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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. i have a drive whuich will read and write to all currebntly available cd and dvd formats.however windows thinks it is limited to writing cd's only.the writer writes dvd's fine under linux.in windows, i have used to hardware manager to dissable the network card.i want to use windows ONLY for newbie DVD authoring..i cant be bothered with service packs, virii, spyware, spyware removers adware removers, vitrius scanners and all that rubbish...so by my logic... no internet connection... no porblems (at least where windows is concerned)so i cannt use windows update.i am assuming this is a driver bug... am i correct ?any idea on how to correct it ?it doesnt matter if windowsXP cannot write DVD'si just need it to make DVD iso's (which is dissabled because it doesnt think i have a dvd writer)i can burn the dvd's under linux if i hae to.thanks for any ideas.
  2. I do have an old very very slow 6gig disk i could install windows to, but od ather not use it. (its very noisy)even when i attempt to install windowsXP to a seperate hard disk (with no partitons) it STILL wants me to format linux first.. fortunatly i can get round this by un-plugging the linux disk untill windows is installed.seriously !!windows is such a b1tch !i cant believe that its not programmed to seek and desktroy all non MS OS'sif im installing to a 6gig unformated disk... why on earth would it need to format my spererate 80gig linux disk.anyways, thanks for the idea, i will try qt-parted.someone else sursted using grub to hide the linux partitons, then boot the windows install CD.but the patches for grub booting a cd are labeled extremely experimental...
  3. okay.. ive given up on Linux's professional dvd authoring software... i cant get my head round it.its too powerfull for my basic needs, and im not an AV expert.. all the multiplexing is driving me mad.i got a simple tool that got bundles with my dvd-writer, its very simple.. but it does what i need.the free version of wine is having troubkle running it.so.... i need to install windows.my partiton table looks like so....Partiton1: Type = Linux, Filesystem=reiserfs size=60GB mount point = /Partiton2: Type = Linux Swap, Filesystem=swapFS, size=1GB, mount point = nonePartiton3: Type = Linux, Filesystem=reiserfs, size=7Gb, mount point / home/chrisPartition4: Type = fat32 Filesystem=not yet formatted, size=13GBhowever windowsXP detect only the last one correctly, all other as "unknown" which is to be expected.ANYWAYS....i boot the windows XP install disk, and select to install windows to partiton4.Windows then tells me, that in order to install to partiton4, it needs to format partiton1 (my 60Gb, linux root partiton !!!)why ?? i have no idea !!!partiton 2 is just swap space, i dont mind formating that.it also wouldnt kill me to backup partiton3 (my home directory)but backing up my root partiton will be very very very annoying !!!first off.. why does winows need to uninstall linux before it can install to a completely seperate partiton ?and how do i get around this ???there is no real need to format an unrelated partiton,, smells like ms is just trying to destroy the competition to me!after this failed attempt (when i quit out before doing anything) windows had corruptedthe boot loader, AND my partiton table. knoppix to the rescue :Panyways.. before i rant too much about you know what... does anyone have any idea's ?
  4. WOW !!!ive ordered mine...one x86 cdrom, and 1 AMD-64 cdrom.This is the difference between the greatest OS in the world.. and the rest.they will send you a free OS, for free.and i thought giving away free downloads was great.
  5. Yeah,, you can stop a fusion ractor by turning off the magnets or lasers (yep, som fusion reacotrs use lasers to compress the plasma.with the confinment mechanish tunred off, there would be a sudden loss of pressure and heat... and the plasma would partially vaporise the inside of the reacrot, contaminating the plasma and making it even worse.remember... we have managed to get fusion working thats easy !the hard part is getting the reactor to output more energy than it needs to keep the plasma compressed under high pressure.if i remember correctly, they managed to make it output more power than it was consuming twice.... once for 1 second, outputting enough energy to run a few hundred houses.. then a decade later for 4 seconds, enough to run a citywith fission, once it gets to critical mass,your dead...with fusion, even when its going, its very difficult to keep it going.did anyone watch that program about cold fusion on "horizon" (a Birittish program)one scientist who claims he can do it... and the est of the world repeating his experiments, and detecting only background neutrons.has anyone studdied physics at college level or higher education ???for fusuion to work, you need to overcome electro static repulsion.. which is insaely powerfull force.particle accelerators can do it... so can the sun at several million degree's kelvin.i cant see it working a room tempreture.
  6. For UK see web-systems.co.ukespecially if you live in nottingham (pick up yourself and save on postage)very cheap and excellent customer service.the staff know what there walking about... you can ask them anything.
  7. I never buy state of the art graphics cards. they are wlaways way too expensive.who needs dual Nvidia 68000 pci-Express cards, when a single Agp8 nvidia 5700 will run the latest games for a 5th of the price ?you always get better value when you buy the second newest hardware.because i never have the latest graphics card, i dont worry about how the latest nvidia and latest ATI card is slightly better, instead i go by things like the drivers. And i have to say the nvidia drivers are far better than ATI's especially for us *nix guys.
  8. no, windows update is staying... but you will no be allowed to update your MS product if you are running them from *nix.
  9. Microsofts anouncement... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Wine mailing list post on the topic http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Basically, whats happening, is MS is starting a new anti-piracy program. from this summer and onwards to download updates from microsoft you will have to validate your procuct ID key. this will bo done automatically by activeX or some other program. HOWEVER... the wine developers have found that one of the checks that the authentication does, is for the presence of wine.. it if finds it, it quits and refuss you access to updates. So for example if i use FreeBSD, and pay for a legal copy of MS-Office, i would not be allowed to access to product uppdates. is this legal ?
  10. What country are you in ?in england, 1 can of redbull has about the same amount of caffine as a strong coffee.
  11. Do they have "Tesco" supermarkets outside of europe ?? probably... anyways, tesco sell a cheap version of "Red Bull" called kick. even more caffine, even more of those brain vitamins. 1 litre costs ÂŁ1 and supplies 2000% your recomended daily allowance of vitamin (either B or D, i forget) However after the caffine wears off, well, its not pretty. as for coffeee, try to drink real coffe (not granulated) real coffee has more caffine, and has many more anti-oxidant's (which if i remember correctly help reduce the risk of cancer) I dont believe in power naps. Lets say i finish coursework at 6am, and i have a lecture at 9am. if i spend the 3 spare hours having a good breakfast and a shower, i feel much better than i would if i spent the time sleeping. EDIT: i know what you mean !!! at the end of my final year of college, 2 weeks before course work was due in, i caught a flu, i was unable to work, and because of deadlines i was unable to get an extension. i had to do 2 weeks of work in 5 days, ontop of normal college lessons. i had no sleep sunday night. 2 hours sleep monday night, 4 hours sleep tuesday night 2 hours sleep wednesday night. and no sleep thursday night. my last lesson on friday was very very very bad. first, i found that my hearning went... i could hear the noise... but i wasnt understanding the words and i started to get tunnel vision if i stoped moving my eyes.... when from the overhead projector, the boarders faded to black.. and field of vision kept shrinking, untill i couldnt see anything. i knew i was in a maths lesson, i knew my eyes were open, but i was asleep. it wasnt plleasent. when i got home, i watched "the Simpsons" from 6pm to 7pm, went to bed, and didnt wake up untill 6pm the next day (just in time for the simpsons) its very confusing waking up an hour before you went to bed. lol.
  12. Most computers support AGP modes called "Fast Writes" and "Side Band Addressing". i wont go into detail about what they are, its way too confusing. but whats important about them is 1) they are dissabled by default . 2) dissableing them causes a noticable drop in 3d graphics performance. The reason they do this, is because some chipsets (some versions of VIA for example) become very unstable and crash when FastWirites are enabled. this is rare... but, but defaulting to off, willsave Nvidia alot of money on the customer support side of things. But many of you Nvidia users out there have hardware which is Stable with FastWrites and SBA,,but you are not using it. FIRSTLY... before you go on, make sure that you have a rescue disk, AND you know how to use it, just incase your system is one of the few unstable chipsets. if you are unlucky enough to have an unstable chipset, you will need to boot the rescue disk, and edit a config file to resore your system to default... but more on that later. to find out if your system is capable of SBA and FastWrites run the following 2 commands... cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/host-bridgecat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/card both commands MUST report that SBA and fastWrites are "Supported" example output if your Host Bridge reports "Not supported" then you may need to enables it in your system Bios,, or update your bios... Otherwise, your system isnt capable of this performance tweak. Now.. lets have a look at the current status of SBA and Fast Writes.. run the code bash-2.05b$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status here is some example output... Your SBA might already be enabled... but your Fast Wirtes Will be Disabled. (if they are enabled... then this tweak has already been carried, possably by your distro vendor) So far..... you have seen alot of code, lots of quotes and yet not actually done anything. the tweak is surprisingly simple.. make a backup of the file "/etc/modules.d/nvidia" mv /etc/modules.d/nvidia /etc/modules.d/nvidia.backuptouch /etc/modules.d/nvidia now open up the file /etc/modules.d/nvidia and add these lines. now reboot. if your computer starts hard crashing shortly after the graphical user interface starts up, then boot your rescue disk, delete the file /etc/modules.d/nvidia and replace with the backup. after a sucessfull rebott, check to see if FastWirtes was correctly enabled. by having anouther look at the following output... bash-2.05b$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status now run your fave game on my AMD64 3400+ and GeForce FX 5700LE this cuased a coonsiderable increace in performance on Ut2004 and other 1s person shooters.
  13. when people say linux never crashes, they are generally talking about there own experiance. it would be an insane claim to say that linux, or any os for that matter to be perfect.
  14. does anyone know of any professional benchmarking software that will calculate a reconised measurement like mips or flops ?
  15. qwijibow

    Rip Microsoft?

    Plus.. its not done by default... but you can mount your home directory with the option "noexec" which means nothing on your home directory is allowed to run / execute.an email spreaded virus couldn even run.
  16. qwijibow

    Rip Microsoft?

    Ms thrives of a lack of choise. your computer comes with windows pre-installed.and even if you format your disk and install a different OS, you have already booted the computer once to test it, and click "i agree" destroying any chance of a refund.my first computer didnt use Windows, but i paid for it, it was bundled.now i build my own computer from parts, much cheaper, no bundles software.imagine a shop that sells PC's, and asks its customers if they want Ms Windows or a free alternative like BSD or Linux.imagine the customer is a computer newbie, and has not heard the buzzword Microsoft.and remember, linux has been pre-installed, so you dont need to worry about compatability.the customer asks the difference between Linux and Windows...Windows will cost you more, Linux is free.Windows has bundled software like office and nero, which will cost even more, linux bundles software like Openoffice and k3b which is Free.Windows will need its hard drive defragmenting every month.Linux requires no maintenance.Windows will need a virus scanner, you need to update it every week, and run a scan of your hard disk.There is no threat of virii in linux.windows requires a high speed internet connection for its automatic update's.windows will need to be completely re-installed every 6moths to a year to keep it running smoothly..linux requires no maintenance.support for games is better in windows.... but you probably have a playstation :Pi wonder what all the guys who want a computer for the internet and email and writing up letters would choose.
  17. on my motherboard, gnu/linux (gentoo) was detecting my system specs VERY inacuratly. the CPU tempreture was -110 degrees, and the detected voltages should have fried my motherboard. this tutorial may only be of use for people with an identicle motherboard, there may be nobody here with this hardware, but last time i looked, google returned no hits on my queries, maybe google will find this page for other linuxers using similar hardware. here is how i got it working accuratly. i am using a Chaintech VNF3-250 motherboard (nforce 3 chipset, amd64 cpu) however this may be usefull for all computers with the latest chip from ITE (the it8712F) this chip is commonly used as a tepreture voltage and fan speed controller. you need to load the following drivers.. modprobe it87modprobe i2c_sensormodprobe i2c_isa different distro's use different methods to auto load modules dureing starup. if you dont know how to do this for your distro, just add the above 3 lies to your /etc/init.d/ local script somtimes called "local" sometimes called "rc.local" "find /etc/ | grep local" should find it. now you need to install lm_sensors. again, each distro has a differen way to to this, some may have rpm's on your install cd's, gentoo requires you to run "emerge lm-sensors", and som may require you to compile it yourself. here is the lm_sensors homepage http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ run the program "sensors-detect" and when asked questions, simply answer with the default by hitting return. read the output, it will give the details of any sensor hardware it finds. remember, i am using it8712F, however this example may also work for any it87* chips. for non it87* chips, this tutorial use useless. now run the following code sensors -ssensors is the output believeable ? the default configureation for my motherboard was far off, detecting my cpu below freezing. here is an example of good output it87-isa-0290Adapter: ISA adapterVCore 1: +1.12 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) VCore 2: +2.58 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) +3.3V: +3.36 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) +5V: +5.13 V (min = +6.85 V, max = +6.85 V) +12V: +12.29 V (min = +16.32 V, max = +16.32 V) -12V: -12.49 V (min = +3.93 V, max = +3.93 V) -5V: -6.57 V (min = +4.03 V, max = +4.03 V) Stdby: +2.53 V (min = +6.85 V, max = +6.85 V) VBat: +2.69 Vfan1: 3375 RPM (min = 0 RPM, div = 8)CPU Temp: +36 C (low = -1 C, high = -1 C) sensor = diodeSystem Temp: +27 C (low = -1 C, high = -1 C) sensor = thermistor[code]if the default onfigureation works for you then skip the next part.if like me, the default onfigureation is way off, try this...[code]#make a backupmv /etc/sensors.conf /etc/sensors.conf.backuptouch /etc/sensors.conf open up /etc/sensors.conf, and add the following confureation file. chip "it87-*" label in0 "VCore 1" label in1 "VCore 2" label in2 "+3.3V" label in3 "+5V" label in4 "+12V" label in5 "-12V" label in6 "-5V" label in7 "Stdby" label in8 "VBat" set in0_min 1.5 * 0.95 set in0_max 1.5 * 1.05 set in1_min 2.4 set in1_max 2.6 set in2_min 3.3 * 0.95 set in2_max 3.3 * 1.05 set in3_min 5.0 * 0.95 set in3_max 5.0 * 1.05 set in4_min 12 * 0.95 set in4_max 12 * 1.05 set in5_max -12 * 0.95 set in5_min -12 * 1.05 set in6_max -5 * 0.95 set in6_min -5 * 1.05 set in7_min 5 * 0.95 set in7_max 5 * 1.05 ignore vid compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1) compute in4 ((30/10) +1)*@ , @/((30/10) +1) compute in5 (7.67 * @) - 27.36 , (@ + 27.36) / 7.67 compute in6 (4.33 * @) - 13.64 , (@ + 13.64) / 4.33 compute in7 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1) label temp1 "CPU Temp" set temp1_over 60 set temp1_low 15 label temp2 "System Temp" set temp2_over 45 set temp2_low 15 ignore temp3# label temp3 "Temp3"# set temp3_over 45# set temp3_low 15# Fans set fan1_min 3000# set fan2_min 3000 ignore fan2 ignore fan3# set fan3_min 3000 now re-run sensors -ssensors hopefully, this should give a more accurate reading for this motherboard / chip. the only thing left to do, is install a nice graphical display that can wars you, or shutdown the computer if it gets too hot, or the cpu fan fails. i would recomnd ksensors from http://ksensors.sourceforge.net/
  18. there is nothing anybody can do to help you unless you give us information about the server. lets start with Operating system... Windows2000 / WindowsXP / windows Server2003 / FreeBSD / OpenBSD / Solaris / GNU/Linux ???? Get your friend who runs the server to come and talk to us. whats the URL address of the board ??? there is alot you can tell about a server simply by looking at the page produced when you point your web browser at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ edit: dont click that link, i just made it up, it doesnt go anywhere.
  19. Ive only ever seen the "no init found" error message when ive been compiling a custom kernel, and done something stupid like accidently excluded a vital filesystem driver.i doubt that mandrake would make such a mistake:pa 1 year old computer should be perfect for linux... not bleeding edge, not turning to dust.. lol.thank for the reputation point, i only wish i could sort out the problem.knoppix works fine so we know the linux drivers for your computer work... i thnk this is a mandrake bug.im clutching at straws here, and i dont think this is your problem, but lets try a hardware test.boot your knoppix disk... when you see that first "boot:" prompt, quickly type "memtest86" follwed by <return>this will run lots of tests, on your memory, and generally take about 20 minutes to complete.the test will run forever if you let it, let if run through each tst number once, then stop it.there should be no error messages.if this passes... and im certin it will, all i can surgest is that you try a different distro.its a bit embarasing surgesting linux to someon only to have it fail to install,, lolanyways, sorry i couldnt help.maybe its worth having a quick look on the mandrake homepage for a bug that matches yours, maybe there is a fix.maybe have a look at Ubuntu, its a new distro, but ive heard lots of reviews and recomendations from beople who say "it just works".
  20. what Operating system and software is the board using ????without knowing its not possable to detect the porblem.i assume you are using some kind of unix / linux / bsd as the server, have a look in the system logs of the running public servers.you should be able to determine the attackers IP address.run "whois <attackers ip>" in the command line, and read the output, you should get his ISP details, and an abuse email. send coppies of your system logs showing the hack to this abuse email.thn hopefully, his internet sevice provider should send him a letter, which will hopefully scare him enough to stop, especially if its just a script kiddy.also, look into securety software such as tripwire and snort.it is very possable that the first time he hacked your machine, he installed a root kit, which can be semingly invisable on the host system, the only real way to clean a good root kit is a complete format and re-install.you COULD ban his ip address in your firewall,, however he would probably just start using a proxie if you did that.consider using the following software...OpenBSD (the most secure OS available.. also free)Tripwire (intrusion detection system that acts on your filesystem)Snort (network intrusion detection that acts on the network cards)rkhunter (scans for root-kits)clam anti virus (virus scanner)
  21. seems to be having trouble reading from your cdrom ?how old is your hardware ???i cant remember if i asked you to do an md5 check on your installation cd's ?are the cd's clean and scratvh free ?try dissableing ACPI in the bios, that worked wonders some of my old cdrom drives.other than that im not sure.does your cdrom sound like it having trouble reading the disks ? you know that sound cdrom's make when they are forever spining up and down re-reading sectors, does it make that kind of noise ???other than that, im stumped.the second and 3rd photo's are a direct result of the origonal failure to read the disk.it seems most likely that the disks are corrupt or scratched.when you start the install cd, are you given an option to enter extra boot parameters ?in most installation cd's ive used you can, and there isusually a "hit F2 to see exprea paramerters button.if there is, try booting a different kernel... some boot disks default to the 2.4 kernel, if yout hardware is very new, it might help to force it to use the newer 2.6 series.do you have a knoppix disk ?does knoppix boot okay ?
  22. Things i dislike about gentoo.......i dont dis-like anything... it will be nice when porthole is finished, but there's nothing to dis-like.. for me anyways.
  23. If you dont have nough mmory, (ram + swap) there are 3 things you can do. the first 2 are the most obviouse, 1) buy more memory. 2) use knoppix and qtparted to re-size your parttions 3) the little known easy method. You may not know, but linux has a loop driver in the /dev/ folder that allows a file on the hard disk to act as a disk drive / disk partiton. you can use it in exactly the same way your would use /dev/hda1 or /dev/cdrom. here is how to use it to quickly add extra virtual memory. before we start, make sure your loop driver is loaded... have a look in the /dev/ folder for files named loopX where X is a number between 0 and 7, possably by using the ommand "ls /dev/ | grep loop" if its not there, then as root run "modprobe loop" and look again. all these commands need to be done as root user. to become root user run the command "su -" and enter the root password. when you have finished, be sure to run "exit" to giveup the root privilages. first, create the file that will contain the virtual disk drive. dd if=/dev/zero of=/SWAP.img bs=1M count=256the abouve command will copy 256 * 1Megabyte from the file /dev/zero into the file /SWAP.img. /dev/zero is a pretend file, which dontains an infinite number of "0"'s for more info, read "man dd" replace 256 with the extra amount of memory you require. secondly, we need to setup the loop driver, to create a /dev/ interface to the file. their are 8 loop devices, somtimes the first one or 2 is in use, so to be save, lets use the 6th. losetup /dev/loop5 /SWAP.img now /dev/loop5 will act as a disk drive, and save all its information to the /SWAP.img file automatically. for more information about losetup, read "man losetup" (you can delete a loop device like so "losetup -d /dev/loopX" where X is the loop number. thirdly... we need to format the disk as swap. mkswap /dev/loop5 finally, activate the swap swapon /dev/loop5 if you ever need to remove the swap file, first de-activate, then delete the interface, then delete the file. swapoff /dev/loop5losetup -d /dev/loop5rm /SWAP.img to make the added swap activate automatically add the following lines to the end or your rc.local startup script. this script is in different places for different distro's but i will be somwhere in your /etc/ folder. most likely /etc/init.d/rc.local losetup /dev/loop5 /SWAP.imgswapon /dev/loop5
  24. you have to re-install lilo to the MBR every time you alter the lilo.conf file. thats why i like grub to musichere: please run the following commands as a normal user, and tell me what is output. dmesg | grep eth /sbin/ifconfig ooohhhhh.... sorry, im not familiar with that installation cd.
  25. install windows first.if windows see's a linux partiton dureing the install, it tends to chew up its boot loader.if linux see's a windows partiton dureing the install, it automatically sets up dual booting.technically, you sould have a 3rd partiton for swap space (windows users somtimes call this virtual ram)but you dont need a swap partiton.i will write a tutorial in the linux OS section if you want to look at it.
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