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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. the lion king was the the word sex heres that images well heres the info about emily rose so thats the true story of that movie but the special effects are sweet, so this movie i can't wait to see.
  2. this is my first sig where i started using filters and gradient effects as well, but again look at me now.
  3. is the class reload feature about reloading the jsp if it goes down at all on the serverm if so i would do bothm because some people will have different things go wrong with them,plus if it is the same problem the live tech operator will explain it as quickly to the person.so i would use both of them just to play it safe, so not to lose customers.
  4. also it just makes it easier to control the illegal content flowing on the internet especially since this is a free hosting site.
  5. its your text that is the problem if you take the <td> Welcome, you are currently not logged in</td> then your fine, but i think another problem is table size try making it larger to fit everything in. but in my opinion i think having the log on form like that is kind of tacky it waste space and clutters your webpage but work on the text and table resizing and it should be fine.
  6. well thats what my girlfriends tells me im a negative person, but you have to admit though the future doesn't look to good the way things are going.
  7. welcome aboard recruit, your the second one i brought over from asta to join our wonderful gfxs forum, have fun enjoy and soon you will get a better place to store your graphics.
  8. go to request username and password info in the get hosted forums
  9. well i was in iraq and i so no fun in it at all except when i was hanging out with the iraqis that were working with me.but paint ball that is totally killer took a couple shots in the back of my head and some close ranged ones as well and do they hurt.
  10. nice tutorial should help out those starting to work the sig market, even though im 20 step ahead of everyone else.
  11. not that i know of but xhtml is still in its baby stage of being used for big projects, i would think if invision decided to do their forums with xhtml in it, they would have to start from scratch, except for the php portions.because for some reason any use of the php script is xhtml complitant so it just depends who wants to spend the time looking up all the info to start it up a forum like that.
  12. well here is my infamous final fantasy sig that i did, i was going for the depth as you can see, and the colors i think went well when i did this in fireworks, of course now the text is horrible, but what could you expect i just started out with nothing much to go on so here you go for you viewing pleasure
  13. hmm maybe that was what i was missing when i did these thanks cool freaker now i can tweak it just a bit more now.
  14. well not to make it any worse then it needs be, but corruption has been going on since the beginning, but you have to give her some credit in her fight against terrorism, shes got communist terrorists and as well the islamic terrorists as well and shes been doing pretty good on that despite everything else that has been going on.but what i have seen the filipino people are kind of split on how she is running it so who knows what the next president will be like57 pesos he/she will be corrupted as well.
  15. -----I merged this post with the above tutorial since this doesn't really stand as a single tutorial, and it can be considered a follow up to this topic/the above tutorial-----szupie <?phpHeader("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");Header("Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT");Header("Pragma: no-cache");Header("Content-Type: image/gif");srand((double)microtime()*1000000);readfile("http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;here is another script the only downside to this is that you only can sig rotate jpgs and and not png or gifs. well you could just change the jpg into one of them. just follow the same steps in my other sig rotating scripts.
  16. i was looking sround game renders for filter stuff when i happen to find this script, this script basically reads the files in your folder. without you the user to provide links into the script. step 1: create a index.php file with in your images folder. and then paste this code into it, then save now open the index file in your browser and you should see an image. if not pm or pst here and i will help you out. Step 2:change your images folder like this images>images.png in order for the script to work properly NOTEi had to make another copy of my gift folder in order for this to work due to the fact that those who had gift sigs from me could still be seen just as a image. but to get it rotating i had to change the folder into a png format to get it to work. Step3: then paste this code below to get it working. mind you put our own url in their not mine [IMG]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; ON A SIDE NOTE MAKE SURE THE FORUM HAS PHP ACTIVATED OR IT WILL NOT WORK as you see here im using this as my gift sig rotator if i have to make any edits i will let you all know.
  17. well 2. 3, 4 don't look it and well the text for the first one could use a better color.
  18. work with blur effect and see what you get also work with contrasting and layer properties as well but i think its a sweet set up you have going.
  19. well this is going to be my first blow tutorial, well sort of since all you will be learning is a filter trick that picked up, so lets get down to the basics Step 1:start your computer Step 2: start adobe photoshop 7, 8(CS 1) , 9 (CS 2) Step 3: the next part well i would have to say use a big size document the one i used was 372x478 since i used the original size of the render when i start this project. Step 4: next you pick your render, i highly recommend getting a renders that doing some sort of action that requires motion, the one i used was a carnage/venom render. Step 5: with the default settings for color as vlack and white click on filters then render then to clouds and this is what you should have so far/ click here Step 6: next grab your lasso tool and select an area around your image, which will be the point where the motion blur will begin and spread out. click here Step 7:next you want to go to select in your menu then click inverse, or hold the keys (shift+ctrl+I)when you do this you are selcting the whole document where the motion blur will spread out like this click here Step 8: ok the next step you go to filters then to blur then to motion blur, with selcted you have a preview menu of what the image will look like, well this is where you can test to see what settings you want, well for this image i chose -54 degrees for the angle of the motion blur then for the distance i picked 40px with this i blur the render just enough were its in action. click here By now you should have a action render with motion blur at an angle. Step 9: next click on inverse or hold (shift+ctrl+I) and select the original area of the lasso, then go to filter then to blur then to blur more click on it once and the area selecred should look a little blured. After that hold (ctrl+alt+f) ro slecte the filter again do it as many times as you want to give the render that action motion that you want to use. click here ok now this is what your final product should be after following these simples steps. click here Step 10: now its up to you want colors, brushes and other options you would ike to use to make your motion image comes to life. well this is what i came up with after days later.
  20. i say add some color to it and also use some grunge brushes in the background to the the renders some depth as well.
  21. sig number 5 is the better one, the rest you have problems with how you use your renders, at the point you keep on making them transparent, when you don't need too. and your brushing need a little work as well.
  22. well lucky for us one of two ways to get rid of bush impeach his butt or the other way in which i cannot mention but all i have to the next president better not screw up because he has alot of fixing up to do.
  23. welcome aboard, yeah we are growing community, with some elite players up in here, and our gfx department is growing as well, enjoy yourself and hand fun.
  24. well here is the current list of the problems-page re-reloads-partial code showing up-db MySQL error saying topicread error-posts not postinghmm i didn't see anything about forum updates (hmm maybe opa is installing the 2.1 forum board )in which woohoo.
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