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  1. Most Catholics will tell you they are Catholic before they will tell you they are Christian. If you ask a Catholic what his religion is, he will most likely say, "I'm Catholic."If on the other hand you ask him if he is Christian, he will say, something like "Yes, I'm Catholic." It's unbelievable how many times this little hypothesis seems to have worked. Anyway, my point is that Christian people do not, to the best of my knowledge, alienate the Catholic Church - the Catholic Church seems to distinguish itself from the rest.PSI was raised Catholic
  2. so what happens when the list is already sorted to start with?
  3. Some are more crackable than others though.
  4. I think the Ranking idea can work well if people know who is rating their responses, it keeps everyone accountable. Also I agree with pbolduc on the idea of giving negative ratings to people who repeatedly provide false code information. If you are unsure that your code is not valid please don't post it. If you repeatedly post it and waste other people's time, then you should be rated negatively,If you can't be bothered to (or don't have the resources to) test the code, then please add a caveat which says code has not been tested (although this might be abused but sometimes, let's say you pull out a script in MSDOS from 5 years back which was run on Windows 98 but you now run XP which does not always allow you to run batch files in Windows, I think its nice to add a line that says, although I know this works when I wrote it, I have not tested it recently and so cannot guarantee that it will work on your system).
  5. Not too surprising, though amusing. I remember when the news came out that they were using Firefox at Microsoft, they did not categorically deny it, just said they would not comment on it.I would use cracked software for evaluation purposes too if I had a deadline and did not have the licence ready, but then I am not a multi-billion dollar company. Nowadays, however, you really can't tell anymore what people will do.
  6. Right now I have figured a way to use Visual Studio or Mac's BBEdit to code in Unix environment for clients requiring that. I just Mount my afs unix space using a terminal emulator like SecureCRT and then save my work in the Unix environment. I have the IDE open in one window and the terminal emulator open in another. I code in one and compile remotely in another. That way (especially when I use Visual Studio.Net) I get to see the tutorials that come while you type. I have set up my computer which uses a GeForce card capable of supporting two monitors so that my IDE is open in one window and the terminal emulator is open in the other. So type in the left monitor, Alt+Tab to set focus to the terminal emulator window and compile in the right monitor. So fast, I'm loving it.
  7. I only design part time to stash my pocket for school.to varsoft, what exactly are you interested in. usually you can get the info by using Google.
  8. I haven't seen too much of this but Apple has continued to prove its prowess as a designer of classy consumer computer electronics and if that is anything to go by then I expect the Mini Mac to be a success.
  9. If you were using Perl you could use: if( $email =~ m{\b(([\w._-]+)\@([\w._-]+))}) { //code follows here} For more about Regular Expressions, visit http://www.regular-expressions.info/. Great Site
  10. Take C first if you have time to take both. It makes you appreciate the computer both in the software and hardware regard. If you have time for only one, I think you should take Java. its simpler, object oriented although slower.
  11. I think Eclipse is a fabulous IDE, perhaps the best freeware one out there. Its GUI designers are solid and are not too difficult to pick up. I got introduced to it not too long ago but I love the JBUilder. Another facility that I have taken to is the JUnit unit testing facility. For those of you who don't know what the JUnit testing facility is, it allows you to write out a series of testcases (normally asserts) which run everytime you compile in debug mode. There's nothing more joyous than when that red light which signifies errors turns green.
  12. Photoshop CS is great. I haven't used Paint Shop Pro but honestly, I don't see why I should leave Photoshop since it performs all the tasks I need it to.
  13. I start off with Google. Almost always and then check out the top ranking pages. w3schools.com is cool though.
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