail() function HAS been dissabled... then you get the chance to show off and get all Zero cool Crash OverRide Acid Burn on their asses everyones faveorite networking tool, telnet. telnet will connect to any tcp port on any plain text service (like smpt ) telnet sends all your keystrokes straight to the server, and echo's all the servers responces to the console. so.. here is how to send anonymous email with telnet. you sendopen smtp_server 25expect to recieve :Trying ???.???.???.???...Connected to ????????.Escape character is '^]'.220 ???????? ESMTP Sendmail ?version-number?; ?date+time+gmtoffset?you sendHELO your_ip_addressexpect to recieve250 ??????? Hello local.domain.name [an_ip], pleased to meet youyou sendMAIL FROM: From@email.addressexpect to recieve250 2.1.0 ??????????... Sender okyou sendRCPT TO: To@email.addressexpect to recieve250 2.1.0 ????????????... Recipient okyou sendDATASubject:-The Subject-The email bodyas many lines as you likethe end of the email body is given by a single '.' on a lline all by itselfalso, note that there has to be a blank line after the subject line..expect to recieve 250 2.0.0 ???????? Message accepted for deliveryyou sendQUIT ofcourse you will have to write this into a gci script.
lol... i was hoping for an "Absolutly Nothin" responce,, u'know. like the song but seriously..... everyy OS has its Pro's and Cons. despite WindowsXP being a mess, and security nightmare, it IS good for newbs.. (untill the newbs have to start following complicated instructions to remove spyware / adware from the registry) but to go into it any deeper might put me back into rant mode. and i try to clearly mark all my rants in the subject title
Brainf*ck - World's Smallest And Hardest Language
qwijibow replied to qwijibow's topic in Programming
You can use memory, but yes you have to move the pointer around yourself. for example, here is a program that will ask you to inpput your name, then it will print out your name... like a "what is your name ?" "Hello Bob" program... TODO: output "what is your name?"Loop round subtracting one untill the current pointer = 0[-]move to the next memory cell The first memory cell must be ZERO>Loop round accepting input untill the user hits returnThe Ascii Code for return is 10so subtract 10 from each input character so the input loop will exit,----------[>,----------]a return character was hit Return to the start of the name by looping backthrough the memory cells untill we hit the zero we put in the first cell<[<]TODO: output "Hello "now loop through the name adding 10 to each memory cell outputting untill we hit the terminating zero>++++++++++.[>++++++++++.]done ! -
Has anyone Ever Programmed In BrainF*ck before ? its not a *REAL* language in the sence that you would never use it to program anything seriouse. but it its very interesting in that it is the smallest complete programming language. in other words, BrainF*ck is Turing Complete !!! in theory, any function can be written using only 8 commands. in brainF these commands are... Command, BrainF Symbol Input , (comma) output . (full stop) Increment + (plus) Decrement - (minus) Left Register < (Smaller Than) Right Register > (bigger than) While Not Zero [ (open square bracket) Loop ] (closed square bracket) all other characters are ignored. its a very hard language to learn !!!!! and insane to de-bug. there are many interpreters out there for those who are interested, ssearch google. here is an example of a few programs written in Brain****. a simple hello world porgram ++++++++[>+++++++++<-]>.<+++++[>++++++<-]>-.+++++++..+++.<++++++++[>>++++<<-]>>.<<++++[>------<-]>.<++++[>++++++<-]>.+++.------.--------.>+. a random number generator. >>>++[ <++++++++[ <[<++>-]>>[>>]+>>+[ -[->>+<<<[<[<<]<+>]>[>[>>]]] <[>>[-]]>[>[-<<]>[<+<]]+<< ]<[>+<-]>>- ]<.[-]>>] this is a brain**** program to generate mandleprot images +++++++++++++[->++>>>+++++>++>+<<<<<<]>>>>>++++++>--->>>>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++[[>>>>>>>>>]+[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>-]+[>>>>>>>>[-]>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>[-]+<<<<<<<+++++[-[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>]>>>>>>>+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>[-]+[>>>>>>[>>>>>>>[-]>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>[-]+<<<<<<++++[-[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>]>>>>>>+<<<<<<+++++++[-[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>]>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>[[-]>>>>>>[>>>>>>>[-<<<<<<+>>>>>>]<<<<<<[->>>>>>+<<+<<<+<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>>>>>[-<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<[->>>>>>>+<<+<<<+<<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>[-<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<[->>>>>>>+<<+<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++[[>>>>>>>>>]+>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>-]+[>+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>->>>>[-<<<<+>>>>]<<<<[->>>>+<<<<<[->>[-<<+>>]<<[->>+>>+<<<<]+>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<<<<<<<<<<]>[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>[-]<->>>>[-<<<<+>[<->-<<<<<<+>>>>>>]<[->+<]>>>>]<<<[->>>+<<<]<+<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>->>>>>[-<<<<<+>>>>>]<<<<<[->>>>>+<<<<<<[->>>[-<<<+>>>]<<<[->>>+>+<<<<]+>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>>[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<<<<<<<<<<<]>>[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<<+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>[-]<->>>>[-<<<<+>[<->-<<<<<<+>>>>>>]<[->+<]>>>>]<<<[->>>+<<<]<+<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>[-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>]>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++[[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<-<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>-]+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>>[-<<<->>>]+<<<[->>>->[-<<<<+>>>>]<<<<[->>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>[-]+>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]>+<]]+>>>>[-<<<<->>>>]+<<<<[->>>>-<[-<<<+>>>]<<<[->>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>[-]+>>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]>[-]+<]]+>[-<[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]<<<<<<<[->+>>>-<<<<]>>>>>>>>>++++++++++++++++++++++++++>>[-<<<<+>>>>]<<<<[->>>>+<<[-]<<]>>[<<<<<<<+<[-<+>>>>+<<[-]]>[-<<[->+>>>-<<<<]>>>]>>>>>>>>>>>>>[>>[-]>[-]>[-]>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>[-]>>>>>>[>>>>>[-<<<<+>>>>]<<<<[->>>>+<<<+<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>[-<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>]>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++[[>>>>>>>>>]+>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>-]+[>+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>->>>>>[-<<<<<+>>>>>]<<<<<[->>>>>+<<<<<<[->>[-<<+>>]<<[->>+>+<<<]+>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<<<<<<<<<<]>[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>[-]<->>>[-<<<+>[<->-<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>]<[->+<]>>>]<<[->>+<<]<+<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>>>[-<<<<<+>>>>>]<<<<<[->>>>>+<<<<+<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>->>>>>[-<<<<<+>>>>>]<<<<<[->>>>>+<<<<<<[->>[-<<+>>]<<[->>+>>+<<<<]+>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<<<<<<<<<<]>[->>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<]<+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>[-]<->>>>[-<<<<+>[<->-<<<<<<+>>>>>>]<[->+<]>>>>]<<<[->>>+<<<]<+<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>[-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>]>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>>[-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>]>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++[[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<-<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>-]+[>>>>>>>>[-<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<[->>>>>>>+<<<<<<+<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>>>[-]>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>+>[-<-<<<<+>>>>>]>[-<<<<<<[->>>>>+<++<<<<]>>>>>[-<<<<<+>>>>>]<->+>]<[->+<]<<<<<[->>>>>+<<<<<]>>>>>>[-]<<<<<<+>>>>[-<<<<->>>>]+<<<<[->>>>->>>>>[>>[-<<->>]+<<[->>->[-<<<+>>>]<<<[->>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>[-]+>>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]>+<]]+>>>[-<<<->>>]+<<<[->>>-<[-<<+>>]<<[->>+<<<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>[-]+>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]>[-]+<]]+>[-<[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>[-<<<<+>>>>]<<<<[->>>>+>>>>>[>+>>[-<<->>]<<[->>+<<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<+<[>[->>>>>+<<<<[->>>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>[->>>+<<<]<]>[->>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>]<<]>[->>>>+<<<[->>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>]<]>[->>>+<<<]<<<<<<<<<<<<]>>>>[-]<<<<]>>>[-<<<+>>>]<<<[->>>+>>>>>>[>+>[-<->]<[->+<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<+<[>[->>>>>+<<<[->>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>[->>>>+<<<<]>]<[->>>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>]<]>>[->>>+<<<<[->>>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>]>]<[->>>>+<<<<]<<<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>+<<<<<<]]>>>>[-<<<<+>>>>]<<<<[->>>>+>>>>>[>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[>[->>>>>+<<<<[->>>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>[->>>+<<<]<]>[->>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>]<<]>[->>>>+<<<[->>>-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>]<]>[->>>+<<<]<<<<<<<<<<<<]]>[-]>>[-]>[-]>>>>>[>>[-]>[-]>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>>>>>[-<<<<+>>>>]<<<<[->>>>+<<<+<]>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++[[>>>>>>>>>]+>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]>[-]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>-]+[>+>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>>[>->>>>[-<<<<+>>>>]<<<<[->>>>+<<<<<[->>[-<<+>>]<<[->>+>+<<<]+>>>>>>>>>]<<<<<<<<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ohh yeah ! lose quality with linux ? you gain quality ! the problem with windows users (as we have just seen) is they have never used any other system. so they dont know any better. the just accept things like.. Rebooting after software or driver install Defragmenting the hard disk Virus Scanning Spy ware Adware Virii Browser Hijacking and having to reinstall windows every year as generat inevitable PC maintenance. they dont realise that Linux / BSD's are soo much better. a few weeks after installing linux, i realised that there were no virus scanners or disk defragmenters anywhere, not on the CD's, not on the internet, i went to linux forums asking about this only to be laughed at.... it never occured to me that over fragmented hard drives, and virii were nothing more than the products of a poorly designed OS. XP, hugh ! What is it good for .... ?
Lol.. is this a joke or are you seriouse ??? Linux, is FREE... free in every sence of the word. Free as in money, Free as in Free Speach, Free as in Freedom to change, Freedom to see and modify the source code. Linux is far more advanced than windowsXP. WIndows XP is still a of a monolithic design. Linux (and all other operating systems) long ago left the monolithic world and entered the modular world. Linux is Virus Free (unless your an idiot) Linux is Stable. Linux follows the standards. All the Best Operating Systems are Free..... NetBSD FreeBSD OpenBSD Linux, and most parts of Mac OSX !!!!!!! Linux can do far more than windowsXP. and as for a demo... See Knoppix Knoppix is a live linux distro, you burn it onto a Cd, boot it, and you get a working Linux Operating System that runs entirely off the CD. there is nothing you can do in windows XP that you cannot do in linux. and there is loads you can do in linux that you cannot do in windowsXP. thats why everyone is raving about Linux.. Its Free.... its stable, its Virus Free, and you NEVER have to defragment the hard dive because linux doesnt butcher your hard disk the way windows does.
The Smallest about of addressable space in a computer is one byte (8 bits) Even if you are using a boolean (True or False) which only needs one Bit, you must assign a whole byte to that variable. in most programs this waste is nothing to worry about. but i recently had to write an artificial intelligence Tic Tac Toe Game. the basic way AI (artificial intelligence works) is by playing the whole game taking every possible combination of every possible moves (minus duplivcate moves) for the example of Tic Tac Toe, there is a Grid of 9 spaces, each space contains either a "O" an "X" or a blank space. You only need 2 bits to represent this data. however, because of the minimal address space, you need to declaire one byte for each space, 9 bytes for each board. and there are thousands of possible moves that need to be loaded into memory. in an exhaustive AI search. there are 9*8X7X6X5X4X3X2 (9!) possible moves... which = 362880 boards * 9 squares... You would NEED 8665920 bytes ! in other words, 8.25 Megabytes ! if it was possible to address individual Bits, then you would only need to use 2 bits of memory per space. no waste. this way you would only need 2 megabytes. In otherwords, In Tic Tac Toe, you NEED 2 megabytes of memory to do an exhaustive game. but because the minimal addresssable space is 1 byte (8 bits) you need to decalire over 8 megabytes. SOOOOOO........... Its had a HUGE buildup.... here it is. Here is a Class written in C++ that allows you to Address memory Bit by Bit. it acts like a normal array with a twist. You Declaire an array of type csmall and specify the number of bits to each so called small variable. and you declaire the length of the array... and it efficinatly stores it in memory. for example..... i need an array to hold days of the week....(0 to 6) to store this range i need a variable with 3 bits and i need to store one of there are each day in a year (365) the class will then create an array of 365 which only occupies 137 bytes of main memory. using a char variable would need 365, or an integer would need even more ! here is an example of you to use the csmall class int main() { // create an array of 14 objects. // where each object holds 3 bits only. csmall mySmall(3,14); // fill the array with data for(int n=0; n<14; n++) { mySmall[n] = n%8; } // print out the array. // the int() function is used to force the char to be printed as a number instead of a character for(int n=0; n<14; n++) { cout << int(mySmall[n]) << endl; } return 0;} and here is the code to this class // This Code is Published under the GNU General Public License// basically, you can do anything with it, EXCEPT take credit for writing it.// also, any program which uses this code, must also be publiched under the GNU General Public Licence.#include<iostream>using namespace std;const int DEFAULT_BITS = 1;const int DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE=1;class csmall {private: int myArraySize; char myBits; char *memory; int oldIndex; char Temp; void smallinit(char bits, int arraysize) { myBits=bits; myArraySize=arraysize; // make room for the array. if ((bits * arraysize) % 8 == 0) { memory = new char[(bits * arraysize) / 8]; } else { memory = new char[((bits * arraysize) / 8) + 1]; } oldIndex=-1; Temp=-1; } char power2(char n) { //function to return 2^n // whats the point in wasting cpu cycles doing the math when we only need 0<n<9 switch(n) { case 1: return -128; case 2: return 64; case 3: return 32; case 4: return 16; case 5: return 8; case 6: return 4; case 7: return 2; case 8: return 1; default: return 0; } } void char2bool(char n, bool *b, char blen) { // convert char n into a bit array b. // use only blen bools in the array. // so we only need to call power2 once for each x char p; if(blen==8) { // converting a whole byte // special case :1st bit is a negative ! dealing with signed chars if(n<0) { n+=128; *(b) = true; } else { *(b) = false; } } // x=(blen==0) a clever way of starting from x=1 if the special case above was executed. for(int x=(blen==8);x<blen;x++) { p=power2(9-blen+x); if(n>=p) { *(b+x) = true; n-=p; } else { *(b+x) = false; } } } char bool2char(bool *b, char blen) { //convert a bool array into a char. //blen = number of bits to convert. char result=0; for(int x=0;x<blen;x++) { if(*(b+x)) { result+=power2(9-blen+x); } } return result; } bool valid(int index) { if(index < 0 || index >= myArraySize) { cout << "csmall: Array out of bounds error. index " << index << endl; return false; } return true; } bool valid(char value, int index) { //minimum value is 0; //maximum value is 2^myBits - 1 char max; //using power2, special case is 7 bits (power2 returns -128 !) if (myBits == 7) { max = 127; } else { max = power2(8-myBits) -1; } return (valid(index) && value <= max); } char GetSet(char value,int index, bool get) { //the get and set functions are similar so ive merged them // if get==true then were getting (and ignoreing the 'value' variable), if get==false then were putting if(!valid(value,index)) { return 0; } // this returns the number stored at this index. // first, calculate the REAL bytes address, int realAddress = ((index * myBits) / 8); // calculate the place within the bool array that our small variable starts. char offset=(index * myBits) % 8; // it is possible that some of the bits from this index overflow // into the next REAL address space, test for this. bool overflow = ((offset + myBits) > 8); // retrieve the byte, and if needed, the overflow byte. bool realChar[16]; char2bool(*(memory + realAddress), &realChar[0], 8); if(overflow) { char2bool(*(memory + realAddress + 1), &realChar[8], 8); } // convert the correct part of the realChar array to a number, and return it. if(get) { return bool2char(&realChar[offset], myBits); } else { //this is the only part Put differs from Get.. (a sign of a well thought out code ?) // convert value into a bool aray bool bvalue[myBits]; char2bool(value,&bvalue[0],myBits); // inject bvalue into the correct part of realChar for (int x=0; x<myBits; x++) { realChar[x + offset] = bvalue[x]; } // convert the first 8 bits of realchar into a byte (and the second 8 bits if an overflow occured) // and insert them into the real char array 'memory' *(memory + realAddress) = bool2char(&realChar[0], 8); if (overflow) { *(memory + realAddress + 1) = bool2char(&realChar[8],8); } // since we are putting, the return value is ignored, but we need to return somthing. return 1; } } char Get(int n) { return GetSet(0,n,true); } void Set(char v, int n) { GetSet(v,n,false); } public: csmall() {smallinit(DEFAULT_BITS, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE); } csmall(char b, int s) { if (b>=1 && b<=7 && s>=1) { smallinit(b,s); } else { smallinit(DEFAULT_BITS, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE); } } ~csmall() { delete[] memory; } char &operator [](int n) { // the problem with this type of access, is we dont know if its being used to // read a variable, or write to it. // so we need to make it return a refernce to a tempory variable, // and monitor any changes to it that were not carried out internally by this class. // was a change made to Temp after the last execution of this function ? // if so, update the array. if(Temp != Get(oldIndex) && Temp != -1 && Temp !=-1) { Set(Temp,oldIndex); } // Get the value requested by the parameter of this function if(Temp!=-1) {Temp = Get(n); } // Remember the index oldIndex = n; // Return a reference to temp. // it might just be read from, it may be written to. // if it is wirtten to, make the change on the next call of this function. return Temp; }}; im quite prowed of this program, if anyone uses it, please let me know what you think.
DirectX ay...... DirectX is good... but i would recomend OpenGL. when chhosing between OpenGL and directX there is no right and wrong. both are very powerfull, both are supported by all major graphics cards, and both give similar results in benchmarking tests. but i would recoment OpenGL for the following reasons... 1)1 find it easyer to learn and use (you may not, this is just a personal opinion) 2) OpenGL is portable. if you write a game in DirectX you are limiting it run Only On MS windows, X-Box and Under emulation for other platforms, which is extremely slow. a Ganme written in open GL can easily be ported to any Operating system. Litterally everything supports OpenGL. Linux is slowly creaping into desktop computers, at the moment linux gamers have a more limited choise of games, if your game will run on windows / Linux in the future you will be opening up your customer base. In addition to OpenGL, have a look into things like SDL. SDL is the next level in portability, games written in OpenGL can be easiily re-coded to run in other operating systems, but if you program in SDL, games can run on multiple platforms without having to tweak the source code, Also... anouther thing OpenGL has got going for it... the GREATEST game programming tutorial website ever...... definatly have a look at this website http://nehe.gamedev.net/ hope you find this usefull.
cool... i first saw the bar after "jamesleon" posted that incoherant post starting with "you are warn"i thought id recieved a warning after pointing somthing out above wow this has gone off topic ! right... easy linux distro's They All come with similar porgrams, programs that are missing can be easily downloaded off the internet. they all use similar versions of KDE, setup in a similar way. things that differe from distro to distro are things like init scripts. redhat follows a list of symbolic links in a runlevel folder in orger of the number in the filename. you edit runlevels by adding or removing links (shortcuts to you windows users) slackware uses a simple script, that tries to run all the init scripts, you controll which ones are actually run by setting them to executable, or not executable. and gentoo uses a unique rc-update way. this is one way in which distro's differ, HOWEVER, each distro has a graphical tool (even one in KDE) to edit these runlevels / init scripts, the newbie linux user will never touh these init scripts, so as far as ease of use goes, this doesnt matter. anouther way in which the distro's differ are the package management systems, every linux user will use these at one point ot anouther. so in my opinion, this is what it all boils down too on userfrienlyness. how easy is it to install, or uninstall a program. Plain RPM's with redhat-config-package is very easy. it solves dependeny's asks you to inserts disk 1,2 or 3, and does everything in a nice graphical environment. however this is limited to the software on the disk. if the user strays onto the interned downloading rpm's dependency's can arise, incompatable versions, etc etc. there are tools to fix this, like YUM, APG-GET, but they can be scary to a new linux user. some people have never been exposed to a command line before. personally, i like Emerge in gentoo. its easy to learn, aito solves dependency's auto downloads all the programs, and has the laregts depositry in the linux distro world... almost anything you could possibly want to install is in the gentoo portage tree. however, gentoo installs from source, which takes a while. and gentoo has no install program, you need a system like knoppix to build gentoo. which is way too hard. the perfect Linux system for a newbie, would have Mandrake's Installer, Gentoo's Portage Except with Binary programs instead of source code. Redhats package config tool adapted for Portage. no wait... i changed my mind.... the most easy Linux distro is Linspire (formally lindows) Linspire has non of the flexability of linux.... but you can install and un-install porgrams from a graphical web page. and even the most technophobe can learn to use a web browser right ?
well yeah of course.... i didnt word that too well... i meant to say that Gbrowser will be built on the same framework / Engine as firefox. but while everyone here knows of firefox, very few know about Geko.
Linux Help Linux Networking Help
qwijibow replied to neeki4444's topic in Websites and Web Designing
well, the iptables manual has everything you need to know about firewalls.the snort homepage (snort.org) has tons of great documentation. and rsync's homepage is great too. manpages and homepages are always the best places to go. -
so im the only one who's serverely dissapointed with what windows is promising for longhorn ?they dropped WinFS support for the release date.but even when WinFS is integrated, winFS is still just anouther layer running on not of NTFS.ive used EXT2 EXT3 XFS JFS REISERFS FAT32 and NTFS.microsofts contributions FAT32 and NTFS were by far the worst out of all of them.why doesnt Micorosoft write support for a decent file system ?they could just take it ffrom the BSD kernel like they did the TCP stack.
Linux Help Linux Networking Help
qwijibow replied to neeki4444's topic in Websites and Web Designing
a LAN is a network of computers plugged up together.you dont adminiter a lan, you administer services on the lan. so what are you looking for help with ? Web Http Apache Server ? FTP server ? Network Filesystem / filesshareing ? Printer Shareing ? Authentication ? Firewalling ? Snort ( NIDS ) ? Rsync ? Cluster COmputing ? Distributed Compiling ? on the topic as wide as adminiistering a LAN you could fill a bookshelf. -
GBrowsers is Based on the Firefox Framework.im curiouse as to how they are going to improve on it ? when i first heard about it, i assumed it was going to be a brand new from scratch browser. More choice is almost always a good thing, but firefox got some fretty big boots to fill.
Yeah..... The Linux community is full of hackers... its written by hackers like Linus. and yes, hackers use linux because the source code is available. you are probably confusing the meaning of hackers with "The Plague" from the film hackers ? Although i would say SuSE is a poor choise for hackers... Linux From scratch or Gentoo.. or maybe SLackware for those into hacking. note: Hackers in the Computer sence of the word (not the paranoid american hollywood sence) are people who code... code kernels program or whatever.. a correct definition writen by a computer literate person. a definition written by an idiot. whoever wronte this obviously has no understanding of the word internet.
CGI hackability. and the lack of use of JAVA ?
qwijibow replied to qwijibow's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Possibly.ive not seem much support for it on Hosts though,,, or maybe its just not advertised as much as CGI.computer security... what a nightmare ! -
lol.. i do... and it isnt.it should be !... but it isnt..
its been a long time since i used window maker.... what kind of transparency are you talking about ? if its emulated / pretend / software transparency then sorry, i dont know. but if you are tlaking about Real Hardware Accelerated Transparency with all the Alpha Blending... (looks AMASING !!!!) then the likely solution is an out of date X server or misconfigured X server. you need to have Xorg-6.8 and xcompmgr installed, and xcompmgr listed as an extension in /etc/X11/xorg.conf beware this feature of X is consitered under testing, and may on occasion leave an artifact or two on your screen.