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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well the best thing you can do is find the read me file that comes with the cms download that you got, there you should be able to find the instructions on how to upload all the files you need to get it running. A big suggestion I have is get winrar installed on your computer and then extract the files using winrar. in doing that you have all the files sorted and seperated and all you need to do is get a ftp program and upload them using that and then go from there.
  2. https://translate.google.com/ go here and translate the words. Notice from cmatcmextra: Edited as requested
  3. I consider this my last post ever I came to a conclusion that being in the computer business in all its forms to be pointless now, trying to be something I can't in a very competitive world that relies on computers won't help me in this world, I should have did more but I let to many distractions come in front of me. Yeah I know i get 2-3 replys on this topic but really why bother trying to show support when all your doing is getting a post increase and credits for your account.And no this is not about why I lost my mod status/hosted account (wasn't using it anyways), I guess you can say trying to help people out was an escape from trying to get the help I needed. I pretty much lost everything that concerns me anyways, heck even thought about commiting a crime serious enough that I will be just a person with a number and no name, of course thought about the other thing as well but leads me into the religious aspect if you can call it that, I stop believing something that is not real that all I am is just Dust in the wind.Thought about commiting myself and then just rot away there and listening to others complain about their problems when all they have to do is pull the trigger or jump and everthing will be solved. Hell when i was in the desert I even put the weapon in my mouth just to taste the cold metal stupidly enough it was empty when I pulled the trigger. I squirmed when I heard the click of the weapon then I went into deep thought about what had happen. Of course I say to myself sometimes don't wake up when you go to sleep but when I wake up I see another pointless day. I know I'm going to die it scares the Crap out of me, but if I dull the pain just enough it won't matter to me anymore. Sometimes I wish I was one of the victims in the Desert at least I know my family will be taken care of (money wise). But at least I don't have to feel pain that I feel now.But then again these are my thoughts about life and exsistance and people will just look at this post as sad pathetic loser that should get a life or laid or both, but really your opinions don't really matter to me anymore, all I can say is don't rely on computers to make you happy cause its just another took to use to escape from reality.So I consider this my last post here on trap maybe my last time on this computer as well....
  4. actually buffaloHELP is right when its concerns businesses and if they have stock its basically whoever has 51% of that stock for the merger of those two companies they either decide to redirect or make a new site.
  5. of course you don't have to worry about using lofi layout anymore, due to the upgrade of the forum and the fact that the forum is on a better server so it should load up quick and fast without a problem.
  6. as far as I know and I have done you can get on this site with a cell phone mind you you won't be able to see everything. but I do believe IPB is WAP compatible.
  7. reduce the scanlines fix the text just a bit more and that was the best move you could make with the animation on the eye.
  8. I think everyone will agree that SOTW is pretty much dead so im changing the topic title and SOTW #24 will be the last one.
  9. your missing this file "fantastico_fileslist.txt" that would be causing most of those errors best thing to do is go through your file manager and see if that file is their if not then look at the zip file that the cms came in and see if its their if not then redownload the cms and reinstall.
  10. im saying those filters are required in the SOTW entry.
  11. the bw is still good for the pictures i might have to stick with using imageshack to upload pictures.
  12. Download Here consist of 46 Naruto Renders that have been collected these could also be used for next weeks SOTW as well.
  13. Size Min: 100x100 Max 400x200 Render: Naruto Text: your name color: colors of the render filters: blur and sharpen Download Renders if needed Here.
  14. DJLuki Saint-Michael Avalon Must give a reason for voting or it will be nulled
  15. SOTW info--Update the site to correspond with Past, Present and Future SOTW that are being held on the forum ( look at the current site to see what i am talking about).-Promoting the website as well in other graphics related websites (affiliations)thats basically it really its just a once week update from the info on the forum.Of course updating the layout for easy navigation and all that good stuff as well just to make it look pretty as well.(yeah I know I could easily do it but believe me im not up to it right now.)
  16. thats not even close in cartoonish but it does look nice with the no body attach to the head and hands though.
  17. well i thought it was going to subside but my personal problems are still in full swing, going on almost 3 weeks now of course im getting over a flu/cold as well did a couple posts thats about it. did make a post about someone taking over webmaster duties for gfxtrap so check that out as well. Talk to you all later.
  18. due to problems i am having i cannot at this time update the website reqularly I will let you know what duties you need to perform on the website this is will be a temp/permenant postion depending on my situation and what OpaQue wants to do with the site as well I have a few names that do come to mind but I will take volunteers as well.
  19. well i least i can still design a good sig.
  20. i put up a package for you all to download with DMC renders already cut go here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32898-devil-may-cry-render-package-31-renders/.
  21. Download Pack here her are 31 renders that you can use for this weeks SOTW.
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