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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well the first two i did where pretty bad but this one is a little better though thus the .1 in it
  2. i can come up with so many lines with this name that i can go for ages on it but here you go have fun and enjoy if something is wrong with let me know cuz i can barely stay awake right
  3. not bad simple yet colorful everything works well with it wold have centered the text just a bit more though.well your still starting out but i give this a 8.5/10 cuz everything works since its a small gift sig.
  4. its a matrix font that download at dafont.com home of the best fonts on the net.
  5. with johnny first one is better suggestion would be use abstract brushes and stawa away from the grunge
  6. nope not offering any hints but johnny did give a clue but wrong letter XPall i have to is that the overlay and fill are at below 30% have fun XP
  7. oooh well it been dead fo awhile so thats why i was saying to close it up.
  8. good attitude XP that should help in the rennder department lol.
  9. i suggest getting a adware/spy ware remover those soemtimes slow the computer down alot. also i recommend defraging your computer as well and using the disk clean up program as well, do those things and that should help you out a little butbtw thoe 2 sigs are soooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuute
  10. actually i listen to a little rap not much of it but just a little.
  11. you can use a basic password/register php script but what do you plan to have on your site that would help out so we get a basic understanding of what oyu need.
  12. yeah this battle was over so why is it still open, goign to fix that.
  13. ps2 because sony can back up their claim on making the better games thats why and i sticking with it.
  14. i seen stuff around my suggestion would be to yahoo or goodle it and look at the different websites and see what they have to offer, even though i don't recommend doing esepcially at airports cuz you know whow pople like to "soulder surf".
  15. all right battle of the stars has begun -----SAINT-MICHAEL----- VS -----DJLUKI---- good luck
  16. you must have missed my post i quote it for you that should help with the boxes
  17. i didn't snlil hmm ok im tell you now use inside option when you do the strokes for the border on sigs.
  18. anyways back on topic at hand that is still some sick stuff, bet if you put more thought into it, it would look serious ill (thats mine)recommend using some dark shades of red and slate grey for the mountains and put some ripple in your grass.
  19. thats fine i could do back tech work and make it look all high speed and stuff like that.
  20. its ok but i don't use the image hovering anymore it more out of date for those that be doing it for awhile but could be useful for the beginning web designers.
  21. aah listing what brushes you should get and not just pick at random even thought they have like pver 1000 diffferent brushes that can be used. (i just picked random from the differnt groups and when from their).
  22. smoking is a stress reliever, why do you think people take "smoke breaks" to calm their nerves and what not so they have a clear head when they go back to work.
  23. you can't its that simple, because all you will be doing in overriding the orignal table so just a create a new table to solve your problem.
  24. hmm maybe you should be more detail with your post so people will have a better idea on why to click on these links, cuz they could be leading to something else.
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