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Everything posted by atomicnacho

  1. I'm not sure if the process is the same for all Ipods, but to do a system restore on my 4g ipod you have to do the following: 1) You will need to download and install the Ipod Updater HERE 2) You will follow the steps in the updater, to refresh the ipod. It will say something like..this will delete all your data..but you don't care since it's already gone. 3) For the final step, in order to reflash the firmware you need to plug it directly in to the wall. On my 4g I get a little picture of the plug plugging into the wall until I do it then it reflashes and everything is back. If that doesn't work check the ipodlounge someone on their forum should be able to help you.
  2. You have to stay active if you want to keep your hosting package. For each credit you get one day of hosting, meaning your credits go down by 1 per day. I imagine that the people you are talking about disappearing probably chose to move to paid hosting to avoid having to post to keep their website up.
  3. MTV just ran a show about professional gamers. They followed three basic stories. A Smash player in NYC, a female Counter Strike team playing internationally, and a Halo team. It was pretty interesting.It really looks like professional gaming is really starting to take off. I think in the next few years it will start to be more main stream and get more and more TV airtime. ESPN already televisizes Eating competitions and Scrabble tourneyments, why not video games.What are everyone elses thoughts on the future of Pro Gaming?
  4. I have to go with Mareck. I really like his idea using both heaven and hell. Everyone else chose to go with a dark hell themed sig, which makes Mareck's really stand out. Avalon: 0Chameleon: 0$upa pimp: 0Reaver: 1Mareck: 2Saint-Michael: 0 Notice from saint-michael: atomic don't change the facts about the sigs being posted their our two sigs that follow both themes.
  5. I have an iCybie robot dog, had him for a couple of years now. This modding gives me some ideas. Maybe I could mod him a little.The Cybie is a little more advanced than the robosapian, but not too much its a dumbed down version of the Sony Aibo robot dog. He has sensors that allow him to walk around and avoid obsticles, you don't really control him with a remote. He can be taught to respond to voice commands, but it doesn't really work that well. There are clap commands that work much better. He will even follow you around based on clapping. I know that the company that was making them went under, so if your son is into robots you may be able to pick one up on ebay on the cheap.
  6. Nice site. I think you could do with a little work to the banner and layout. It kinda seems patched together. The tab buttons don't really go with the rest of the site.
  7. I had a Tandy 1000. No hard drive, everything was on floppies, 3.5" though. Everything was proprietary so it really couldn't handle many games. It did have hangman though. And a good ole dot matrix printer, man I don't miss ripping those stupid strips off the sides of my homework.
  8. I think the lower one is better, i'm not really sure why though. As for the text maybe graffiti?
  9. I think for realizm you probably will want to go with a Tiger Woods game. The others I've heard of, like Outlaw golf etc... are less realistic and more cartoon. Even though in the last Tiger Woods game I played, 2005 i think, after a few days my character could drive 400yrds.
  10. Tony Hawk games are great. I haven't played one that I didn't love. I can't wait to get my hands on this one. Maybe I'll finally buy another game for my PS2. I think that GTA 3 was the last game I bought, when it came out, a very long time ago.
  11. That is a pretty sweet idea. It will certainly be a long time until it see the light of day in consumer digicams.I'm sure all of us have missed that great photo because the autofocus took too long or screwed up and would love to not have to worry about focus anymore.
  12. I just saw this on Slashdot: A lower price point may be the answer for nintendo to be at least even in the new round. They have their trademark games (Mario, Link, Donkey Kong etc...) but that probably won't be enough to topple the 360 and the PS3. They also have the new controller, which I have to admit is pretty interesting. So now at a lower price they may be able to compete, depending on how much lower they go.
  13. Last year and presumably this year too I'm going to use This site for my black friday shopping needs. They have posted the deals that many stores are having during black friday, walmart is listed and includes the HP Pavillion ze2308wm Notebook Computer for 398. Here's the link to the walmart page on their site. For those who don't know Black Friday is the day after thanksgiving when the entire US goes shopping. The best deals of the year happen on black friday.
  14. My favorite that is still on now would have to be Family Guy, and even though reality shows have been beat to death I like The Biggest Loser. In the past I would have to say my favorite was Sienfeld. I've also been catching some reruns of King of Queens and it's pretty good. I didn't watch it when it was in prime time but the reruns are pretty funny.
  15. Is there a PC version of Call of Duty 2, from the commercials that I have seen on TV it appeared that it was only going to be on consoles.I'm really hoping so, I loved the first one, my friends and I had a blast at a lan party playing COD.
  16. Too bad hotdogs aren't considered an aphrodisiac here in the US. I'd be a sexual dynamo. Also If you think too hard about what is in your hot dog it is just as gross, if not worse. It reminds me of the racoons in the John Candy Film The Great Outdoors.
  17. If you search google you can find a couple of how-tos on realigning your laser. I did it a while back and it helped a little. It really isn't as hard as it sounds, since your warantee is over anyway, like mine was, you don't really have to worry about cracking your PS2 open. The Disc read error is a major problem with PS2s, eventually your PS2 won't read anything. Ok I got a little less lazy. Here's one link PS2 Guide There are plenty more if this one happens to be bad, I didn't read it.
  18. Hi all. Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I was wondering how everyone else is going to cook up their thanksgiving bird. I am going to deep-fry a couple of turkeys. If you've never had one I highly suggest it. It's the best. Not only is it way faster, you only have to cook it for 3 1/2 minutes per pound, it also tastes way better than a oven cooked bird. The Turducken is for the really hardcore. You stuff a duck with sausage, stuff that into a chicken, then stuff that into a turkey. I'm not quite brave enough yet to give it a try.
  19. This is really an apples to oranges comparison. Halo is straight forward FPS and GTA is something completely different.If you go by sales GTA-San Andreas outsold Halo 2, in 2004. But they were #1 and #2 and I don't think that Halo 2 come out until late 2004.I don't think that it is really possible, or worth it to compare the two.I like them both.
  20. I personally think that alienware inflates thier prices too much. You should be able to get a laptop that is just as powerfull from another company for substantially less cash. Have you looked at Dell's XPS line. You should be able to get all the high end features you want for substantially less than if you went with alienware. Dell often has coupons too, within the last year a few times they had $750 off laptops 1500 or more. So keep an eye out for those. You could also look into barebones laptops. I got a pretty good machine 6 months ago with a Pentium M 1.7ghz and a radeon 9700 for 1200 bucks. It was a compal barebones built by mwave.com.
  21. I think that the dominance that Xbox has in online gaming now will catapult it to the top in the next round.
  22. I call it a Laptop, pretty much no matter what size it is. A notebook has paper a laptop is a computer.
  23. I'm not a big fan of using cheats. If I rent a game that I know will take a long time sometimes I will use a walkthrough just so I can get as much as possible out of the game while I have it.But I have to say back in the day I typed "idkfa" a lot of times.
  24. I'm not a big fan of the community sites either. I used yahoo 360 for a while and ended up coming to Xisto because I wanted a blog with more flexibility. I didn't really have any friends that had set up pages so it really wasn't that great. Now I run wordpress and its great. I can do whatever I want and have total control.
  25. The text needs some work, and I agree the figures don't really blend into the background that well.Nice job overall though, better than I can do.
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