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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. heres the places that i go to even thoug most of them johnny already has renders- http://www.gamefront.com/ got over 2400 of them you can go to gamerenders.com but i pretty much got everyone one them at my site. brushes-deviantart.com it pretty much says it all.
  2. yeah i use norton/yahoo/windows/webroot for my protection and its working out wonderful but a little on the slow side when im loading the computer up.
  3. not bad at all now make a pool table with all the balls and you got something going on. , but yeah adding a little shadow under the bottoom would make it a little more realistic.
  4. i just tried ram def it cleaned it up alot but now my computer is so slow for some reason, but it works effective right lets so how the internet works now.ice the brushing looks perfect on it i recommend putting those 2 sigs in the showcase forum you can get a lot fo good repsonses from people, and believe me most of them agree with my thoughts on stuff like sigs.
  5. yeah you you have to hit the f8 key upon startign you coputer then you can put it into safe mode.
  6. well i heard good things on amd, but with new hardware system in which i can't think of the stupid name, but it makes it easier to connect wireless easier i guess, unless that is what im talking about. i have to look it up now.but yeah intel is the way to go since you can do some heavy customizing and not get any problems out of it when you do it right.
  7. well actually mod chips are illegal since your breaking into the system itself you could call it a hack, cuz i don't see to many store carrying this around which is telling yo usomething about it, plus i wouldn't go through all that rouble anyways because then i would ruin $150 system and have to buy a new one and don't need to bother with that right now.
  8. anywho, but yeah this color scheme should colors for people starting out or want to try it out "Becca", now only if i can mix the colors up a bit i would be in heaven. with blues, purples, oranges and green oh my!!!
  9. no spamming "secureA" thats you only warning, well this topic looks dead, maybe if you could providea link to that article about the website that could spice things up a little bit.
  10. aah i see yeah i notice that asta has as many people as we do, curious if they have any people doing the graphics thing over there?
  11. not bad, but i would change the gradient background image to something else it looks off for some reason but other then that looks pretty good.
  12. also get rid of the halo around the image too but yeah the background looks a little better in the first one.
  13. yeah but what about the insurance cost for just one of these, its got to be double that. and on top of maintenace as well., but luckly for me im in the middle class of society and thats fine with me.
  14. i seen quite a few of them at gr yeah you be surprised what people can do with the same render.but on the spider-man and tekkan yeah i have like 30-40 apiece of them in the renders that i have, johnny can vouch that one. well i know which one i would stay out of is the vector the one i see they look good but people tear those apart like it was homework.
  15. the alignment feature is for making making the text look left right or centered you have to drag to the center, i suggest using the ruler to get a good idea where to center it at.
  16. like i said i was out of it when i did this morning right now im awake but that shouldn't last long since im in and out most of the day.well i think the good move i did was use orange with the purple background. skillz son skillz.
  17. remote system is as secure as you want it to be but i htink it leads to higher percentage that iy wil get hack especially if the computer "at home" is unsecure like a public computer at an airport or library.
  18. how would you do a session since this is the first i heard of it, plus i delete my cokkies daily its more conveniant for me.
  19. well the problem with legit programs like google adsense you need the visitors to come to your site, which means you have to offer alot of stuff for them to come back, so go out in the real make your own google company and you on your way.
  20. the thing is though they only change the header info and not the whole system, yeah it would take awhile to comb through 9 billion pages worth of websites but hey who knows.
  21. well we are testing out a new credit system out epecially for contests but its going to be limited sig tourneys and Sig Of the Week contests, which gives you a incentive to get ps and start working on your graphic designs.
  22. i know they are but im not has talented in free hand best i can do is stick figures :D
  23. and some drops of blood on the tip of it as well
  24. oooh that hahaha pretty good i did that on purpose skillz son skillz.
  25. like im that talented to do that first i would have zoom at 1600 and then one square at a time fill it in to much work.
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