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Everything posted by kelp

  1. I just save my files to my desktop and delete them once I'm finished. Windows has many processes that are unnecessary. Goto http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and find the ones you can disable. This will increase speed for Windows by not running those programs you don't use.
  2. Can you unscramble the code with the same program? If so, all I have to do is dl that program and load up the encrypted code and translate.
  3. This is how I start out with websites:<html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html>Then I add the css "variables" and place them on the page in the body section.
  4. lol, if this is true, I've got to work on my content placement. This is so interesting.
  5. It's really nice and lite and non bulky. I like the search feature. I recommend you make an account at spamgourmet to stop the spam from invading.
  6. kelp


    I've started using png's for a while and I find them to do the jobs stupendously.
  7. What's your price range? I remember there's one that's a little smaller than the Wacoms but costs 50 dollars.
  8. To delete your other topic you have to go into it. Then click edit. And I think there's something you check and confirm to delete it. It's somewhere after you click edit.
  9. Oh man. This is really nice. Does it have all the functionality of Windows XP? I just need the clutter gone. Are there any security flaws?
  10. Well, if I want to surf the web, I can just boot into Knoppix and load Airsnort. But that's the only thing I do on Linux. I don't need any of those servers. I don't really have a need for it. I tried that WINEX, can't play all games. There's a GIMP for windows. I don't really use it. I just make my websites with pure css. http://www.oswd.org/ are some templates I look at to get ideas with no pictures. Just download a free programs and you get anything on that list.I don't really like Windows, but you know, I use it and have no problems. It's all about preference. If you play games, Windows, all those servers, editors, and tools, you can shoot for Linux. I'm not really into programming, so you know. GAMES!
  11. kelp

    What is MySQL?

    It is a type of database that stores information on your server. It can save things such as forms through php. PHP can basically send information to the database.
  12. These webpage creators are called WYSIWYG, What You See Is What You Get. I started with them too, but you're gonna have to start to learn html manually because they are very limited in what you can do.
  13. If you get a plan with Xisto, it includes cpanel. If you want to use cpanel on your own server, it costs a fee.
  14. lol, ie must have many security flaws if microsoft's security manager doesn't use it. Soon, when firefox gets popular, people are gonna discover flaws. But it's open source it might be harder to find flaws.
  15. Actaully, it should be:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>your window title goes here...</title></head><body>your text goes here....</body></html>
  16. I don't think he'll be accepted, but here's to my post counts.Try http://www.lissaexplains.com/ if your new. http://www.w3schools.com/ is good also. Why are you in such a hurry to get posts when you don't know what you can even do with your account. Are you just gonna upload files for download instead of viewing or something.
  17. Why? What do you need to do. Linux, for me personally, is used for servers because I can't find a use that Linux has that Windows doesn't. Mainly because I play games on my computer so Linux won't work for me. Try out Knoppix, you just burn it onto a cd and it's a bootable linux. You can try dual booting, I used LILO as my boot manager.
  18. I use a light program called UnFREEZ or something like that. It connects animations together individually. You just load the pictures you want to appear and set the time and make it. Easy as that.
  19. Nice, I use milkshape to make cs skins. Pretty cool.
  20. I use imageshack.goto google and search up image host and there are many results.
  21. If you need help starting out with the GIMP, here are some tutorials: https://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. kelp

    Learning PHP

    I started with pre made scripts and examined them to see how they did it. Changed values, like time, how much, all that kind of stuff. That really helps. It's kinda like how I first started html. Taking stuff from websites and copying and pasting it and now I can do it without doing that. The php tutorials become a breeze once you've dissected the code and found out how this or this works.
  23. nice, no need for 7zip and winrar with this gadget. No gzip supported, though. I don't use that too often, so good find.
  24. Looking for colors that match? Try this: http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html Click on any color of the wheel and on the right there is a list of related colors that would go well together.
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