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Everything posted by serenity

  1. We take the longer because it reminds me of our relationship long and beautiful
  2. Well my first kiss was in southend-on-sea amusement park. My family and his family were quite close and we all decided to go on a saturday morning. We went and me and him kept hugging and touching each other- not in that way!! like touching arms ad he kept putting his arm around me and then me my sister and him went looking for some good rides and them we lost my sister but we didnt really care becasue we went to the crooked house which moved side to side and front to back and there was lots of scary stuff there as well then when we went in we stayed in one room and then the room moved to one side and we found each other kissing in a corner unable to stop until some fat boy was moved to where we were then we went to look for my sister who was carrying on a bench because she fought we had left her there lol, my dad had a go at us also and then we went to some more rides and he bought me a bear and other stuff and THAT WAS HOW I HAD MY FIRST KISS
  3. Lol thats really funny. My parents lived opposite each other and used to see each other everyday.. my dad was a kinda playa so my mum wasn't interested in him and always used to ignore him whenever he used to talk to her.. then one day my dad went to america without telling anyone for about a year and then when he came back he wasnt differnt he werent a playa and in america he had decided that my mum was the one for him and when he got back he made he immediately proposed and my mum was all like i dont know have you really changed can i really trust you and they got together some time later
  4. Hey thanks for bringing this subject- im listening to music right now lolI dont what to say music is kinda like my life i canno tive without it sometimes when i hear a nice beat i sing to it like with all my feelings and emotiions. And sometimes when i hear something like 'Kelly Clarkson because of you' i cant stop crying because the words are so sad, the music reflects the song and her voice shows how she feels and emotionally i get attached to the song and i have already got a few songs that are similar to it. Music is basically my life my breathe it actually means alot to me esp. the balladsWhen i hear music that i really like it makes my day like when i actually heard kelly clarskon for the first time i nearly cried in class (where i heard it)ITs really the best type of medicine for me if im sick and when i am not happy i just lock myself i my room and listen to music even if it is the same song over and over again.
  5. NO and i dont fink i want to ever.. ive seen many people that have been affected by drugs and i dont want to see anyone die again from it. One of my close friends in East London was one of those girls who wanted to be in with the 'popular' crowd but to do this she has to lessen herself and do drugs, drink, smoke and become something like a **** and she did but one day the people in the group started asking about if she was good enough to be in the group and she had to do something to convince them so.. she was told to drink as much vodka as she could and she did it but on the way home she got run-over because she was too drunk to even see the road. Drugs is bad enough it is what this generation of teens are turning to.. to help them, save them and everything but they dont know that the drugs become their lives, 'i need to get money for the drugs', 'i cant live without them', 'where can i meet you', 'i turned to a tramp because of drugs' ectera PLEASE DONT TRY IT you may become addicted
  6. Hey I am a fan of HTML i learnt about from school in year year and then i fell in love with it because everything about it is special. So everytime i have spair time i am always on the computer making sites as it is also fun and i can try all diferent stuff like a music site, a blog, a tutorial site, a site for goodies and ectera. I only know HTML but i am trying to learn about C++, javascript and PHPMy mum is always telling me to get off the computer because im doing 'innecessary' stuff on the computer using up space
  7. I think the fourth one is the best because it is unique shows best and it is the BEST lol trust me any girl would like it so she would like it
  8. 1.there is no problem with age difference (i think it is always better that the guy was older)2.if she looks at you alot then she has a thing for you OBV lol i think you will have to make the first move as she seems shy 3.and yes you can use that to start a conv like 'can i still get that kiss off of you' works most of the time
  9. Well i think that you are just gonna have to go with your gust instincts stay with the first girl and then think about how you feel around her; is she what you want? would you leave her for the other girl? jsut think about all this stuff before you do anything okay because the best thing to do when you are about to be in a relationship is to think about how they may think or how they may react
  10. Have you tried gettin Norton (forgot the rest of it) 2005 ive got it on my computer and it was quite good. i used to get all these popups before but i had my dad buy Norton* and everything was much better nomore dating popups that is
  11. Nah man they love you.. its just that your getting older and it is harder to find what someone your age would want. why dont you tell your parents what you want for christmas like in october/november so they have an idea.. dunno really but thats what i do any way have a nice christmas
  12. OMG that is so cool- its amazing what technology is doing now.. but if it is so small isnt it easy to lose?
  13. Yeah i heard that but every time i go to kfc i cant resist my self uhm-uhm-uhm uhm-uhm-uhm UHM
  14. I use all different types of search pages but i have never come across anything up to 25% of Google's power. Ive been using Google for about 5 good solid years and i havent had any problems.Nothing is as good as GOOGLE- it rulezzz
  15. Well at least yu werent called noodle hair-i had braids in and they were wriggly
  16. Nah man i dont wanna die soon loljks ive just heard bad stuff about it and i aint ready to risk my health because i wanna be in the 'in crowd' etc
  17. I use mp3 with harddisk but i did have mp4 but it got a bit borin watching the videos and you can exactly listen to them in lessons lol
  18. serenity

    Hi Everybody

    Hey you alright. New people everyday LOLErm.. well youve landed at Xisto the coolest forum website ever!!!! You can get hosted and talk about anything here; feel free to speck your mind and remember your opinion is always welcome
  19. Oh wow thats so cool. So mayb I could see Usher in him room...Jks seriously thats quite good and it i will be in 3D
  20. Damn how could she do that...I cant even do that LOL and 3 hours gosh...
  21. Erm.. well try and fix yourself up
  22. You are joking... I love golf. Golf is soo cool i dnt have to concerntrate to make the hole thingy i just hit itmy least favorite sport is rugby- it is just soo ruff. This guy once rugby tackled me and i went SMACK in the ground and at that moment my head was going to roll off my head
  23. LoL at least you didnt get your pants pulled off. Mine did and I was wearing something that wasn't for the world to see...
  24. I hate the popupOne day i was looking for something on the internet with my dad and then this popup of men doing stuff to themselves i just walked away and couldn't talk to my dad for the rest of the day and my dad kept going on about getting a pop up blocker
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