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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. -----Saint-Michael---- V.S. -----MuksimP---- BATTLE IS ONE VOTE NOW!!!!
  2. funny been looking for some playstion emulators, the ones i did fine like 3-4 years ago were just protypes, that did not work at all, but the most used emulators that i useRockNeS-for nintendoUltraFCEznes is ok but it didn't give me what i was looking for so i use a different one that i cannot think of.
  3. let me guess you have and SBC account with them. yeah i barely use 1% in my yahoo account, its mostly junk anywayss that i delete or after i read it i delete it. plus i use folders for certain messages which are small and pictures as well ot keep it somewhat organized.
  4. hmm that is bad of a tutorial, the brush take it right now and you can't even tell if a brushed has been used.
  5. totally agree if you start in the middle you lose alot of information like who the villian/hero is, basic plot of the story, and all other details that make the series deep in its own right.i read afew books back in my hey day, that the author brings you up to spped, but most of the time i just read the back of the book, or inside the cover. you don't see to many people doing that anymore though, maybe in those mushy romance novels....aliens was pretty good ***my stomach....(alien pops out) OMG!!! splat***.
  6. 7.5 , "stick out" it looks pretty well blending in to me plus it gives it depth too. oh your earlier one if i remember correctly when you posted it i believe i gave you 5/10, due to the font and repeating of the brush, color looks good but bad blending job of the pool balls. -----------RATE THIS SIG---------------
  7. i agree their is nothing but rap on mtv, yeah i agree their are some good ones but when its a bunch of no bodies doing their thang its get retard you only can say booty so many time in 3 minutesback in the day wehre it was actually mix genre of music on mtv, well its life and don't forget mtv is like in downtown ny city.
  8. also forgot to added the size of the sig is larger then 400x150.
  9. ok for this challange it has to be space theme so here are the rulesRender: noBrushes: stars and planets, no grunge no abstracttext: yesborder: yessee you in space.
  10. thought gimp was free, i do beleive it can pull off animation but not as good as adobe though.
  11. go to the preset manager and load your brushes to that then it will become your default when you open up the brushes.go to edit>preset manager>brushes>then load>then save
  12. RULES:Size -- No larger than 450x250.Render -- anything.Animation -- None.Due -- ASAP.text -- optionalother -- no grunge, straight up abstractBRING IT ON FOOLS!!!
  13. even though i posted my vote im going to give a tie vote for this 2:1 is the results on the other page
  14. I BEEN ROBBED!!!!! anyways i thought it was best out of seven it would make voting easier that way but still 3 more voted to go johnny.
  15. thats the johnny i know cool grass effect 9/10soldiers look blurred though.
  16. heres my ENTRY against you im sorry this is going to be a first on these two sigs its a tie both have faults and both and the good stuff so 2:1
  17. yes i get to start this one and johnny johnny johnny, ouch what happen with this one. it looks like something i would do. 6/10 -----------RATE THIS SIG---------------
  18. hahathe font she is talking about is like cursive writing something like that, and yeah the color doesn't go with it i would have used a yellow.8.5/10
  19. giving it to johnny the render of your is horrible3:0
  20. with this sig did roughly 16 layers and about 20 different brushes and some good ole render editing.
  21. well here is my sig for this contest the render is from Thief
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