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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. They dont want to convert the world... its just an opinion / general advice.Personally, i like the way that the Linux community is small, and has a great ratio of expert hackers to newbs.Peronally, im very very greatfull that someone surgested Linux to me dureing a general rant about windows stability on a windows forum... i followed the advice, never went back.its more of a Spread the word, let people know there is a choise, and they dont have to chose spyware, virus scanners, disk defragmenting and re-boots.
  2. Yes, they Lied.... Linux Machines will run indefinatly. you only need to shut them down to channge hardware... However.. one flaw with Linux, is that its uptime counter will only count for about 4 years, then re-set's to zero. so there are no proofs of linux machines running for over 4 years without a re-boot. Nobody knows how long a Linux machine will run without a reboot... after 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 years people need a new kernel to take advantage of new versions of web servers. or after 8 years, processor technology has advanced a LOT, and people want to upgrade. infact, if motherboards support it, You can take PCI cards out of a running linux box, and put other PCI cards in without a re-boot. ask people on a linux forum about there greatest uptime, and why they had to reboot. nobody ever says they needed to re-boot because of a crash, or memory leak. its always a hardware requirement. Have a look at the internet's top 50 Uptimes.... https://www.netcraft.com/monitoring-services/ ALL of them, UNIX varients... where's windows... nowhere to be seen, suck on that !
  3. lol.So you formated you disk and installed software without checking the hardware compatability..this is NEVER a good idea.always read minimum system requirements !the sound thing is in the control panel. under "sound"and its true that not all wireless cards are supported under linux,bet taking 2 minutes to read a hardware compatability list or look it up is worth a virus, spyware, adware, popup, crahing, rebooting free lifeOk guys and gurls... the lesson is... READ the compatability list, THEN switch ^_^or try the MAC... i like the BSD thing, but i dont like the mac hardware...the mac is just too muh of a fashon accessory.plus my mac using friends consider themselves "enlightened" for using the MAC.. yeah, lamo.
  4. like i said earlyer, you cannot take price into account if you are planning on stealing it. if its pre-installed, then its proce was added to the price of the computer. windows IS the most expensive home PC operating system available.
  5. Well.. if your going to steal it, everything is cheap !you cant claim a BMW is cheaper than a push bike because you know how to hotwire. and just necause windows is PRE installed, does not mean you didnt ppay for it. Linux users can usually return there windows install CD after clicking "I DO NOT AGREE TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS" for a refund after buying a new pc. like i said earlyer.... i dont know about where you shop, but in england, shops like Game sell Windows Games... some of which will run on Linux native, or Linux Wine.. but ive never seen a MAC section.
  6. Newb friendly Commercial Linux distro's... Xandros and Linspire and SuSE (xandros or suSE being my fave of the 3).Newb fiendly Free and totally open distro's.. SuSE and Mandrake (suSE being my fave of the 2)and no thats not a typo... SuSE have a free version, and a commercial version...however for home use, stick with the free version if your going for SuSE.
  7. Ive just read this open letter... http://www.networkworld.com/category/opensource-subnet/ I like it because its all facts, no opiniobs given without references to fackts to back them up. it also decodes Microsoft's get the facts compain that attempts to confuse you with correct, yet irelivant figures... example... number of securety alters from windows in a year = 70 somthing. number of securety alerts from RHE = just over 100. looks bad, but then they point out that how for windows, they are just alerting you about securety holes in the kernel, and internet explorer... however for linux, the alerts are the the Kenrnel, Mozzilla web browser, Konqueror web browser, Firefox web browser, Mplayer DVD player, XINE vd player, KOffice, OpenOffice, the GIMP, several CD bruning utilities, several multimedia tools, and most importantly... APACHE web server... the securety holes in Ms's web server alone would double MS's alert count. basically, 6 CD's full of software, often, several porgrams for each task, like web browsing or DVD viewing. The only thing I dissagree with, is for Gamers... Gamers should switch to PlayStation or Xbox... every1 else should switch to Linux... other than that, i think its a good letter. what do you guys think ?
  8. Windows... Cheap..... its the most expensive OS available, you could Buy a PlayStayion2 for the price of WindowsXP
  9. really ?ive not seen any Unreal Tournament 200X for Mac avaiable on shops... but i have for Linux... Also, Doom3... first there was the windows verrsion.. then at the same time the windows got its first patch, the linux version was released.... and where is Doom 3 for the mac ? plus, linux/Unix has Wine.
  10. to a much smaller degree, yes. for example, you could recompile a porgram on a binary distro, but you connot compile the base libraries that the aplications relie on without recompiling all programs which depend on them. its a bit of an all or nothing... well.. all a a little bit. kind of situation.
  11. Linux is the second best gaming OS behind windows.. where as windows is the worst OS for securety behind every other OS ever vreated in the entire history of times.. do the math....
  12. no help here.. just a surgestion.Operating systems use a "Key Map".it tells the OS keys on the keyboard return what ASCII codes.do the greek letters have ascii codes ?for your idea or mine to work they will have to.anyways, why not create some new keymap files ?and a program to switch in and out the origonal key map, withyour hacked keymap ?Your keylogging idea is good, but will waste cpu, and showup as spyware on some scanners.
  13. Gentoo actually different to the vanilla linux gernel. its patched quite agressivly for speed. anyways, for speed, i also recomed running a "pre-link" on your system. normally, when you run a program, then program and all the shares objects it depends on are loaded, then have to be linked together in memory. prelinking keeps a database of how to link what programs to what shared objects, reducing link time to almost zero. some larger programs like KDE use half of there startup time linking. also, in KDE, a program called KdeInit is used to link programs and libraries, after pre-linking your system, set prelinked=yes in the config file, and kde nolonger needs to run kdeInit.
  14. if you have a very very small network, you can use manually assigned IP addresses, and yes, change them.however on normal networks, a DHCP server sets your IP address.in this case, to change your IP, you need to own the DHCP server.on the internet, the DHCP server is owned by your ISP.they MAY keep your IP static, but they dont have to...usually, they will assign you whatever ip address is free when you connect ot the internet... so dissconecing your cable modem (unplugging from power) and then re-starting it means your ISP's DHCP server MAY give you a different IP.. however iyou have no controll over what IP they assign you.and if your IP is blocked by some online server, use a PROXIE !!!i hereby declair this thread, and infomration contained therein, obsolite.
  15. Portage and apt-get are completely different !apt-get downlods a pre compiled program and its dependency's and installs them.their are a limited number of programs which can be compiled by apt-get.but its an okay system.Portage rocks...there is a limited number of programs it can install... but ive never ever ever found a porgram that cannot be installed by portage.when you first setup Gentoo, before you start emergeing anything (emerge is the interface to portage) you have to setup 2 things.. USE flags, and a compile optionsin the compile options, you set some compiler optimisations. for example i have CFLAGS="-Os -march=athlon -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"this means anything i install on my computer will be optimised for the AMD athlon to such a degree, the porgrams wont work on other CPU's like penntiums.-Os is an optimisation class.. it will use all speed optimisations that do not significantly increace the size of the binary, and also some size optimisations that will not decreace the speed of the binary.there is an instruction manual, its all quite simple to choose optimisation flags.and now.. the USE flags... possably the most important part of gentoo.first, a little background...when you compile a program from source code, their are dependency's and optional dependency's.behavior on option dependency's is as follows.. if the option delendency is installed.... use that dependency... whih means the program is compiled, and linked againsed as many other programs as it is programmed for.this make more functional programs... but makes them larger, and slower.with use flags, you control what libraries a program is linked againsed.so none of your porograms are linked and compiled againsed libraries that would give them a functionality you do not need.here's an example.... you have a digital camera, but you do not have a scanner..you want to install a graphics program that can load images from camera's and scanners..if you install from a pre-compiled binary, the person who compiled it will have compiled the program to be capable of scanners and camera's.. meaning that as a dependency's you will also have to install scanner support, even though you dont have one.this doesnt sound like much of a porblem... and it isnt in multimedia programs.... but in other high performance areas, it makes porgrams less bloated, load and run faster.ALSO, by using Gentoo, you can install the Gentoo kernel... its a linux kernel tweaked for desktop performance.gentoo, if properly configured and compiled is lignhting fast...because it has specific to your machine optimisations, and no fat, its the fastest distro available (apart from linux from scratch)the dissadvantage of compiling from source, is time.for example, installing a binary kernel takes seconds after its downloaded.after a source code kernel is downloaded, it will have a further 15 minute to compile it on a 1.3Ghz athlon machine.Gentoo... the second hardist distro to install...the second fastest, when (compiled properly)
  16. I Disagree with the gentoo definition. i consider Portage to be one of the most powerfull package management systems of any Linux Distro.Not only does portage solve dependency's, it allows compiler optimisation, and allows you to choose what programs are linked againsed what libraries.The Gentoo Package management is so powerfull, a simple "emerge --sync && emerge --update world" will update your system to the latest available.all other Linux distro's require you to download new versions, re-format and re-install for major upgrades like fedora core2 to fedora core3.
  17. I assume you are using a Microsoft Operating System then ?i recomend the following...1) use firefox2) use Adaware Adware remover (free for 6 months)3) use AVG anti-virus (free for home use)4) Only Use Open Source P2P file shareing programs is any.5) dont install shareware, or freeeware.
  18. The arguemt here is between what OS is BETTER, and what OS is more SUITED to a given person... you may count this as the same thing, i dont. if you just use a computer for the internet and email, then use whatever OS your machine came preinstalled with (most likely windows) however.. just because Windows3.1 is more suited to someone who bought an old PC, and uses it as a persolal diary / recipe book / email, because the guy doesnt know how to reinstall a diffrernt OS, it doesnt mean that windows3.1 is the BEST OS, just more convinent. The BEST OS for games is Windows. the BEST OS for securety is OpenBSD the BEST OS for portabbility is NetBSD the BEST OS for servers would be one FreeBSD / Solaris i think Linux is a good middle ground.. its not the Best of anything (except maybe community) but it is very good at everything. So while I agree there is no Single Best OS for everything... some OS are clearly better than others.
  19. i disagree.... i believe how good an OS is can be measured by factors like... the amount of time it takes a user to perform a common task, how efficiantly the OS uses the hardware, how often a user is inconvinienced by the OS.. for example, Virii, and disk defragmenting and spyware in windows, and how servere the inconvininces are. You say you like XP because you can tweak the registry to make it run the way you want.. ? Other operating systems have that and more, Most modern Operating systems will allow you to tweak souce code, alter compile optimisations, and change what libraries what programs are compiled againsed, givingan unlimited amount of customisability. MS windows wins on tests like having more native commercial games. OpenBSD has achieved GODLIKE status on securety, and will NEVER be beaten. NetBSD is INSANELY portable... no other OS will be as portable ever ! Linux is an excelent middleground... ulike OpenBSD it cant claim almost 10 years since the last bug was discovered, but it is very very secure. its game support is getting alot better, ive been running linux for 3 yeears... its as fast now as the first day it was installed, disk fragmentation is less than 1%, ive never got any virii, or spyware or adware, never had to re-install... no virus scanners, no nothing. install once, zero maintenance.
  20. whats so wrong with the name "GNU/Linux" ? its an Operating system built from GNU libraries and compilers, and it runs on a kernel called Linux. ive heared arguments that it should be called "Linux/GNU" but its nothing to worry about. http://www.gnu.org/gnu/why-gnu-linux.html
  21. Its a good test if it manages to crash some browsers,however i dont consider firefox weak from becoming unresponsive from running such a cpu consuming script.its just like testing OS's with a program likeint main() { char *X while(true) { X = new char[1024]; ) return 0;}
  22. This woulnt actually kick in untill the Operating system is loaded, so its fedinatly not going to fix the boot problem. however his lack of reply surgests he has taken the advice of using a bootable cd to install rather than a bootable floppy. or atleast thats what im assuming
  23. Whats exciting about Linux, is its up and comming.. its becomming more accepted on desktop, and more games are being ported to linux. some games even ship with a linux installer, which was unheared of last year. ive been using linux for years, but every now and again, i stumble across something i never knew linux could to , for example with the masaic kernel, you have have some computers on your LAN (anywhere between 2 and 1000) and they all act as one cluster computer... Log in to any machine anywhere, and if you use all the CPU power, then the other machines on the lan start lending you CPU power. this isnt just distributed computing like SETI at home... the other machines DONT EVEN have to have the same software installed to boos the computer power. more and more and more people are setting up LAN's at home.. since most of the time your CPU power is under 5% the computers shareing this make every PC so much more powerfull, even if someone is using every computer. how many years will it be before windows can do this ? oops.. im way of topic.. i was going to make the point about how 80% of gamers have a playstaion2 for the gaming comunity... and 64% of all statistics are made up on the spot... ohh well..
  24. ps isn't "windows security" an oxymoron? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that and "Microsoft works" ( i think MS works was a personal money managing software suite... never used it myself)
  25. IDIOT !!!!! isnt it sods law that the second you give up, shutdown the computer, turn all the lights in the house off, put away your notes, brush your teeth, get undressed and into bed... the second you stop thinking about the problem and start thinking about gurls.. the asnwer comes to you !!!! i forgot to give the template a dataType ! template<class dataType> cllist::cllist() { init();}SHOULD be template<class dataType> cllist<dataType>::cllist() { init();}
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