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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well not being one to be brutally honest when some starts but i guess I will since my goal is to improbe sig designers in a rather quick fashion.-text is pixelated use the the anti-alais tool (highlight the text then right click look for smooth, also you have a drop down menu. But the text size is ok, just have to work at it.-background is bad literally i see that you used a fractal brush, but in order for it to look good you to need to grunge brush it in a little bit, i agree the lines don't help as well.-render looks a little blurry but that can be fixed make sure to click on the chain icon when shrinking the image down to size.
  2. they i read something say are the cubs next to win a wolrd series for the first time since 1908. all i have to say is that thank god you don't have to hear abotu the yankees winning 10 world series in row cuz of deep pockets and what not.
  3. im not saying you shouldn't have fun but the fact they are boradcasting it to the world what they are not doing, it tells me why it taking so long to finish this war in iraq. i give to three example the guy playing air guitar in the middle of a road (car bombs or a sniper on the bridge could take them out.) jumping off ramps with bikes at guard towers which really tells me they are not paying attention and not worrying about anything happening to them and fooling around on move vehicles as well. for the non-combat deaths alot of people where shot by people screwing around with loaded weapons. Also the week when i enetered the base I was at a female soldier got hit by a vehicle and her skull crushed in, both parites where to blame on that but the driver of that vehicle last i knew was never found do the the fact that it had been raining and there was mud all over the place. Also vehicle flipping over and what not heres a like on how all these soldiers have died if you notice the non-combat death they won't explain it to you reason being someone was screwing around and not paying attention at all. and the helicopter crashes that one is more hard to explain but basically 100% foucs and awarness is something all soldiers are told that need to be done even if you have been in for 15-20 years. focus and awarness are the key for that. on that video thats my exact point flipping bikes and playing air guitar is something you do not do out in the open in a combat zone. and from the last statement from s2 those people are the ones screwing around are the ones who think it is funny.
  4. Click here this package was done by reaver he was nice enough to download these renders and put them up for a package on my filefront account so here you go another package for you to all enjoy. some new some old some unique enjoy.
  5. Click here for the reason why soldiers are dyingnon-offensive video i just happen to read a email from this military site and was looking at videos and when i saw this and watch it, i was so angry satan would be in shock for what i was saying and thinking about this. This videos proves why US Military is not leaving any time soon, this is the reason why 2000+ soldiers are dead, this is the reason why we are not winning this war on terrorism. Cuz it is people like this scewing around and not paying attention that their fellow soldiers are gettting killed in action. Also this video is a reason why alot of the deaths are non-combat (meaning not fighting in battles) cuz people are not paying attention. Most of you know I was in Iraq and I didn't have any fun even though where we were i 2003-2004 it was pretty quiet and was to relax even when I was working with Iraqis that where fun to work with and hang out with., we did have our problems and lost soldiers as well. But still i had a job to do and thats why I'm still alive today, cuz i did what i needed to do to get home and stay alive, even when i had my 15 day break from iraq I still was thinking about it cuz it wasn't over for me yet. Heck I even snapped a few times cuz the stress was there. I sure in hell don't find this video or any other videos of soldiers goofing off and not doing there jobs funny at all, I may of had my moments of humor buts how i deal with stress. but when people are making videos of people getting blown up shot at and goofing off, It makes me glad that I'm getting out of the military, sure don't want my parents finding out that someone was goofing off and accident shot and killed me And most of you kids on this forum will think its cool but guess what if that was relative of yours you wouldn't be laughing or thinking that cool. So if you do join the military think long and hard and paying attention of whats being shown, written and spoken cuz i know the reporters and newspapers are the only ones telling the truth of whats really going on in Iraq right now. if you think war is cool in video games then see how cool war is in real life I sure don't see anything cool about it.
  6. finally a team worthy of a championship besides the angels, they struggle and now they finally won, even though i don't watch baseball that much, but seeing a team win it in 4 games and not drag it out (reds vs yankee's) hopefully they keep there players and not trade them off for crappier ones.but i have to say houston had a good team as well but not as good as they should have been (blame that on clemans).CHI TOWN Worthy of being called champs in my eyes.
  7. to much white and not enough of pumpkin orange black and yellow, but still good though.
  8. the picture hahahaha, but still its pretty good info, but also i like to mention a post that i did long ago about hypernova stars heres the link to it Click here.
  9. talk about arrange marriage for the tiwi tribe but here are a few that I found-Titanic was running at 22 knots when she hit the iceberg -The moon is moving away at a tiny, although measurable distance from the earth every year. -Elmer's Glue-All is the best selling glue in America. -Most People use over 16,000 gallons of water in their lifetimes, or 2.5 quarts per day. -Cat urine glows under a black-light!-Each year over $2,000,000,000 worth of Halloween candy is sold.well thats just a few i bet i could keep on going and get like a few thousand credits for them .
  10. welcome to the club actually we have several tutorials on how to take care of fish , but other then that enjoy your stay and have fun.
  11. Metal Gear The complete series just due to the fact that it has had a long series and the story line get better and better with each game can't wait till 4 comes out hopefully completing the series (hopefully not).Splinter Cell-2Metal Gear- 1
  12. yeah i would have to agree lighten up the text just a bit with the background and it will look alot better maybe using a thinner script font as well. also you need a border to go with it just go to edit and the strke to fix that a simjple 1px black stroke will work.Also with you text work with the anti-alias tool just highlight the text and then right click and see which one is smoother.
  13. these are the rules render: dragon text: both names have to be on it size: any this is our sig First to 5 Votes Wins Good Luck ------------------------------------------------ SAINT_MICHAEL and SAMMA's SIG TRUEFUSION and REAVER'S SIG Notice from Becca: made it easier
  14. i put up the challange see if anyone wants to tag team against us, but not to many battles are happening here.
  15. its ok but its a tad small don't you think? almost like gradius for you old schoolers out there.
  16. well i started out with APS 7 then went straight to APSCS2 and i havn't change since wonder what the new one will be like when macromedia combines it software with adobe I think can't remember.
  17. well lucky for everyone else dw 2004, dw mx are out dated software and DW 8 is the new standard in designing, since it now fully supports xhtml coding which is a plus right now.
  18. comments and criticism of course samma helped out to thats why it was a collab i did some of the small stuff samma do all the big stuff try to figure out who did what.
  19. welcome to the club hopefully you had a chance to read the rules of the board and seen some of the mistakes other members have made.But welcome aboard have fun, do thoughtful posts and you will have a wonderful time here.
  20. reall i wish i know that about 2 years ago then maybe i wouldn't have had to get a new hard drive everytime my compaq laptop crash, but yeah i do notice it sometimes when i do boot it up. make sure to put that in my notes of stuff to do before calling to order a new hard drive.
  21. well we finally did one, this is going to be used in a tag team sig battle and with our combine power it will be an easy win. so c+c for what you think about it.
  22. i call that bragging rights, but what kind of lagging do you have wit hthat many computers you would need several broadband or bigger just ot run smoothly.
  23. well daddy long legs are type of aracnid species, but yeah they are very poisionous but due to them being so small it wouldn't do anything to you. but yeah i think i did see that same episode of mythbusters about them.
  24. due to the design of her character from the game i had to put links to this render 1 render 2
  25. 3 more renders that i just finish cutting yeah.
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