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Everything posted by kelp

  1. I love those google pictures during a holiday or event. They are interesting to look at. I never saw them since I use that search bar in firefox.
  2. I use notepad all the way. I like to code manually rather than use a program to do it for me because the program always complicates what I want to do. Sometimes I use programs to colorcode my code.
  3. Very interesting, I'm going to test this soon. I always have to use a program to rename all the pictures in a directory.
  4. Be careful about using a popups. Use banners to seperate news. I happen to like google adsense also.
  5. Well, I kind of started out looking at other people's scripts too and editing them the way I like. Like I would examine the scripts and change the output somewhere else instead of the desired location. Basic things like that helped me learn php. Then I started using those sites and glided through them.
  6. Hmm... is there anyone to protect other people from looking at directories and only let that page access it? Someone could view the source and find the directory the picture is located in. Yeah and that print screen is a way around it. I believe there's a watermarking program that makes a big watermark on the picture if you use print screen.
  7. Well, I play a lot of games so Windows is the one for me. Compatible with almost everything.I tried a distro of Linux on a cd. Played around with it for a few days. It's basically for servers. Windows can do almost anything Linux can do(surf web, email) except not as good. Same with Linux.
  8. I like this program, but its sort of buggy for me in the Windows port. GIMP sometimes crashes. Otherwise its nice. It is like an equivalent of paint shop pro and a lesser photoshop. You can download some plugins(dunno what they are called in GIMP) to make it have the tools of photoshop.
  9. For CMS's, HTML(with some other elements) makes up the layout and php deals with the dynamic parts. Shoutbox, logins, etc.I haven't really tried CMS's that much because i find them cluttery and all the same because they always seem to have those three familiar columns.
  10. Some people pay for the services Xisto offers, but I don't know if that will cut it for cpanel.
  11. I use a progrm called regseeker to clean out my registry of unwanted entries. If there's a file association that the computer doesn't use anymore it cleans it out. For example, you might uninstall photoshop but the entries are left in the registry. You can delete the .psp entries which are related to photoshop. Or maybe, you uninstall a game, theres folders in the registry that are left behind with information all about that game.
  12. Well, right now I'm using firezilla which is an opensource ftp program, I believe. It's fit for my needs with many features but still light.
  13. What do you need it for? If you need it for a website for maybe, you got banned from, you can use a proxy. There's a tutorial in the howtos section. If you need a universal one, I'm not really sure. DSL has dynamic ips and cable has static ips, so Im guessing you use cable. I use cable and my ip changes around every few months.
  14. Well, my first year, I started with a WYSIWYG editor at homestead. No wait, I think it was the aol hometowns where I selected a layout and put in my information. And you know, I was gif crazy and had so many gifs all over my page. Then I moved on to angelfire and started coding without layouts by using frames. I saw some beautiful layouts and took a few years learning tables and css to design great layouts such as those. I get ideas at http://www.oswd.org/ and try to manipulate them.
  15. Better ads on here than on our sites.
  16. I'm having trouble with sp2 and I can't seem to rollback to another day, its ticking me off.
  17. I personally like phpbb, there's something about phpbb I like about it.
  18. they each serve different purposes, so there is not really a best. maybe a favorite... but not a best
  19. I know you can with some ftp programs, you just upload it onto your server and I forgot how to extract it from there. I just know you can. I dunno, maybe try right clicking.
  20. I voted for php, I've never tried asp or any of the others. But php can do almost anything dynamic I want it to do.
  21. Not compatible with some browsers, but cool otherwise. You can customise it to blend in with your layout.
  22. If you absolutely can't get rid of your start page using all the programs mentioned above(adaware, spybot), you need HiJackThis, post the log in this forums and someone will help you get rid of it.
  23. Doesn't the MenuShow Delay just speed up the start menu, not really windows? I wouldn't set it to 0 if you have a slow computer because if you mouse over on the menubars it'll come up real fast which will make it slower because it has to load all that information. But if you have a fast computer and you're tired of waiting for the stuff to come out, go for it.
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