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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. i would have used the color of the render as a highlight color to finish it offthen it would blened in better as well., the text is off and pixelated as well. and a little more brushing to it as well.7.5/10hey buff its not that hard to do some photoshopping work 2-3 weeks with lots of practice and you will be good in on time, but i do take monetray value as well XP. Notice from snlildude87: 7.5/109?! Gasp.Edited
  2. interesting yeah but i have a better idea instead of coding they just pick the names and post them cuz the coding will take forever and by then then hte tournament will be over.3 entries so far in interested whats johnny will be using for this.but yeah thats the downside for new people getting 30 after getting accpeted they are down to zero but not to many new people are joining in so 20 would be good enough plus second place gets 10 .its going to be done march madness style the elite one side the those just starting on the other side that would make sense.also im catching up again too i should be at 1700 by the end of the day and they are all legit posts too muhahaha.
  3. yeah the text is a little off but the render looks good with it just blend it a little bit and your good to goand snlil you better im still waiting in front of your house for the gift sig .
  4. well i prefre the old stuff to when they "sold" stuff but thier last cd had some good stuff in it though.
  5. well i was already starting it so i used the will power to stay awake just to finish it up and post it.i would commment on that "in it again" but nope to many kids here.
  6. thats the second time you spam secureA you have been reported for your spamming but anyways.yeah i don't run all of them at ounce i just keep norton active and thats it i run the others when i choose too.
  7. a phone is a phone, its funnu though everyone is making a big deal about cell phoes japan's market along is like 80% cell phones the nyo u got greece baning all types of cell phones and games and what not. but meh as long as i can called and send a txt message now and then its fine with me.
  8. i bet if you went with thier priumium prgram they wouldn't have suspended your account but yet i don't bother with them cuz its not the easy way to get money unless you have 30 million hits a day.
  9. so did your phone ever arrive yet just curious to know if it did or not.
  10. its a useful tut but it has been done on here before a good suggestion would be to provide some links to get people started even quicker on some more html stuff.
  11. well its looks like you the php script is not even in the html trying moveing into the <html> tag and see what happens.
  12. welcome back i guess alot has happen in 1 year as you can see.
  13. well its grunge and its not grunge i tell you why you have grunge look going but to make it 100% grunge you need to have use black and white brushing, so you set the mood of it.best suggestion i can give is do one layer nothing but black next layer nothing but white do that for about 6-8 laers and tinker with the different modes like overlay, soft and hard light. do that for all of them except for the first one. and you will have a better grasp on the grunge look.you did a bad job on the render blending i would have just blended in the feet a little bit and left everything else as it is.the indent not working for this, when grunging you never indent your name unless you try to indent it into the render, but if you do it with the background it wil have disaterous results like the example you have in your sig.keep workinf at it and you will find what your looking for.
  14. yeah i somewhat agree with biscuts ***gasp*** scientifically your life continues, but in the religious part i dunno, they say if you good you go to heaven well look at the world in the the last 2000 years not to many people are heading their now are they.once your dead your dead unless you can put your rain in a machine then you can last a little bit longer. but that will never happen cuz man cannot create with out screwing it up.but for me though i fear death, the whole fact that im going to die just scares me for some reason why i dunno, people say you haveto accept it but i don't but one day i might but i doubt it, i will keep on fearing the role of death until the day it comes that i leave here.
  15. hey buff where do you think all these renders i have loaded on my file site and use in my sigs, i don't bother with it since im ripping off the ripper who originally ripped off the copyrighted material.if you cold figure that one out good for you, but anyways the best thing to do is hot link the image to make it easier most gaming sites do it, but since this is trap asking permission is the lol"right thing to do" hahaha
  16. right again yeah i have a ton of those should have deleted them from the beginning, i didn't even consider it as a brush untill now. even though you have it with the indent better to use the pillow emboss to make the indent more fluid.
  17. well im american and im completly lazy XP so ha!!! but anyways why it is better even though i have one but don't use it, you have a better chance of getting a lame gmail account throug hte bot then through a person.
  18. well what is ipv6 to begin with that would help us out, like me for instance .trying reading it again but by paragraphs so you you can get a better understanding of it.
  19. well i would go on for hours destroying your sigs snlil but i can't government restrictions say i can't :Dbut yeah the blending is odd and the transparancy looks like your overlayed it, i would have gone pop with that render since i have a good idea how the whole render looks, brushing even though better could use some more, text ok but could be better.7.5/10
  20. with your dark style of sigging thats going to make some good contrast to our style of sigging, and you code too which makes it even better for the crew.you have some narly stuff going on give it thee old saint-michael try you be like the rest of us, but more on the dark side of the sig XPsides not: got to stop using the starwars thing in my posts.btw its yes
  21. hmm i might take a look at it but with all these brushes i have i dunno, but will give it that college try.
  22. hm i dunno snlil only a week hmmm let me think about it ***drinks some coffee, prints out reports, hold meetings with world leaders, goes to a movie, sleeps, eats, sleeps some more, turns computer back on.****ok after years of talking and fighting wars, the world leaders say ye.
  23. yeah i have that sometimes i cannot be in the same car or smae location with them its gets annoying but when i have kids its going to happen to me so i don't let it bother me that much. its will be an eye for eye so gotta deal with it.
  24. im going to go on a whim but but i give you a yes, yeah you need some improvement which cold be done in days, so work on some new stuff and show it off and you can become a good crew member.
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