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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. not bad I will add it to my collection any other beginning photoshop users goign to post some?
  2. well i used different types of blur to get the overall effect but to make a small fix for you all.
  3. not bad but it took some time to make them but what I suggest for the first set mainly but the second one could be done as well, add a glass effect to it would bring it out just a bit more and look even better.
  4. well I wasn't realy count the missions but I say 15-20 but the this though is that the mission only last a few minutes.But I just went the to gamefaqs.com message baord about this game, it was lame crappy and plain out sucked in all versions except for 360 which i guess they put all their time and effort in it, Hell im thinking of returning this game to get some of my money back I should have checked the boards on this before blowing my $50 on it.So if you have a xbox 360 only that version of GRAW is good.
  5. well the only negative thing I really see about sub domain hosting is that their are litterally thousands of subdomain services out there. You would basically would have to be another Xisto or Xisto with great packages and better offers the the other people.of course having a real long url like myhosting.yoursite.com.haha is just annoying as well.
  6. most wanted beats nsfu 2 by a long shot, but I wish they would do more with the series like in the game juice side bets with out opponents and plain out more races and challanges as well to make it interesting hopefully the next installment will implment some of these as well. BRING BACK DRIFTING AS WELL!!!! that was the best feature in the game was drift racing.I prefer a long game with lots of features and challanges then a short game with repetitive stuff which makes it boring.never really got into nsf until the underground series I did try out the old nfs games on the ps but it wasn't really good in my opinion.
  7. well you can make your own forms in php that will be directed from your site to your email. what I suggest is go to pixel2life.com to read up on some of those tutorials and try them out. also search php form scripts as well which should help oyu even more.But im not aware of people making their own form scripts and then emailing it to you that would be a waste of time and could lead into spamming as well.
  8. the game is worth the price tag you got challanges all over for you to enjoy and try to beat it toom me a few months to beat the game too me even longer to beat the challanges especially the last one and the bonus one. Best thing I did was instead of purchasing cars I just use the pink slips that I won and just upgrade them. Of course the trick is to get the pink slips is that theirs a pattern to them and so you have to figure it out, which means you might have to do a race over again to get the pink slip car.Never did the online mode since its not my cup of tea, but should just be as good though.but yeah funny thing was that nfsu and nfsu 2 the last races where easy as hell and not really a challange to me at least.
  9. bah this game was short and only made for online play, no cut scenes and no real weapon selection for the missions except for the extra stuff and online play. Finished the game rather quickly, background graphics and game play was ok the enemy soliders where choppy looking and the team was socom style which was kind of tacky, don't blow $50 on it unless your a online junky just rent it.Didn't really have any extra's except for a harder mission mode which really wasn't that hard to begin with and what not.
  10. oh oh looks like its going to be difficult to choose this time.
  11. My best one ever, the colors are right the brushing, smuding is right, the text is right, I don't think I could have done anything better up to this sig as of right now. update to it what i did was blur the render and then instead of setting it to darken i set it to screen,
  12. well I rate this sig above me. don't like how the render is used in this one, I think the right brushing would work well if blended with the background as well, text could be better as well. 4/10 ----MY SIG----
  13. yeah talk about the worse games ever even the betting was bad as well and talk about false advertisement didn't see anything how how to bet on the other driver's girl either or some junk like that.Yeah I had a hard time taking corners and what not and talking about paying out of the butt for parts and cars to.
  14. yeah i don't play it anymore myself but yeah find the shops best thing to do is if you have the cash is let the game automatically select the parts you need for the upgrade and that should help you out.
  15. Well From what I been reading from these posts I see alot of member bashing going around and to me that is making the board unprofessional looking yes, people are having problems with this name being on the forums. Will that change anything it most likly will but spamming going off topic and member bashing will not change anything.Everyone has made their point yes and no the word S**t is bad, having it seen on the forums that can be both good and bad depending what the plan is for this website and whatnot.But it seems to me that this topic is way out of bounds for what supposed to be posted here and thats your thoughts about what should happen about this subject and not stuff unrelated to it,So for now this topic is closed. Also everyone is now warned that any member bashing will get you a warning increase.
  16. what you could actually do instead of getting rid of the border is make the colors darker that would help out a bit. I would get rid of the Doc Oct render and then put the spider man render in the middle.If I remember my fonts thats beyond wonderland font, i wouldn't use it since its more geared towards grunge and abstract background and not filtered ones.
  17. the background is good except for the lower left, text could be a bit more solid, but of course this is over a year old so fixinf it now would be kind of corny.
  18. not bad like the color and glowing nice job.
  19. that is a interesting design indeed, I just take the render on the left off it completely and then just make the background your sig.
  20. closing this topic immediately, most of the forums who do this is just a way to increase post count and spam as well, and we don't need that here.
  21. the only think I can think is that you didn't make the folder remember make a new folder and call it sig.png.
  22. Avalon SeƱor Maniac Cool Freaker Saint-Michael also when you vote please leave a comment on this just don't vote to see whos winning thankyou.
  23. congratulations for winning this weeks SOTW Avalon.
  24. I hate the color Hate the text choice but love the brushing and everthing else about it.
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