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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. here you go luki I don't think no one could top it even if they tried
  2. djluki i got your back i happen to have some 50 cent renders to use.
  3. actually that is false statement only an expert can tell but now you can learn to tell a fake from a real one go to this link and learn how to tell if you got a real diamond or not. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. well i thought with the mp3 that if it was your own creation then it was ok or doesn't matter about that?but yeah as long as the downloads have nothing to do with what has been posted previously then you will be fine.
  5. a topic has been made about this subject already use the search function next time to add your input so to keep the forums clean of repeat topics.
  6. well with this brush pack its in in groups of the alphabet so it is small in screen size but huge due to the amount of brushes I have.
  7. here are the stats of my 5010 downloads for renders and brushes that i have uploaded for you the user/member of this website, i like to tahkn the following people, me since it took me this long time get all these files to be loaded up. and you the person who download them :huh:New Folder.zip 193 downloads 126.71 MB Brushes.zip 226 downloads 402.48 MB new stuff.zip 151 downloads 49.98 MB 19.zip 166 downloads 61.55 MB 20.zip 112 downloads 16.64 MB 18.zip 62 downloads 53.41 MB 17.zip 64 downloads 51.91 MB 16.zip 72 downloads 57.19 MB15.zip 59 downloads 54.94 MB 14.zip 65 downloads 57.48 MB renders14.zip 191 downloads 50.79 MB renders13.zip 181 downloads 10.45 MBrender11.zip 167 downloads 24.05 MB renders.zip 187 downloads 20.22 MBladies.zip 255 downloads 80.93 MBvehicles.zip 209 downloads 48.38 MB tv-movies.zip 185 downloads 41.80 MB misc.zip 280 downloads 151.96 MB dragons.zip 258 downloads 8.79 MB comics.zip 218 downloads 47.55 MB anime.zip 420 downloads 65.81 MB games.zip 708 downloads 318.47 MB abstract.zip 576 downloads 11.76 MB
  8. can you say dumb@ZZ of the century. that thats stupidity right there for you. hopefully he lost some body parts too.
  9. well then we have alot of poser web designers aka rippers as well try to top that. But yeah the poser resteraunt serves 99 billion daily, but for me though i choose what best look good and not pants down to my ankles and black nail polish and black lipstick on me .but college is poser central due to the fact that alot of people are trying to get a reputation of some sorts as well.
  10. I would have to agree PS2 is right in the middle not to big and not to small its just right. But now with the new controllers design for PS3 it might losea couple of spots, but after seeing the acient controller for the new nintendo system i dunno who was smoking what when they designed them but eew.
  11. i try a cleaner design so people don't have to scroll all the way to right, most likly due to microsoft word .Work with some colors the default settings don't attract, suggest looking at some css scripts and see what you can find. but yeah don't use M$ writing programs at most use note pad to design or a good html editor. Thats all I have.
  12. well with fireworks you have to work with simplistic disng biscuitrat was able to do some good ones with a simple design to them.
  13. well by the looks of it its the hits php file it could be one more but you have to add a line of coding which escapes me at the moment where firefox can work, of course if i can find i will let you know.
  14. wow its amazing and you havn't mention that you seen this background a million times before YEAH!!! IM HAPPY!!!! :Pbut with the text I outter glowed it thats why.
  15. i work on the coloring of the background and maybe the coloring of the render but everything else looks pretty good to me. nice job and its alot better then your first one as well.
  16. well if you shop around you could get a refurbished system for less then $100 go to ebgames.com or smagoody.com you might find one there.
  17. well I don't have access to the link you gace something about the IP number being used is ah um no good. attempt to fix so we could help you better.
  18. I work on this for about 20-30 minutes working with different brush this time and I think the background came out good this time, did a ok job with the renders and so-so with the text. Mixeda little grunge abstract and vector (i think) into this as well. enjoy.
  19. heres one for you all ot rate enjoy, i think i got my groove back.
  20. my best guess would be that a shell is a layer of the software or hardware.For instance in software you have the actual program in which you do all the stuff that its required to do. the next shell would be the actual coding it has in which you tell it what to do.Same concept but more extreme with hardware. But those who do actual computer programs could give you a better answer then I could.
  21. well of course people forgot to metion that you can pay to get credits as well since that is an option for you to choose.
  22. well i saw it for like the 4th or 5th time and I have to say i was pretty bored, alot of no names (pretty much the tna roster that hasn't participated in anything but tna). the only thing that I like is the x division and and once the women's divsion kicks in that. due to the fact that Double J pretty much pulling a triple H and to clear that up winning the title ever time he loses it. And with only one hour to watch them and on a saturday, when i have better things to watch they won't last on tv until they get a 2 hour time slot on monday for the wars to start up again. Of course some of the wrestling that have been doing it for awhile to are sad and pathetic as well (Jeff Hardy need a say more).Of course the bookers and stories are just as plain and washed up, they are using recycled old story lines or giving big names the show time they got paid for and thats boring to me.Now that HHH is coming back it makes me wonder if he will take up the 3 hours of showtime tomarrow since he's married to the family.But to speak on topic for just a bit the only wrestlers I respect are all the ones that love the game and not the cash like these people.(Hulk Hogan, HHH, Double J)BTW http://www.lordsofpain.net/ is the best wrestling site ever since they don't have 6 million ads everytime you load up to their site.
  23. well on the topic of burning games no it is illegal in most countries of the known world but people burn them but they do it anyways. i seen enough burned copies of ps2 and xbox games to last me a life time and most of the time they are bad copies as well, so play it say only buy games that peak your intrest.
  24. I found the definition for you and it pretty much answered what i thought it was:(1) The outermost layer of a program. Shell is another term for user interface. Operating systems and applications sometimes provide an alternative shell to make interaction with the program easier. For example, if the application is usually command driven, the shell might be a menu-driven system that translates the user's selections into the appropriate commands. (2) Sometimes called command shell, a shell is the command processor interface. The command processor is the program that executes operating system commands. The shell, therefore, is the part of the command processor that accepts commands. After verifying that the commands are valid, the shell sends them to another part of the command processor to be executed. that should help you out a bit.
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