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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. until i see bill gates become the poorest man on earth then i will admit it, if and only when that happens.
  2. the only thing i could think of is that the meta tag key words have something the system admin put in to block oe the fact that it is a store.
  3. no problem and now i can see it as it should be as a png file, a transparent background yeah.
  4. well i keep on discovering more features on ie i was looking at my 1 year gift sig and it so happens .png extension is now in full use yeah.i bet though ill gates though it was cool (idiot), well like i said hopefully they fix it up a bit more.speaking of bogus files, when i was looking it was nothing but virus traps, good thing im got some good stuff going on this computer.
  5. found another new feature for ie7 if you right click then go to encoding options you have the option of putting the scrollbar left or right, interesting as i saw css coding for that as well.
  6. well that me thats why you can do the toolbars how ever you like.
  7. from what i tried out, it doesn't look like it right now, maybe when the full release is out then maybe.
  8. the is the unofficial official version of IE7 here is some stuff that has been added to the new IE browser -Phising Filter to phish out the fake sites -pop up blocker is in its new location instead of going to tool internet options to tweak it just go to tools -also they have manage add-ons that are pick up by progrmas like yahoo for instance -rss feeds -now with the tabs if you just started ie it will havee a blank tab when you click on it it will be like a new window except that it will be blank and then a new tab will follow right next to it. everything else is just the same, the only thing im not to fond of is where the url bar is at you can see it it is up top and meh hopefully they put it backdown to its home on release the beta is about 11k file
  9. whats the price tag to it, the specs look like its a older computer model, and the way the pic looks makes it look even older then that, but if you buying it used then fine but if it is brand you could get a better deal somewhere else with better specs.
  10. no problem dymondgurl, im famous for helping people not here though, in the love department, but yeah don't follow these like a bible each situation is unique these are just helpful steps to get you on the right track.
  11. of course the time fram give plenty fo time for people to do them up to since my surgery is going to be coming up on the 19th should be back on the 21st, so hopefully many entries will be in on this.
  12. have to go with biscuts as well, better made in all aspects of designing a sig.
  13. OK everyone here are the rules for the Saint-Michael Inventational Sig Tournament 1: Sig size Minimum: 100x100 Maximum: 500x500 2: TEXT your name must be in it. OPTIONAL if you want you can give a text line of up to 40 characters that includes spaces about what your sig stands for ex: when the darkness come you be gone, (splinter cell render) 3: Voting It will be a poll vote to make thing rum smoothly , but you have the option of post voting as well, which means you have to give a reason why your gave that vote. If voting comes to a tie for people i will give the final vote. 4: RENDER anything goes. (with in reason of the TOS) 5: Image format png, jpg, gif accepted, no flash sigs. 6: Animation optional. GRAND PRIZE: 50 credits, a gift sig FIRST PRIZE: 25 credits, gift sig SECOND PRIZE: 15 credits, banner of second place sig THIRD PRIZE: 10 credits, banner of third place sig CONTEST WILL BEGIN ON THE FRIDAY 23 OF SEPT 2005 and will end on FRIDAY 30 SEPT 2005 good luck and enjoy.
  14. OK everyone here are the rules for the Saint-Michael Inventational Sig Tournament 1: Sig size Minimum: 100x100 Maximum: 500x500 2: TEXT your name must be in it. OPTIONAL if you want you can give a text line of up to 40 characters that includes spaces about what your sig stands for ex: when the darkness come you be gone, (splinter cell render) 3: Voting It will be a poll vote to make thing rum smoothly , but you have the option of post voting as well, which means you have to give a reason why your gave that vote. If voting comes to a tie for people i will give the final vote. 4: RENDER anything goes. (with in reason of the TOS) 5: Image format png, jpg, gif accepted, no flash sigs. 6: Animation optional. GRAND PRIZE: 50 credits, a gift sig FIRST PRIZE: 25 credits, gift sig SECOND PRIZE: 15 credits, banner of second place sig THIRD PRIZE: 10 credits, banner of third place sig CONTEST WILL BEGIN ON THE FRIDAY 23 OF SEPT 2005 and will end on FRIDAY 30 SEPT 2005 good luck and enjoy.
  15. i think your all nuts , but yeah i was never good at these word math problems i completely sucked at them. no wonder i came away with a C in math all the time.***cries into a pillow***
  16. we its all nice and dandy but really do you need to get that technical with using a search?
  18. sweet you think the military could use this to better help them out.
  19. be brutually honest with them if either them don't except your situation then you will know another answer."Hank" seems like hes the understanding type but now you mention "FRANK" (the guy at texas), make things even more complicated. reason being is that if you tell them both reactions will change, and thus giving you a status which i won't mention and which you don't want.i say talk to "hank" first to get everything out in the open, if he is as understanding as you say he is then he will give you the space that you need, now when everything kosher with "hank" then move on to "frank" and explain everything up to the point where you told us (don't mention names just say i talk to some friends of mine or something like that).then and only then if both are on equal playing fields you have to decide which is the more beneficial party "hank" is lives near you or "frank" who lives in texas.
  20. not bad hey strawberrie im surpised that you don't a doa few sigs, with what you can do, i wouldn't be suprised if you better then some of us.but thats a good tutorial, you have a about 50-60 more filters to go through.
  21. well here are som pointers to make a tactics game of that calibur.-story has to run smoothly into the battles (like conversations during the battle)-make it more of a strategy then just your basic point click slash.-give the battle field some depth so when a character moves it looks like they are going up a hill or down a hil through water and what not.- include several characters that hae both strengths and weakness so you can balance out your party the same with your monsters/ bosses.-do a minimal sides quest like gaining a few unique characters or gold or something like that.need any creative help look me up cuz also im known for making some sick looking names to weapons, and designs as well but thats to another game engine though. (nwn auroa engine)
  22. i saw something shocking yesterday gas prices started going down where i live, now that the government is paying attention to it now, plus the refineries are starting back up so hopefully prices go back down again.
  23. yeah thats true with all the magazines i read on video games i notice that crappy games get good rating and the great good that have a good history have lower rating sometimes, because they expect so more about the newer game.WOOHOO I FINALLY DID IT NUMBER #2 POSTER ON THE FORUMS.
  24. plus you can do it the other way that i cannot say, but you risk youself to getting hacked and slashed for it contains who knows what since linux is open source software.
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