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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. something that i whipped up the colors work well with htem since they bring out the white lines that I brushed with. but which one orage or blue?
  2. a hackers heaven of goods and programs to help the noobs begin their world of cheap tricks and flashy moves that will get them caught in like 5 minutes after typing their full name in the virus.but again i would download so much firewall/spyware/adware.anti-virus programs nothing but government paid hackers could break into it.and of course all the music you could possible think of.
  3. whats that referring to hmm. butr yeah you think the topic title wasn't clear enough, i guess it wasn't.
  4. hmm well with the furniture do a profile like page for that show a picture of it and the stats of it and a brief description then below that put like a comment section for those who purchased the producted and what they say about it.if you want go to oswd.org to look at templates and see what they have, i seen some nice looking layout that might work for what your looking for.
  5. funny though its should have been a dictionary besides being a country that it was infact called a explosive weapon back in WWII.well guess what oyu just got bangalored .
  6. well the thing is though, almost every gaming magazine, wbsite gave that 9 or higher, i htink the people at gamespot, have no gaming experiance at all or justa bunch of rookies. i thought the game rocked in every way, gameplay control, graphics, sound and anything else you could think of, but most likly they will change their minds when subsistance comes out later this year.
  7. i would suggest doing a flash layout, you got your video and 3d covered right their, and use a button to change it from english to dutch just like that, why bother with all that coding when you can just do it in less time and in less coding.unless you have no flash experiance stop by at pixel2life.com to pick up some pointers.
  8. well between Xisto.com and Xisto.com you have 370 hosted accounts now if you put that 150mb per host you will have 55,500mb which comes out to 55.5gb worth of space, thats your standard computer right their, which isn't nothing compared to a server system which hold a terabyte or more on it."correct my math if im wrong about that."
  9. that would be funny if they actually wrote emails to some of these that would be hilarious to read, the god one is funny (shouldn't it be a little bigger though).
  10. you would have nothing but advertising on your main page just to get the clicks for people help you pay for BW.i can only image what microsoft.com, download.com, imageshack.us.com are paying for bw? just so people can upload/download images and programs to them.
  11. i don't know what im thinking with this sig , but i will be good about it and see how this one runs.
  12. well sell the whole thing when you could make more money off of webhosting it?but i guess you would havet o have the right computer system for anyone crazy enough to purchase it.
  13. well another great tv star just died today, i was a fan of his work, use to watch Gilligan island back when i was a kid in the 80's, its was some funny stuff to watch, hopefully they will do some more reruns of his show.Gilligan island and Dobie Gillis
  14. Saint_Michael


    yeah i was about to say that im surprised the letters didn't kick in for that name, but anyways welcome to the website have fun post post post. and enjoy your stay.
  15. hmmm interesting thats means that as a non system admin i could change that at will then hmmm....
  16. well this is a hypothetical question not like everyone could afford to get that kind of hosting at low low prices.
  17. well wassie you know how brutally honest I am at sigs but then again im in a feel good mood today :)Sig 1: the multi-colored fractals look good, could usea little grunge brushing in it to give it some depth., don't halo renders like that, people get hanged for something like that. (well i escaped every time). the text i see you going for the glow effect but remember to put a stroke around the text so it can be read and doen't blend into the background to much, keep working with text effects and you will get some good looking ones after awhile.with your render i see you where trying to blend it in, but since your are using straight up fractal brushes its not going to look at clean, which hte grunge comes into effect.. don't forget the border around the sig as well.your second looks a little better since the colors look more better with each other, try blending in the bottom half of the render. but pretty much what i said up top applies with this as well.but i have to admin your a fractal god compare to me.and a good overall effort on them as well.
  18. well i was looking at my filefront account today, i looked up and saw that they had used 13.42 terabytes worth of space for hosting files. so i asked myself "Saint-Michael what could i do with 1 terabyte for hosting a website?"hmm so i ponder and this is what i came up with-host as many as i could e-books in every category for computers (thats a few thousand pages right there.-so something like imageshack or file front for small files-something for the kids-something for the grown upstheres more but i want to here what you people would do with it.
  19. This is got to be the funnies thing i have posted about bush except for the one hwere he fell off his bike, but really, how are you going to start this now when he knew darn well what he was doing, really, why are you going to waste are time and money on this, just get the money, food, people down their to fix this problem that you created after the hurricane.of course you have to admit on this the jobless rate is going to spike big time after all this as with the hoemless rate as well, it shouldn't be long till they mention this.but i have to admit this is the biggest loss of life in america from a natural distater in like who knows how long. but alot of this could have been preventive if the government worked faster, they just waited until it hit to find out how bad this storm really was.but then i find out that up to 6 people got killed by the police cuz of the anarchy down there. and i saw that they might still keep the mardi gras going, really who is going to go now, its going to take years for this to be cleaned up butm of course it could be shorten if bush gets off his but and help them out. Bad enough he has tarnish the american government, the role as a president of a country and more.
  20. well of course ther was the coffecop scandel they were involved in, in which someone was able to unlock a mod that i cannot mention on here, but lets just say people got mad and they had to remake the game.well they could go back to its roots and do GTA london over see a bunch of bobbies around with funky cars and green teeth.
  21. i dunno was trying something new in this sig as you can see with the colors and black and white background but i dunno what else could be done with this one any suggestions. Sig #1 Sig #2 Notice from cmatcmextra: Edited as per request except I reorganized the poll instead of deleting it, so a risk of hosting credit deduction is not made
  22. i don't know why im going to enter this one, why i have no clue but i will be surprised if the results come true. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as requested.
  23. you have to vote for it, but i have a question true, why you using the same sig again for SOTW, it was stated that it has to be a different sig each time.
  24. not bad for a 2 minute job, but the following that should be fixed,1: put the render on top of the brushing it gives it more depth since you put a drop shadow with it.2: brushing is not bad but you should fill in the white with another color of that same brush maybe a darker blue will good well with it.3: with using the slate grey if you want to call when your name is at use that as your depth gauge for the rest of your sig, everyone can see the depth that color gives just spread it around and it would even look better.
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