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Everything posted by LocalSeer
Oh I Need A Little Help - On My Friend!
LocalSeer replied to bigfatme2000's topic in Dating And Relationships
Go for the girl, it's not your fault who she likes. And then even if she liked both of you it's his fault he didn't make a move. I've been in your friend's position and had my friend ask a girl I liked. It taught me a lesson to take some risks faster and I'm still friends with the guy years later. -
What Is Theme Of Your Current Desktop Image about images, pictures...
LocalSeer replied to DeveloperX's topic in Software
Right now I'm using a mix cow/dolphin theme, highlighted by a cow and dolphin jumping alongside each other desktop image. But most of the time I use some of the fantastic images at the Interenet Ray Tracing Competition(http://www.irtc.org/) -
It won't take long before we all will need terrabyte hdds, just look at how everything is exploding in size. 2 years ago a movie would be on a vcd at only 700mbs, now movies come on dvds and you need 4gbs just to store one movies. Games too evolved form the standard 1-2 cds(700-1400mbs) into the typical new game at dvd size. Thats 20 movies/games for a 80gigabyte hard drive.My friend has a 1.2tb sever, but its made out of 3 400gb hhds. We all ripped our music/games/movies/anime we've accumulated all life(legal stuff for backup and lan parties) and it came out to 800gbs. So it is possible to fill a tb with legal stuff.
[gamming 2006] What are you most lookign forward too?
LocalSeer replied to Goosestaf's topic in Computer Gaming
Oblivion has had me drooling for months now, but they keep delaying it I hope it'll still be 2006, I think its up to march now, so much for releasing it with xbox360. Everyone should check ou the Oblivion E3 videos, they have randomly generated forests with leaves and trees swaying unbelievable. Otherwise Heroes of Might and Magic V is looking just plain hot for the turn based strategy comunity. Not to forget Space Empires V, finally a sequal to the amazing most custumizable multiplayer stretegy game, and Neverwinter Nights 2, which depending on the multiplayer might be incredible.All of these are planed to come out first half of the year. But near the end of 2006 we are blessed with Unreal Tournament 2007, the screenshots look as amazing as Oblivion, I'll put 2004 to shame.It's gonna be a really exciting year for gaming compared to last year which had nothing. -
Mu online isn't popular enough for their private servers to be big enough, so I suggest you don't bother. I suggest you try Diablo 2, the old beauty is still better and much more deverse then Mu's standard items with +# bonuses and the low variety of skills. Not to mention that you don't even have to use hacks to exploit the game, they have enough bugs on their own when I used to play last summer. Diablo 2 should be cheap after all these years, but if you have some more money on hand neverwinter nights 2 is coming out some time this year.
You think he knows but he hasn't asked you out yet might mean he dosne't think of you that way. But if he's shy and your friend tells him it might push things in the right direction and still let him feel a bit in control unlike if you asked him which might make some guys feel akward. This probobly dosen't apply to every guy, but first time a girl asked me out I said no out of shock, I just wasn't used to it. Had to buy flowers and appologize and crap, really messed up the beginning. So do it gently and when hes relaxed.
Piracy really pisses me because they force companies to make harsher and stricter protections. Some of these protections like StarForce change fundamental programing in drives. It might ensure people cannot pirate some games, but I don't appreciate them changing vital code taking up system resources. However on the other side companies really piss me off when they release a half done game, promise a patch, and then 2 years later announce a patch is impossible. If they want us to uphold the contract they shouldn't back out on their word either.
It is quite possible extraterestial aliens will be green. If their planet originates closer to their sun or the sun has higher energy output, it might be beneficial to harvest energy directly from sun to body even for larger massed beings. Also, your wrong about using speed of light to catch up. Our telescopes already see light traveling at the speed of light, and the hubble very deep field has seen objects some eleven billion light years away. The universe also expands faster then the speed of light and in actuality it could be some twenty-six billion light years wide.
Do You Know How To Cook? Who cooks their own food?
LocalSeer replied to FLaKes's topic in Health & Fitness
A cavemen could follow a recipe. Food tastes better when you make it so I definatly cook. I make the best soups around, however that is probobly because I use pork to make my brooths, good and fat. I can make tomato, onion, borsch, mushroom, heart, and my favorite pig feet soup. I also love making golumbki, but having my fingers burned in an hour of steam while striping a boiling cabage isn't too fun. -
Guy Problems I need some serious advice
LocalSeer replied to AmandaB78's topic in Dating And Relationships
Being a guy, I can tell you that he's running all over you cause you're letting him. In his mind not only is it fine to act like a *BLEEP* but he might even think you like it. My advice is to change your attitude and act like your the prize he has to work for. Next time he gets mad at you for having a guy call try asking that guy if he wants to hang out later tonight. AFTER, invite your boyfriend, and I bet he won't leave cause you have another guy right next to you to take advantage of the situation. Make him slightly jeolous and let him know you have fifty guys waiting in line for a chance with you. If he's just messing with you I bet he'll leave, but if he loves you he might stay. The way you describe it dosen't seem like you have many choices, so try it. -
I'm not sure if you mean how we imagine or hallucinations of the imagination, so I'll explain both as best I can.One way we imagine:The human brain works on connections. It dosen't search like a computer, but goes from one similair object to another. Thats why when you think of school, associations like school friends and homework pop up, it's just how it works. However when not used, these connections rot, and when gaps form, we end up with a weird twist of the real thoughts. Also our ego-superego-id blocks many thoughts we desire but are socialy unacceptable and thus it twists them into new modifications of what we want.How we hallucinate:Psychologically, sensory and perception are equally important. For example, the eye senses not only incoming light, but also the blood veins and our blind spots. The brain heavily processes this in real time to remove all those bloches. The brain is invovled so in all the senes making perception so important that when we want to see something the brain fools the senses. I learned this in high school psychology and I recommend you take it if you are interested.
I don't believe the United States deserves all this negative critism. They took out a known human rights offender, who cares if it's for the wrong reason. Also if you scrutinize other countries I'm sure you will find plenty more abuse then in the US. In my Poland we had a president that stold millions and got away pleading psychotic for example, and I doubt other countries are clean either. I hope the United States keeps on going, it might not be perfect, but I shiver thinking of the alternative.Many of you also underestimate Canada's role in the world. Let me point out almost all of the world's uranium comes from canada. So much for being a peacefull country. Anyways, I love Canada, met some awesome people from there and am perfectly fine with them not going to war. But they do have to explain themselves cause their say is globally important.
This hypnotist actualy did your first experiment(almost exactly) to the whole audience, except he used index fingers close together and used reverse psychology and told us "keep them apart" and amazingly mine went together.What got me eliminated was when he snaps at your neck and makes your head fall to the side, it snaped me awake. I guess I ruined it cause I knew that it was a jujidsu trick that momentary cuts the blood flow to your head knocking you out for a split second making your head fall and thus making you believe his voice can force your head to fall.
My friend and I went to a hypnotist show in a local fair and got picked on stage. Before I thought hypnotism would take over your mind, but when I was hypnotised, I remember that I could think clearly, was still and calm, and could hear everything clearly. I say remember, cause I forgot the exact things he said after I woke up. I unfortunally wasn't good enough to be fully hypnotised, but had a great feeling of calm and happy after waking up. My friend on the other hand fell deep and the hypnotist made him milk the chair, belly dance, and other stuff.
Racism will never go away, unless you drastically alter our dna. It's part of our ego self defense along with fifty other things we lie to ourselfs about. Heck, I bet ants thing humans are inferior and deserve to be wiped out. Psychologically we are the center of the world to ourselfs, therefore whatever we are must be the best possible characteristic. Your subconscious brain won't let you deny it, just like it won't let you say it in public. Racism is when you don't realize it's hate.
I think what really scares people isn't that they could clone humans but that they might make a super clone race. Kindof like the second foundation in Issac Assimov's Foundation series. I think it's just another step in evolution before everyone is immortal and genetically so superior we are all equal, so I'm fine for it, better for my (add many grands here) kids. Plus, reproduction is basically the random mixing and copying of two different existing gene patterns. All we add is some control, I'm all for it.
I read in some websites it might have to do with overheating and if that is true the problem won't stop after a few days of playing but will keep poping up over time. It definatly scared me enough to wait buying a xbox till it gets resolved.
This December is an excellent month for watching planets, and you can do it no matter where you live and with the unaided eye. However I can only tell you how to find them in the northern hemisphere since that is where I live. Light as long as it isn't a few feet away from you shouldn't effect you, and in fact having light will help. At night your eyes focus on collecting light and your color receptors don't work, so light will turn them back on to help you recognize color in the planets.When the sun sets, first out is Venus. Venus should be already up in the sky, much larger and brighter then any other star so it should be the first thing you see. It is more yellowish then the usual white star. Venus will start sinking till it hits the horizon, but before it does that, Mars will appear nearly on the opposite side of the sky in a clearly orange glow, quite unlike any star. Mars will travel quite high in the sky to the point of being nearly directly above you at one point(this will vary at how north you are). Mars should be about 4/5 the size of Venus and was at is brightest point for more then a decade at Nov 7, 2005 and is still bright; and with it you should see Saturn. Saturn has a blue-ish glow but remains mostly yellow-white. Fast forward time toward the morning hours, and you should see Jupiter, larger then Saturn and redish. All these planets should be distincly larger and different collored then normal stars, and if you have a telescope, you can see saturn's rings before they turn head on towards us. You should also try training your scope on the moon, I found it great for learning how to focus your view and the craters are quite clear and sometimes show remarkable features such as seeing a crater wall on the dark side of a part moon.
Approximately every half an hour anyone connected to me is disconnected. There is no trouble establishing the connection and it runs smoothly till sudden disconnection. There is no problem with someone connecting through the local are network. I believe it is something with my router, but I can't find anything. I use a DI-604 Ethernet Broadband Router, my computer has McAfee security center and I also have windows XP home edition firewall on. I've tried turning off both McAfee and windows firewall, along with using DMW which supposibly opens all ports in my router for my computer. Since others can see my computer, it means the proper port is open. I also have no problem connecting when others host and it is not the programs fault as it happens with anything that I host. I'm completly lost to what to do and need some help please.
Not only is it vertified, but you have to take time dilation into account in real life situations like on sattelites. For example the GPS sattelite atomic clocks are tuned to beat slower then those on the ground to account for time passing faster. This might be a contradiction because the sattlelites are traveling faster then earth, but the effect is rather minute at approximately .00125% of light speed and actualy slows time less then the Earth's gravity on land based atomic clocks. Your trying to apply newtonian physics to light speed objects, those were overwritten by einsteins theory of relativity. Not only would the ship not be able to fire you, it itself would never reach light speed. It would take an every increasing energy supply the closer you get to light speed, and it would keep increasing never allowing you the joy of traveling with light.
Your conditions were quite vague. Planetside is the closest that matches, but you have to pay monthly and it's just a bit too old to have enough people. Sony, the same company, has a free 2d planetside called infantry(pay for full features) that really involves tactics and stealth, but is also something like 9 years old, and it only has a few hundred people constantly on.
I found this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which has the basic information for reformating. I'd pay attention to what they say about dell computers if you have one. Make sure you also have a XP cd, sometimes they don't give one, and that you'll probobly have to call microsoft tell them you reformated for them to give you a new one. And it's good to check you have all your driver cds just in case so you can download any missing ones now.
Force him to weight himself every day in front of you. Really motivativating, droped 20 pounds over a month when I was forced. Plus use psychology, reward him with some making out or whatever you do when he drops a pound. Rewards work.
From what I've studies time travel does happen due to weird quantom mechanics. Black holes radiate Hawking radiation, from what I remember a quark gets distorted larger then the size of the black hole, at the edge of the whole it splits into two parts, the anti-quark and quark. The quark falls back into the black hole, while the anti-quark escapes by traveling back in time(a very small quanton miniscule ammount) and turns into a normal quark. So time travel is possible .Long time ago my physics teacher told me of an experiment. Take a beam of light and get on a moving train, point the light from the ceiling to the floor and measure the speed, it'll be approximatly 300.000km/s. Now have someone outside the train standing still measure the speed of your light, he'll get 300.000km/s. In order for you both to measure the exact number there is only one explanation, the person in the train had his time slowed down to account for the extra speed, cause otherwise he'd have 300.000km/s plus train speed. So now imagine your proceding at 300.000km/s and represent your brain as two molecules. Those molecules cannot communicate because if one sends a signal to another it would go faster then the speed of light, therefore your atoms don't communicate, you don't age in fact time dosen't pass(I consider time to be communication between fundamental particles). Yet you still travel so if you measure distance(from a outside source) and use your time you would be traveling at infinite speeds, it's all frame of reference.I hope that this explanation helps someone cause it took quite a bit of time traveling forward to write it.
What Is Your Favorite Books/series Come on Tell us Lol...
LocalSeer replied to BeyondEarth's topic in General Discussion
My favorite series has to be Henryk Sienkiewicz's trilogy, "With Fire and Sword", "The Deluge", and "Colonel Wolodyjowski". I read them in Polish, but also read "With Fire and Sword" in english and it seemed to be equally powerfull so I think the same would hold true to the other book translations. Loosely based on 17th century history during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. If you come across the movie for the first book don't watch it, they did a horrible job, cut out too much, but they did try to compress over a thousand pages into 2 hours.