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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. pretty muc hwhat frozen said and the words of snlildude87 it to monotone as well. but good vrushing though.
  2. no if anyone had that kind of secretary no one would be here .
  3. still didn't see why the hot secretary was so bad....hmmm looks at sig again ok maybe i see why.
  4. not that I'm gloating but I was right on the reason, in fact that it was religion that had to do with it, well from what im reading on the banner there that he's not being executed but being harrassed instead, hopefully death will not happen to him.
  5. well after the whole sexy sig scandal of 2005 Click here to see the scandal and some updates i had to make to all my sigs (had to move them) I was talking to OpaQue about some stuff i made this for him i think its looks more professtional then the hot secretary in the xmas outfit wha do you guys think it's simple yet elegant c+c on what you think of it.
  6. well I told you already on msn about what I though and its was good positive stuff to, and what i said to here about her vector (can't repat words) and yes its full metal alchemist.and i just gave her a batch of some dark looking renders so can't wait to see how they look when she is done with them.remember don't be a stranger here.
  7. go to pixle2life.com good-tutorials.com and gamerenders.com that should help you out.
  8. of course not but i hear college holloween parties are killer as well and i don't mean a body count either.
  9. well that it if you want ot look at renders and gifts sigs and slapsh pages that i have done click on the links in my sig block. make sure to comment on them tell me hte good the bad and the ugly.
  10. heres group ten of my latest batch of sigs comment on them tell me the good the bad and the ugly about them.
  11. yeah I did forget that we had a snowsuit like holloween once, but what i makes me angry is how earlier parents start the holloween instad of starting it at 12 pm when the sun is out do it at like 6 or 7 when its dark. people are to afraid, that why you brign a baseball bat to beat the heck out of people trying to rob you of your stash.how could someone hate holloween, just cuz you have to get up and answer the door when some one knocks, everyone knows the cardinal rules of trick & treating its not that hard, just turn off the front door light its that simple so thos who do enjoy can hit the money banks in houses.now thinking about as a kid i should have mad e map for those who give the most candy, hit them up first change costume and get more MUHAHAHA, i know people do that wish i did it, twice as much as candy, of course twice as much crap like apples and other fruit, those people should be tarred and feather when we want candy, we want candy not fruit. :DGOD I LOVE HOLLOWEEN
  12. it makes you wonder why the military doesn't tap into the homeless society, you have alot of people that they could help, well those countries whos armies are not there looking for a fight.yeah i do agree that it is sad to see people on the stree and want to help but tou have to admit they have to help themselves first, yeah it sucks that society thinks homeless people are not worth hiring for some simple jobs and rather see them die, but if you help them out by telling them where they can go to restart their lives then yeah it wold be great. But on the other hand most of the people that are homeless believe drugs are and still the answer in life along with alcohol as well, so many they do get they by the drugs and the alcohol just to get the high they will never get.I should help other people but to me though if you can't trust people to help you (the ones that are good) then you will have a hard time getting back into societyBut then the group of people that do criminal activities need the help the most, they thing its the only answer but it's not.Hopefully one day governments will take charge and help those who really need the help and not fill their pockets with money and greed.
  13. you know the history but do you understand it, this was being done during the time when people thought only one religion is need thus the conquest of religions started basically in the last 2000 years (so history rights) almost every religion has been destroyed by those who think otherwise these are top religions in the worldCatholic, Protestant, Orthadox, Muslim, Hindu/Buddism, Judism and tribal religions (africa, south america, mexico, parts of asia)but not in that order, history shows us which religions where the most dominate in power religious and government.its not why do parents do it, it why do people accept it, its harmless fun for people to dress up outside reality, but the fact that religion has become more relaxed in it's laws minus the people who take it to the extreme (won't mention who but you know), people wanted the government and church seperated (America/18th century england) so the balance of power is equal on both fronts, thus thats how America was found just on that notion.People have the freedom to do what they want thats across the world, but some people don't believe all people should be free (yet again i won't mention who but you know).But again history comes into play the catholic church had a hard time destroying the celtic religion because it is still in full bloom, its hard to change ones views when you have practice it for so long and have been taught and learn about the history behind it.its your opnion that holloween is bad and is the purest evil, but to me and alot of other people its just another holiday to have fun with friends and family.YEah people use it to do bad stuff, thus one of my favorite activites is long been illegal, i do believe other parts of north america celebrate cabbage patch night.For those who do not know what cabbage patch night is its October 30th where you get to throw toliet paper on houses and trees, spray silly string all over everything, spray shaving cream and more stuff. Its basically a fun way to be destructive but yet not destroy everything. (some people take it to the extreme as well, so they ruin it for the rest of us)by the way do you know how cold its gets in russia this time of the year, i think thats one of the reasons why most people don't celebrate like we do here in america, maybe religous as well but its freak'n cold out thier.Also Holloween dares people to go to the unknown as well, its the stories and legends that keep holloween alive make it fun and exciting, I loved it as a kid and can't wait to show my kids the lore of holloween as well.People should enjoy holloween for it's history, myth and legend, not cuz people wanted to change it. (well yeah that to) but cuz it brings everyone into a new reality of life.
  14. yeah it is a old topic i saw the saw october so i was like huh how did he post in here and thus saw the 2004. yeah for me im in a situation of having my images on my site and on a image hosting i could pm everyone with the new url hmmm. maybe i should do that save up on bw and change the scripts around just a bit.will take some time but will be fixed.
  15. vortex??? its a little dark for your style samma, it looks good but it seems a little flat but your style of text works good for on this background, unlike the others where it was hard to see sometimes.
  16. hi and welcome like hulunes said a little bit of info of you is good to know, we frown on spamming and one liners, people get judge quickly by what they post but anyways havea good time and heres your basket of fruit and card from the welcome commitee.
  17. the catholic chruch has been doing that for the last 2000 years they are not going to stop now besides they have more secrets then any powerful organization in the world who knows what they are keeping from us.
  18. yeah i agree with believer it depends what you want to call it alot of computer companies are calling them notebooks even though your typing and not writing. i know bad joke.
  19. do you know what he did to get this happen to him, sounds pretty serious, but yeah nothing is being mentioned about it on the net, but from its location i guess it a religious thing.
  20. yeah i used the coding we figure out it was the browser it work on IE7 thats why i missed it the first time, but hes using a mac computer that could be the other problem as well.but he used the <npsb> take to correct it but of course you can do what i figured out put a <br> between the words using the "div tag" info i gave earlier.
  21. yeah i owuld have to agree it won't work thus costing mcdonalds millions i mean billions of unhappy customers when they BEEF up the prices there.
  22. hey haslip i got some good news for you no i didn't save money from gieco but IE5 won't do it try it on IE6 and if not get IE7i did see this happen on IE7Word1Word2 Word3Word4so upgrade your browser to IE6 and see if that works, i think its the fact the IE5 is outdating in coding and what not and won't work for it.
  23. I understand how you feel, most people don't want to find out that they have been adopted, but the parents are somewhat to blame they should have kept your birthday on the same date.quick before i continue just curious how old you are just to get a perspective on this?if your a kid/teenager most parents don't want to say anything cause of how frigile a kids mind is at that point in life. But you should be talking ot them and asking them questions like who your real parents are, any pictures of them (doubt it) and maybe even contact them to see why you where adopted by your current family.Well most of what I said up top about being kids is true as an adult.Don't be angry with them best thing to do is talk to them ask all the questions you can, even ask the question of why they never told you. your being angry towards the wrong people, yeah you can be angry with your step parents, but cutting them off is the wrose thing you can do about your situation, you should consider yourself lucky to find out that you have been adopted, most likly the family raise you good enough with the everyday problems of life.But now you mut stand on your two feet and find the answers that your seeking and once you have them your anger will be gone. who knows you might find surprise good and bad but you need to talk to them or it will make it worse for you.keep us up to date on the progress you have made as well.
  24. had this idea for a tech sig for SOTW so i went with it i think the green look pretty good text ok background awesome of course.
  25. well i cate rate my sig now can I heres another.
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