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Everything posted by Houdini

  1. Using phpMyAdmin just export the database and check file and it will then save as a dump to your hard drive wherever you tell it to and should be the name of your database with the extension of .sql Depending on the size of your database it could be a rather small file or could be many MEGS.
  2. You would definately want to use a CMS like abhiram said, and with a hosting account you could choose either Mambo or PHP-Nuke which I am more partial to since I run four PHP-Nuke sites , two running with Invision board forums and two with phpBB2 forums. You can make them anyway you want (within possibilities of the system) and they are very easy for someone who has never run a site before. Basically all you have to do is create a database populate it then upload the edited config.php file that tells your database about where to find its info and set it up. Or I think if you use one of the ready to go CMSs from Xisto all you do is click the link in the cPanel then set up your Admin information then go to your new site and proceed to set it up the way you like.
  3. What is your table prefix and is is defined somewhere like in a configuration file that accesses your database. I would look something like the below $dbhost = "localhost";$dbuname = "root";$dbpass = "";$dbname = "78";$tableprefix = "somePrefix";$user_prefix = "somePrefix";$dbtype = "MySQL";The $prefix could be the variable that it doesn't find because it is not referenced or defined elsewhere. The SQL or PHP you have is valid.
  4. HTML is a markup language. To find out all about it go to the authority, but you might want to learn XHTML after reading from the following link W3C
  5. Just got through masktaping my first PHP & MySQL reference book back together. I must say that it might not yet be as powerful (depending on what you mean by that) it is certainly well supported. Most all Forums or CMS sites use PHP and it is easy to find a host that supports it, so no matter how powerful something is if it is not supported by the majority of hosts then it is probably a good idea to use the more popular script.I have kinda looked at ASP but since it tends to be Microsoft only and not necessarily open source then using PHP is really the only way for me to go, why put all that stuuf on my machine then spend all the time to learn how to use it only to have difficulty in putting it into practice?
  6. I am not absolutely positive mostly because I have never heard of Lasso until you mentioned it and doing a search came up with very few results. It seems to be a proprietary program and I did find a site that ooffered a tutorial (for a price) and did notice that Lasso can query mSQL as well as MySQL.I kind of doubt if Xisto or any host would place a program that is not open source for use by others. It seems that this is a mean of getting into web based programming or design but not really a very popular system. Try a search for PHP or MySQL or Perl and you will get all kinds of hits but with Lasso you will find very few that concern web programming or design.
  7. Try this LINK and see if you can get some ideas. I suppose that you are wanting to change the "skin" of your site.
  8. try\n\rWindows and Unix respond differently, it is not your version but perhaps your platform.Just another thingy that you might want to try with your code try and let me know if not correct!
  9. There is one trick you could use that would place a cookie on the offenders computer, then unless they use many different machine to attck you (Not too likely, but possible) you can deny them even posting, at least until they figure out you have put a cookie, but when the cookie is put on them everytime then soon they will get tired of attacking you and then going and deleting the cookies, which is almost as bad as spam to them.This way even if they have a dynamic IP then then cookie is still on the machine.
  10. Many times i will click on a link and below is what I will get> Why is there a link to it and why do I get this meanless message? If it is outdated then why is it even displayed in the most recent? Why do such links keep being displyed? This might seem trivial but it is annoying to me and I would like an answer as to why a link that is in the last posts shoul return such an error. Thanks, Houdini
  11. First you would have to have a PHP that first takes the entered text that it can look at and render back in HTML, because this is what browsers use to convey the content of a page, since usually a text area would only produce the text as written to it ver batim then HTML tags or PHP code are meaningless. So you would have to take the text entered into the text box and then running it through a parser of some sort and in this case you would use preg_replace and or str_replace that would be undestood by another script to render what you desire. In the case of the Invision when you click one of the buttons like B I U it passes through the file in Invision board through 1.3.1 the source/post_parser.php file which would in turn parse the text and using preg_replace it would turn the BB or IB Code and turn it into HTML so that those viewing it would see the intended formatting. Below is an example of how this is done with just one simple tag like the bold tag. $txt = preg_replace( "#\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]#is", "<b>\\1</b>", $txt ); then you have to do a couple of more things with this text after converting to HTML for display, this is when you want to edit the entered text that is in the database back to the origional BB Code or IB Code like so: $txt = preg_replace( "#<b>(.+?)</b>#is" , "\[b\]\\1\[/b\]" , $txt ); Basically what you see above is code that allows PHP to parse some text and when it sees the bold tag both opening and closing it converts it to HTML so that a borwser will replace it with <b> then whatever is in between it and the </b> that it used the preg_replace() function and displays the intended result in the post. Does this make any sense to you if not then I would be glad to help you with it but there are already gorum software programs that do this, phpBB does this a little differently and is harder to deal with, making it work with Invision is simple but with phpBB it takes some doing.
  12. Take a look at what I can do with Invision boards at the link provided right here at IPBNuke as far as skins go I can help comewhat but there are plenty of those at http://www.invisionize.com/ good luck with using an Invision board, and I also modify phpBB2 using the PHP-Nuke. Most of the skins for games though tend to cost but I have members of some of my boards that might provide one for nothing since I code things for them.
  13. Try this link and see if it doesn't help get you started. Mambo SMF Bridge info
  14. OOPS Sorry I got it wrong! But the keepeing the console off the carpet would still be a good idea or at least put a pad on the floor that allows the box toventilate properly.
  15. I dont own one of these systems nor will I but I have heard that the reaso for the lock up is that people are placing the consoles on the carpeted floor and they don't ventilate properly and heat up. If you place the console on a table like a coffee table then the console is able to ventilate properly and no lock up occur.
  16. Not really sure about what you are trying to do but I think from your post that you r site will have textareas (which are part of an HTML form) and you want to store the data that is in these areas in a MySQL database. So you need to look at the striptag() PHP function and also the htmlspecialchars() PHP function at the links provided. You will need to be a little more specific on how you are going to set up your site for anyone to really help you do what you are wanting to do and learning about PHP will help you out as well as learning some basic MySQL queries, it sounds like you are starting from the word go.
  17. I guess what I was trying to say is that the prefix in the case of the PMsys (consista of three tables) and your regular database it may or may not have a a prefix it might just be users, you would use a join either left join, inner join or outer join depending on what you are wanting from the database. The dump in the second part of the code you have provided only lets me know that it was pulled from your database by whatever name but with no prfeix because that was the part of the overall database. The second database has no prefix, but the first is a query to create the database but what is missing is the first part which would let you know what is different about the database. Here is a link to help with joins in SQL http://www.plus2net.com/sql_tutorial/sql_inner_join.php Since some of the code is missing then it would be hard to show a proper join and then how to use the data.
  18. That appears to be the users table from the PMsys which only has three tables all prefixed with pms_ so you have pms_log, pms_messages and pms_users the first code you displayed. Are both the databases in the same satabase or are they sperate, the only difference being the prefix, you could take your origional database and add the tables pms_... to it then you are not having to query different databases, so first make sure that you have that done, just do an export from the pms database andadd it to your then a set of queries can be set up depending on whether they are using the PM or the normal site. I gave you that link for the PMsys in an earlier post and would like to help you get it working the way you want without a bunch of acrobatics with the database on your part.
  19. <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=##)">Can be used also but keep in mind that if you are going to use these effects on you own site that only people using Internet Explorer will see it, Firefox, Netscape or Mozilla wont because it is an Internet Explorer only effect.
  20. Sorry I told makela that he needed ten credits to establish an account but that this was an English only site and then I gave him a link in parenethesis to the Alta Viata translator so he would be able to translate his posts in to proper (or close enough for us) Engilsh to gain those credits. Only way to reply was to use his written language, he might be able to speak Engligh but not necessarily write it coherently, I don;t know but was only trying to help. No more Posts in Spanish but in this case I felt it was necessary for the new guy. Muchas gracias, Houdini
  21. Usted necesitarĂĄ un total de diez (10) crĂŠditos comenzar una cuenta, pero puesto que esto es un tablero del inglĂŠs solamente usted puede ser que intente usar el traductor de Alta Vista (http://yahoo.com/) para convertir de usted lengua y despuĂŠs para fijar el resultado en este sitio. Espero que esto ayude.
  22. What is there to take out of context? The amendment states in the third clause PEOPLE not militia, but anyway back then the militia was also defined to be any able bodied male between the ages of 17 and 55 years old and they were required to have a firearm to take up arms and assist the army in cases of war, you need to read the history of the US revolution and what all happened before the US constitution was written, you will come up to the conclusion that had the pioneers and colonists of Great Britan had gun control laws imposed and had actually followed them the US would wtill be a colony of Great Britan because only the British would have had weapons and no revolution would have happened. The revolt was caused by an overtaxation of Tea of all things, not to mention dissatisfaction with the oppresive rule coming from across the Atlantic Ocean and therefore the reason for the First amendment which stated that CONGRESS not the state should not establish a religion, many came to this country simply because they were protestants and the official religion of Great Britan was Catholic so those that came to this country put this amendment into effect to keep the central government from doing the same, however states were free to establish a state religion if there was a demand for such by the populace, this would be reason for different states with their own set of laws and constitution, otherwise the United States would be just the United State because everyone in it would have the same set of laws and constitution. Of course this is not taught in school because the educators now indoctrinate to a liberal view of how they want the country to think. This could be the reason more and more either attend private schools or home school to actually learn real history and learn how to think for themselves, and not mimic the thoughts of liberals. A good study of history would be quite revealing to many who have attended the public schools and univeristies because they have been led astray for over 30 years into a leberal mindset that only alllows one point of view with no tolerance for anything else even though they accuse those that dissagree with them to be closed mined and intolerant, I say it takes one to know one.
  23. Alrighty then, here is a link to a ready made Private Messaging system that is already done using PHP & MySQL and only uses 3 tables and is a small program to download, I have downloaded it and set it up, it is kinda hard to set up but once within even though I thought I had set up a user I succeded when I asked for an account, you can install this in a subfolder(directory) on your site and then link to it, after you have uploaded it, you just make a new database and then run admin/install.php or admin/sm_install.php from your sites root where you place the new folder(directory) and follow directions and just fill in the form data. All it does is set up a private message box with the ability to use smtp or php email. here is the home page PMsys home page that might spped up doing what you are wanting to do.
  24. What is wrong with most every forum software that already has a PM included with it. These are simply posts from one member to another, why try to reinvent the whell? phpBB2 Invision, SMF, and many others already have Private messaging built in. PHP-Nuke CMS and perhaps XOOPS CMS would also have such, I haven't used XOOPS in over a year so I don't remember but I believe any CMS with a forum included would also have PMs.
  25. Did I miss something in the above or did you connect to the database somewhere else? It needs to connect first then it can insert, do you get an error with the above. Usually you would start with $connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) die ("Couldn't connect to server!");$db = mysql_select_db($database,$connect) die("Couldn't select databse!");
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