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About Mithshark

  • Rank
    Member [Level 3]
  • Birthday 06/16/1988

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  1. Google adsense is NEVER good for anyone who has repeat vistors becauseit wont keep payign out (or at least not half as much)
  2. Yuck totally bored me lol I am so into complex games like WoW RS and other stuff
  3. Rendand BG dont go good together, Text is arghh horiblle lol
  4. I quit GFX about a year ago and made this in about 10 minutes tell me if you like it ;p
  5. That is so *BLEEP*ing *happy*... (heres a secret, Anything u send to uk@gmail.com redirects to uk@googlemail.com hehe)
  6. Firewalls are , to me, The MOST IMPORTANT internet secuirty componetswithout them you can get royally screwed.
  7. Honestly (No Offense meant) If you must ask this it requires alot my knowledge than you have that you need to find out first, Again I do not mean it in a mean or bad way
  8. I'm actually not surprised that someone in the schooling business has done this, regardless of where at.
  9. Thats awsome but any kind of AI couldn't get it perfect so it might be gone =\
  10. Google has no ad compain were you will be paid more than $0.76 they may have in past but its long gone if so.
  11. I have 5 ATM I have 2 a desktop and laptop (3.4 P4 HT EE 2GB RAM 250 GB sata 300GB ide 512 ATI Rage & Dell XPS year and a half old laptop 768MB ram 100GB ata HDD) My mom has one my dad has one and my sis has a brandnew laptop
  12. Nice, Maybee this should be moved to tuts? Well either way it was a lovely tut I'm going to attempt to use it now:) ;p Thanks Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  13. Adsense is for advertisers not people wanting to place ads... if its IPB forums go to perfectpage.com and get TPP adds its more ergm user freindly ;p
  14. You would have to go in and set every directory (That isnt top level) to what you want it at... Have fun, lol.
  15. Hmm, I can't see much usefulness but Thx ;p But everyone should use Thunderbird now.
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