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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. mucho deniro, well snlil if you read more comics you would know that was not spider-man..
  2. yeah i forgot that dog was annoying especially when you miss that luagh god how i hated that laugh, you should a super marion bros through the agesbut with the original mario bros (the one without bowser in it) up to number 3.
  3. well even though its impressive that they keep on finding stuff, i think its getting kind tedious to keep on finding stuff from an ancient society that we know so much about. yeah their are still mysteries we need to figure out but then once they figure it out it doesn't seem that impressive i say let the land of the ancient eypytians remain a mystery.
  4. well this is going to be my first blow tutorial, well sort of since all you will be learning is a filter trick that picked up, so lets get down to the basics Step 1:start your computer Step 2: start adobe photoshop 7, 8(CS 1) , 9 (CS 2) Step 3: the next part well i would have to say use a big size document the one i used was 372x478 since i used the original size of the render when i start this project. Step 4: next you pick your render, i highly recommend getting a renders that doing some sort of action that requires motion, the one i used was a carnage/venom render. Step 5: with the default settings for color as vlack and white click on filters then render then to clouds and this is what you should have so far/ click here Step 6: next grab your lasso tool and select an area around your image, which will be the point where the motion blur will begin and spread out. click here Step 7:next you want to go to select in your menu then click inverse, or hold the keys (shift+ctrl+I)when you do this you are selcting the whole document where the motion blur will spread out like this click here Step 8: ok the next step you go to filters then to blur then to motion blur, with selcted you have a preview menu of what the image will look like, well this is where you can test to see what settings you want, well for this image i chose -54 degrees for the angle of the motion blur then for the distance i picked 40px with this i blur the render just enough were its in action. click here By now you should have a action render with motion blur at an angle. Step 9: next click on inverse or hold (shift+ctrl+I) and select the original area of the lasso, then go to filter then to blur then to blur more click on it once and the area selecred should look a little blured. After that hold (ctrl+alt+f) ro slecte the filter again do it as many times as you want to give the render that action motion that you want to use. click here ok now this is what your final product should be after following these simples steps. click here Step 10: now its up to you want colors, brushes and other options you would ike to use to make your motion image comes to life. well this is what i came up with after days later. and there you go you have youself a successful motion blurred action render. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as requested.
  5. hmmm very interesting indeed could you provide a link to the rest of the story.
  6. marriage is the best thing to happen in ones life, yeah people have their problems but if they fix them by talking them out they be happier, im been with my g.f for about a year now and you wouldn't believe the fights we get in, and yet we always come back up top loving each other more and more.you have to find that person and learn everything you can about them and thus you can learn about yourself as well, it takes time to have a happy relationship, and wehn you both decided to have children you know you will always be happy with each other.
  7. yeah pixel2life is good place to have your tutorial placed at but you got alot of compitition there to deal with and also they do alot of deleting of tutorials too.
  8. that logo looks kick @ZZ, it tells you what kind of updates gfx designers be doing.
  9. well unlike those other hosting websites, we don't act like a total butthead yeah we are strict but thats for everyone. if you do good you have good stuff happen to you, you do bad then we make it worse for you., but beleive me t17 has the better deal then any hosting site out thier, and i been to a lot of them and they don't compare to what trap has to offer.
  10. what johnny said, but i won't mention had bad the text is pixelated and fuzzy.and the flowers look puuurty.
  11. welcome aboard and yeah its easy to bust out 10 credits, with good quality posts. so have fun reply and good luck.
  12. the cactuar is the better one those are just to i dunno pixelated for my taste.
  13. well both points are true, but i say parents are the bigger reason why children become bad, parents who do spend time with them, encourage them, make the children believe that they are unloved by them and then the surroundings are brought into play, cuz people look for those who have nothing to lose and thus begin brainwashing them. how do you think terrorism works, they find those they can brain wash and make them into what they are really not.so best thing as a parent is to be their as much as you can when you can and the children will be the righeous person they should be.
  14. i have to go no even though good you havn't been here long enough
  15. i see the improvement you got some good basic banner stuff going on maybe incorporate them intemplates that would be good but i have tosay no as well.
  16. well if you want some skin download my ladies renders thats all i have to say on that.
  17. not bad i have the same render, can't remember if thier was a name on it or not.but good either way.
  18. its good for a beginner to start off with since all your doing is brushing slapping a render on and changing the color.make it more indepth and you could bring it to the next level.
  19. well even though i can't see the image i have to tell you using the glass effect that some tricky business right there i would have to say fractal would work better then abstract, cuz you have to have the right abstract brush to make it work.
  20. right now im going with smart ftp since it suits my needs in what im doing plus its customizable.
  21. johnny you be looking at these sigs to hard. me thinks you have something going on...but anyways thats not a bad idea i would have gone more gamer like wow or even starwars.
  22. i would have to go with 95/88 they didn't have that many problems unlike me and xp cuz those where just whipped and then fixedd later.
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