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Do the following and you can see them all.Go to search and then chose to search for author and type your name in then select the proper criteria such as today or the last seven days or today and then older and that will get all your posts, then look theough them and if there are any replies to any of them then that is how you will find them.
I feel like such an idiot, it was not the server...it was me. I had somehow or another clicked the guided mode, and I found out what happens when you use that button it pops up a prompt for each and every button that you select. I have never used this feature and somehow I noticed that it was checked. I had figured since 1 my database was messed up and when I went to fix the problems that 2 I saw that the phpMyAdmin had changed from the familiar blue to a dark green that it must have been the server (kind of a 2+2=5 thing there) and kept looking at my code reuploading it going over it several times. I guess I'll never live this down, sorry for thinking it was the server, all is well now except for the embarresment of coming to the wrong conclusion without a careful analysis of the site, I think now I will remove the Guided Mode option, but won't because maybe some users might require it. Now I can carry on with my other projects with greater confidence.
How Do I "justify" Format My Text
Houdini replied to bnbrown's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
It sound like you have a "thunbnail" image that when clicked will then link to the larger image and you stated that the image looked awful which probably means that you did not tell the image not to have a border try the below: <a href="URLtoLargeimage.gif' /><image src="yourSmallImage.gif" border="0" title="Click to see full size image" /></a> the above code will show a small image without a blue outline (just the image) that is clickable (the pointer turns into a hand) and the big image that it links to will then open. The title will say click to see full size image if someone hovers their mouse over this graphical link, you dont have to use it but it makes it a little more user friendly. If you could provide the code for your problem it would be easier to help you out. -
If you don't like a GUI then go back to MS DOS, it should be real easy to find a bunch of dinasaur machines and some references to the different verions so you can enter all those cryptic line commands, I just hope you speel real good and are sure of what command you just wrote.
Actually PHP has about 31 functions for just the MySQL: Plus for mSQL there are 28, for Oracle there are 40, forPostgreSQL there are 32, and there is Sybase, InterBase with 11, and several with Informix and Hyperwave... I could have made un unordered list but I used that format to save space in the post and not have a long list of PHP functions.
I have figured that it is definately the server to see what I mean go to both sites and use the Firefox or Netscape browser and you'll see the behavior when trying to post with those borswers The Xisto site is IPB-Nuke the dhost.info site is NukeXtra IPB-Nuke The dhost account works perfectly while as you will see if you try that Xisto is well wrong, both sites have the exact same files on the with the exception of the URLs! What would cause this weird behavior?
This afternoon I entered my site and got an SQL error, so I went to the cPanel and the phpMyAdmin is now green (it used to be blue). One of my tables could not be repaired so I dropped it then I recreated it and refilled from my backup copy, but I contined to have the same problem, so I dropped all the tables and did a reinstall. Now it is working again but there is one problem, When using the Firefox with the forums I get a prompt to enter data instead of just bolding or underlining or really anything like code or quote, and it will only take a limited amout of data into the text box, which causes me to either just use IE or go ahead and enter something and then copy and paste between the tags the code or quote that I want, I haven;t tried manually writing the tags and using IB code that way but it should work, but the buttons were much easier...Is this happening to anyone else with an Xisto using the panda?The same program with the same files on another server does not do this with firefox and this is why I am asking the question.Thanks,Steve
Hosting A Server On Database Im a total noob at databases
Houdini replied to Toxica's topic in Programming
Actually a database is a server except that it only serves data and not files, a web server will produce document that are based on HTML, A mail server would of course serve e-mail all servers no matter what they do use executable programs and these programs may or may not be exe but could be com or a java or many other programming languages, basically a database like MySQL works with a web server which through PHP or some other language will pass commands to the database which will follow the commands and send a result even if it is nothing more than an error, therefore to set up a system like the one that the host here is running on you will have at least two servers a web server to communicate with browsers and also a database server like MySQL to handle data manipulation, it is possible to have many different servers on one machine as in the case of a local machine like I am on that runs Windows XP and Apache web server, a MySQL database, and I also have an FTP server, and a mailserver by File Zilla. So you might want to tell your friend that he just might be misinformed about his terms -
Actually I can see that there are cases when such acronyms are useful and they are as follows:When attempting to enter a text message into a cellular telephone. If you have ever tried to compose a message with a cell phone then you would appreciate any shorcut that there is available.For those who still pay for the internet usage on an hourly basis anything that same them time would be used to keep from paying a tremendous bill, but I would imagine that now days just about all who use the internet then they have a plan that doesn't limit time before adding charges.I can see it in a chat room especially for those that are not the fastest typist in the world, otherwise you would be waiting forever for them to make any kind of point at all. The use of acronyms for those people should be almost required.Also when sending an SMS to a cell phone where you are limited to a given amout of characters in the message then I could see their usage, you can't be very verbose when you are limited to 255 characters in a message then an acronym is almost a necessity.But in forums where you are merely responding to another post or creating a new topic then I really don't see a whole lot of use for them. In my opinion when posting in a forum ther more you put to a message especially if it concerns a problem the more likely it is that someone can actually help you with said problem.You see many posts on this site that really leave alot to be desired asking for help. A post like Need help with site (as a subject) followed by a message about not being able to format the page a certain way and then not giving a link or anything else they will say in the body of the message does anyone have any ideas as to how to fix it or to help them. All you can respond with is like ask if they could at least provide a link so you could at least view the HTML source and get a vague idea as to what they have going on. Here's an acronym MWPDD which of course means My Web Page Dont Do which even if you knew the MWPDD you still couldn't help such a poster especially with nothing else to go on.Ah well I guess the acronyms are gonna hang around and there will be more added but those should be left to chat rooms and not forums, but of course this is just my own opinion.
Why dont you test if you have PHP on it my writing the following <?phpecho"Testing my Server for PHP!";phpinfo();?>Save the above as info.php in the root of the Websites folder then point your browser to it. If your system does have PHP installed it will echo the Testing my Server for PHP! followed by a giant table of all PHP modules etcetera, if it does nothing then you need a webserver like Apache installed as well as PHP and to make it fully functional you also need MySQL. All three are free.
If you simply use PHP as your source the only parts of it that can bee seen are those that PHP echos or prints as HTML, basically the page source you are viewing is just HTML that is how all browsers are able to render the page but you could have all kinds of HTML code going on with included files and the actual main php that will never be seen. You simply can not hide HTML or the echoed result of HTML generated by PHP or Perl or any script.
How Do I "justify" Format My Text
Houdini replied to bnbrown's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
you can also use <div align="justify"> or you can use it without the quote like <div align=justify> you could also use the span tag <span align="justify"> There are cases where you would want to use the <div> or <span> and you could also use the style like div style="text-align: justify"> but it is easier to just align the <P> <DIV> or <SPAN> less typing and less likely to forget the : colon, and you are saving typing ten characters, but I am just a lazy guy! -
Are you using the same database for the two phpBB boards? If you are you need to use a seperate one for each one and it is possible also that you do not in fact have all the files. You should not have to but make sure that you file permissions are correct and if that does not work the use the link to phpBB at the bottom of the forum and go ask the people that made the software, but before starting a post try searching for admin login problems and you will probably see several posts concerning just that very topic and how to resolve it.
Not knowing what software you are using or how your site is set up it would be hard to give you any advice on how to filter, or limit the use of certain tags, you already have the <P> covered it will wutomatically allow all <P> tags with attributes that you must specify such as the alignment feature which is an attribute of not only the <P> tag but others as well duch as the <DIV> or <SPAN> I suppose you could create a form that produces button that apply only those features you want but not knowing how you site works it is hard to tell you much more.A link to the site or perhaps some code that shows us just what you have right now would get more responses and probably a means to do what you want.See the Code below that defines some image icons for use in posting within a form. <img src="images/url.gif" border="0" accesskey='h' value=' http:// ' onclick='tag_url()' name='url' onmouseover="hstat('url')" /> <img src="images/img.gif" border="0"accesskey='g' value=' IMG ' onclick='tag_image()' name='img' onmouseover="hstat('img')" /> <img src="images/email.gif" border="0" accesskey='e' value=' @ ' onclick='tag_email()' name='email' onmouseover="hstat('email')" /> <br /> <img src="images/quote.gif" border="0" accesskey='q' value=' QUOTE ' onclick='simpletag("QUOTE")' name='QUOTE' onmouseover="hstat('quote')" /> <img src="images/code.gif" border="0"accesskey='p' value=' CODE ' onclick='simpletag("CODE")' name='CODE' onmouseover="hstat('code')" /> <img src="images/list.gif" border="0" accesskey='l' value=' LIST ' onclick='tag_list()' name="LIST" onmouseover="hstat('list')" /> <br />
Where Can I Find Free Ftp Uploaders ?
Houdini replied to marco1405241510's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
File Zilla is free just do a google for it. I have been using it for over two years, it is fast doesn't make silly noises or sounds and all that it just uploads full folders in the structure that thay are supposed to be and it is fast. -
Cpanel Showing Unlimited For Space And Bw
Houdini replied to pat23's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I had the same thing for one day enjoy the feeling till the server updates probably by tomorrow it wont look like it did when you took the screen shot, but it does make for a great feeling! -
Well I did alter and even add to the other posted BB Codes and here is the result of that. These icons provide the ability to enter URLs, mailtos, images, Bold text, Italisized text, Underlined text, and strikethrough text, you can also easily enter an unordered list using one icon and following the prompts till your list is finished, and also marquees to the left right up and down, left justification, right justification, center justification, and full justification, you can also use code or if you want HTML , SQL and PHP all with syntax highlighting, also there is a little H with yellow that will highlight text with a color that you choose via a prompt, you can also enter subscript and superscript. I guess I could use Adobe and make a galssy effect I just haven't tried it yet and since they are just gifs I guess it is possible but I am not the greatest with graphics. You have to admit it looks better than the standard HTML form buttons that comes with the IPB currently.
The version I am using is 1,2F but you could use 1.3. I suppose the reason that you are asking is because of the posting BB Code (which I just modified even more and better). I have been modifying phpBB for over a year but went to making some of them available also with the IPB forums but still learning how the system is set up, I don't know it quite as well as phpBB2 but have found that some modifications are much easier with IPB and some are not quite so easy to make happen, this is probably because I am so used to phpBB2. I just don't like the limited capability and drab looking selections that come with a standard IPB, the only place you can get that mod is at that site or my other site at NukeXtra in the IPB software download category. I haven't considered submitting it to IPB or Invisionize yet but might in the near future, as I just rewrote the install for the new version of the BB Codes that are on that site (which is down at the moment as it has been for the past couple of days off and on) last night. No it is just a personally modified version of Invision 1.2F!
Great article, I remember the protests and stuff (I'm a Vietnam Era Vet) but that kind of mess ain't gonna happen this time. When I come home on leave and when I got out I tried my best to look like a civilian because of the attitude that was so prevelant back then, but these guys are held more in honor than comtempt like guys like me back then, Plus the voluntered which I did also so I could at least go into the Navy instead of the army... Hell now days they don't even carry a draft card, even when I went into the service I didn't want to give them mine, at least till I finished boot...it was a federal offense not to have one back then. Times have changed and I hope for the better, but with the liberal press and media they sure do try their best to make those with poor logic skills believe what they want them to.
Here's some images that I got from the Big Nose Bird, just do a google for him and you can get the PERL script and install intructions but they are kinda neat. Just take a look. Unknown error 000 A bad request error 400 Improper authorization error 401 How did you get this address (a private address?) error 403 The familiar page not found error 404 Server (cgi script bad) error 500 The script is small and not that hard to install plus it will guide you through making your own HTML so you can do what you want whether you use the images or not, you can always make your own ones.
Have you tried the below: SELECT birth FROM "tablename" WHERE birth BETWEEN 2005/02/01 AND 2005/03/15 You will notice that I have rearranged the dates because MySQL expects the dates to be entered YYYY-MM-DD and from the post it look like you had expressed it as Feburary the first 2005 and March the 15th 2005. So since that is how MySql stores dates as shown above then that would be how you have to query it to get the response you would want. Also I used "tablename" since I have no clue as to what table the field birth would be in, but you should know what to substitute for it.
Well I tried your site but it being a subdomain on Xisto like mine it is down right now, I guess most if not all of them are.
I have noticed the same problem just today about 2 hours ago I had just uploaded a corrected file with ftp and then went to check the site and neither of the two on the Xisto server are working! I hope it gets better soon cause I would like to find out if I need to further trouble shoot the file that I hop uploaded in its entirety.I had been having difficulty keeping the connection with the ftp client most of today as I took everything off one part and reuploaded the mostly revised files until I noticed that I had not revised a couple of important ones that were quite important.
That is simple, you ban the IP as well as the User, but that should go without saying then you if baneed unless you have a few hundred email addresses, and can come up with some unique usernames you will probably not be aloowed back on.
I tried the Triad about two or three years ago and then found XAMPP which ifs far superior and easy to install locally if you haven't used it before you will get rid of anything else and use it only. It comes with the latest version of Apache HTTPD, MySQL, PHP, Perl, FileZilla FTP Server, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, Freetype, Webalizer, mod_perl, Turck MMCache, mcrypt, SQLite, JpGraph, Mercury Mail Transport System, PHPBlender PHP Compiler. It is a large program but very well worth the download.