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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well of course after i went to this website https://www.aboutpaypal.org/, it convince me never to get an account from them at all.a bunch of thieves taking peoples money and not givign a reason why they do it, they should be shutdown since they are not reconized by the fcc at all, which tells you something about that since paypal is somewhat a bank.
  2. well enjoy the many services that Xisto has to offer many topics to choose from many experts to help you out in different fields of designing as well.
  3. well the fact that i did not have to count to fall asleep, of course no one remembers fally asleep when that stuff kicks in, but was i out of it though, i was awak and could feel the pain of the swelling but that was about it didn't drink or really eat anything for 2 days and the nausau (typo in there somewhere), let just day i discovered black oil in my stomach , but yeah i have to take it easy for the rest of the year and then tried to build up my back strength so i can lift more then 2-25 lbs.
  4. well its to colorful for my taste especially with those colors, say stay with black and white design and then use a single color to fill it in, text is a little blurry but i say get yourself a copy of adobe to fix some of that stuff up.but other then that really i blame the programs for the crappy design but of course we weer proved wrong with what biscuitrat was able to do with fireworks.
  5. yeah i be spending the rest of the year recovering from this as well. but thanks for the support.
  6. yes it is normal you lose all your credits except for 2 thats why the best thing to do is get the packaage you want with the min credits that you need then start boosting up your credits.
  7. well i see where you are going with this and the fact that this post is directed more towards me then anyone else.but you do have the option as a member to turn off the member signature block to be shown, just go to board option and then turn it off thus your problem is solve.But for me defense i would say mine is the cleanest of the signature blocks, yeah it could be cleaner where you just put a bunch of "X's" where the names are but showing the names is the best way to see what people can do.
  8. bett then i can do but if you put your time and effort into and did like little peices at a time it could look really good.
  9. yep slap a border on them also with all of them put a drop shadow to give them a little depth to the grunge background used. but good effort in trying out though.
  10. i have to agree with the about statements along with the use of the multi-colors that you used. you went way overboard on it, get rid of some of the grunge around the render like near the weapon to let it stand out just a bit.
  11. just got back today from a successful surgery to remove a hernianated disk in my lower and do i mean lower it was last vertabrae too.They fused the last 2 vertabrae in my back (which really connects to my legs) which means no pain in my leg any more which is good, now all i have to do is work out the swelling, exercise slowly to build up my strength and after of month of that get healthy again.thanks for the people who were concerned about my health, won't be on as much until the swelling is gone.
  12. i just don't vote cuz either way the goverment is going to be corrupted again and again.
  13. to bad only the rich can afford it though and plus i bet it has its flaws on how it works like you can't be standing up in ita nd the fact that you can see through it which is really impossible due to the fact your reflecting the light which means its going to be a bright or a dull spot.
  14. well if i made the text any bigger it would have been to pixelated and thus ruin the tech brushes in the background that i used for this sig Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported
  15. well i doubt you make $20,000 in one day either, but from the stories i read and how easy it is to hack into paypal account i wouldn't put fake info in just to get a account.
  16. dude that does blow some bad stuff it like you where reincarniated into a bad teaching experiances.but i blame the parent mostly especially the last one, really i think taken care of a child's health is more important yeah you can make up the school work but with something like that it could kill someone if not taking care of, to be mean or anything those parent deserve that.Makes me think why i didn't becom a teacher and now i know why. stick with somethign good should come out of this.
  17. GT by a landslide due ot the fact that the creator of the gt series put quality first then quanity, xbox they just slap something together just to make money.
  18. true you only need a business liscense only if you own a store on a property or something like that, if its online then no.but stay away from ebay and paypal or you will lose money they steal money without letting you know why they did it.
  19. i found this website about horror stories on the use of pay pal i gues sthese guys really do steal your money. click for the truth I'm glad i don't do a business with these people or i be broke from them stealign from me.
  20. go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to sign up for one.
  21. could you refrain from posting in another langauge or at least have it translated so everyone else can read it.But on topic now, nintendo is about to have a problem and it starts with that handheld device, they are going ot end up like dream cast after sales bomb with it, hopefully they have a better set of controllers to go with it.
  22. of course its a small business and its a great way to let people know about it, and if your town has its ownwebsite see if you can have your website placed on it for some good advertising.
  23. well it didn't take long for this to pop up, i think scammers started programming right after it hit and if it was a bad one (and it was) they would be ready for it, but you would think people would have common sense to donate money online, i think the email alone would give it away that the person is not legit, but hey its their money not mine.
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