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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well i seen several hundred website sand photos of the stuff if you yahoo or google im ghost pictures you will see alot of pics of it. some of them I can explain (trick photography, computer inhancement) but others I can't, but it still doesn't tell me that ghots are real, unless i get possess or see one then well they don't exsist.
  2. on top of that you need a fast server and by hte looks of it they are running several of them to have that many people playing that game. but now the ppc won't work due to the massive amount of bandwidth that is being used to play a game like cs online cuz then you will be broke so paying it at a low cost like 3.50 is a pretty good offer.
  3. welcome to the club but I would have to say you don't hold that title unless your over 30 and have been watching it since the 70's.just follow the forum rules and you shouldn't have any problems getting any hosting and by the looks of the posts i seen you already have 30 credits to get your package.
  4. true forgot that you computer must be able setup a tv through the monitor along with the software as well, but the software is cheap as well you shouldn't have any problem getting that due to certain technologies we have today.
  5. hmmm thats a interesting word right their, be a nice one for scrabble. now the question is who is running a system at 4 bytes instead of 8?
  6. also if your looking for more tutorials go to gamerenders.com to look at some other ones as well. since you have a more exclusive list of tutorials to share.
  7. well it's called a contract you cannot advertise another tv channel on another one unless they both own by the same group thus spike did what they had to do. Both parties are to blame for the actions they have been taking in the last few weeks.also this is not news so the topic will be moved.
  8. i won't be roguh either but yeah work on the text and render.some tips to use and to start off with:-use the anti-alias tool to smooth out the text the best you can-when downsizing the render click on the chain icon so that all sides are equal and your will get rid of the pixelationThe background is brushed in pretty good as well.
  9. it like how greece banned all video games cuz they can't tell if there is gambling in them or not.
  10. well you should let the people know what football you are talking about I almost mistaken it for NFL football and not soccer. But anyways I'm not much of a soccer person, to long of match to catch any interest, but I haveto say I wouldn't mind getting into a soccer riot I here crazy stuff goes when one starts.
  11. hmmm i think working with a different dragon render might have gone well with this, due to the brightness to the wing their. I'm digging the background it looks good, text could be a little better.
  12. well its skybe now but soon all instant messanger services might get banned its the same concept if you think about it. but think about it they did cuz they want to make money and how do you make money by rubbing out the free compitition thus anything thats not provided by the isp or other communications then they can make sure the government can fix it.
  13. oh the gd is the security images used for the number to start in account go to your general board settings find a gd1 or gd2 somewhere if theat don't help you can have the option of turning it off to fix the problem.
  14. yeah what a landslide i got on this one 2-1 against Senor Mainac i concure you won.maybe next time.
  15. i think the main reason why the bw is lower in asta is that they are running off of two differnt servers but I guess OpaQue could better answer that.
  16. oooh ok this topic was a little confusing had to read it a few times to figure out what was going but yeah moooo_im_a_fish you are now labeled a Image ripper most likly you have already been taken care of since I see all these edits buffalo did.
  17. i havn't notice any change but it claims i have save a whole day and then some from loading up pages. But it has to do with the cache of webasites so if you max out your cache maybe it will load quicker but its a pain when yo uhave to download something and have to turn it off.
  18. to answer your second question why their is only 2 options, Xisto has a certain amount account they can use, but back in the beginning their where 4 types acccounts but basically the 4th one was the second. Also I guess it was a headache to manage all 4 hosting accounts so providing 2 options made it easier that way.But thats my guess.
  19. Well to enlighten this topic just a bit yes emulators are illegal since you are playing burned copies of games that 1 you did not make 2 the games are copyrighted.But on the other sense i don't think anyone covers their tracks with all the websites i have seen that you can download these roms at no one has yet to be shut down and this one website i use to go to since the late 90's has been up for awhile. Of course 99% of the websites don't offer you roms at all just a bunch of bs to get money through ppc programs and what not.And since emulators and roms are illegal anyone caught posting links to those websites here will be taken care of properly.
  20. lighten it up would have been impossible with what i did, (clone stamp) I had a hard time trying to layer it to get the light i was looking for so i just left it as is should have dropped shadowed the sig as well for some added depth.
  21. well i will even go a little further in the fixing of this sig, lets start with the car render itself, it sucks plain and simple, it is to art sketched and not the real mccoy to be used. i agree that the scanlines really killed it, i suggest putting it over the logo and then drop the settings to about 40-50%. Put a drop shadow on the logo to give it some depth to stand out just a bit. I suggest used a combination of grunge brushes which it will give some depth to the background when you mix white and black brushes and tech brushes if use the right ones you can get some good stuff out of it. you can download at my site which is posted in the resource section of this forum. With the text i suggest putting the text in a steel effect click this link and you will know what im talking about for metal text. Border looks fine. work with those ideas in mind and you should be set.
  22. well i have my interest in some but i have to japanese suck at rapping I'm sorry the words are to long to say at a high rate of speed it sounds to jibberish, but the rock and soul music is ok.
  23. perfect that all i can say about that, i can't find anything wrong with it. now that would win some SOTW with no problems at all.
  24. i clone stamped the background with the render, ok so after seeing the clone stamp tutorial i did one but this was better without another render used for a background. I tried doing some other brushing but it failed so i stuck with this after tweaking the background just a bit.
  25. i have to go with samma with this one due to more detail that was put into it, busy that it maybe in the bacground is ok.but i would have swung my vote to ston cold if the animation was out and the first imamge was used as the sig.4-0 samma
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