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Everything posted by pawitp

  1. Why did you updrade it to windows 2003 server. It's so expensive and it's only suitable for servers. Windows XP is suitable for working. There aren't windows xp server so M$ released windows 2003 later.(I think win2003 isn't stable at that time and M$ want money fast!)If you has enough money to buy M$ windows 2003 server "enterprise" you should have enough money to buy Macfee Virus Scan Enterprise. Only "Enterprise" software runs on "Enterprise" servers.
  2. I think Danasoft did it with php virtual directory and apache's mod-rewrite (I've just done the research on this and I'm not guranteeing it's right).The folder sig is a "real" directory but nothing exists in there except 2 files, "index.php" and ".htaccess". The content htaccess tells apache to forward all the files with a ".jpg" extension to the php file which process the files.
  3. happysky, if you don't like Xisto.net ad-supported service. Use Xisto pay by post system.If you want to host with Xisto.net, make sure you don't have any frame because a frame yeild a page so you would have an ad per frame (I think this is your case since you said you had ads all over the place). A non-framed page should have only 1 ad at the top of the page
  4. Also, make sure your ISP allows hosting servers since many ISPs don't. You must have enough money to pay your electricity bill since you'll be leaving your computer on & operating 24/7.The easiest method: USE Xisto HOSTING!!
  5. KDE is more popular than GNOME because of its eye candies and (more importantly) it's windoze user friendly. But once you know linux well you would like GNOME more(from my local poll). The easiest GNOME to use is ubuntu's one. Fedora also comes with GNOME by default. But most multi-GB comes with both KDE and GNOME.For the original questions. I alway pronouce GNOME guh-nome which I got used to in the day where only I use linux.I alway pronouce GNU "GEE-EN-YU" (Letter by Letter) seeing it as and acronum. (GNOME is too long for me to pronouce as an acronum).P.S How do you pronounce KDE? I alway pronouce it "KAY-DE-EE"(Letter by letter also)
  6. A "light" linux DOES NOT need GNOME. It's resource & space consuming. XFCE is fine and is also based on the gtk library. DSL uses fluxbox which is very light but doesn't support desktop icons(iDesk can help on this)
  7. Maybe it's a virtual directory and the jpg extension is generated by PHP. But the virtual directory ends with a .php doesn't it?They maybe make php recognises the jpg extension and php will process every jpg file there!
  8. Adding codes on the image itself is impossible. Unless your a hacker and is attacking a security hole on images(It does exists). PHP can create dynamic pictures and Xisto has GD enable,hasn't it? Describe what you want and we can tell you other method of doing what you want!
  9. 1. Make sure the network correctly 2. Try recreating the share. 3. Try mapping the drive of your laptop by using this code net use Z: \\mycomputer\c$ "adminpass" /USER:AdministratorChange mycomputer, adminpass(retaining the qoute) to your configuration
  10. What windows to you use? Windows ME crashes alot and it seem to make the programs inside crashes also. Windows 9x sometime crashes.If you use XP consider disabling visual effect if you have a slow computer. Give us the computer spec please
  11. Trap17 Also runs on linux. On Unix(-like), you have to be root to destroy a system. There are holes which you can exploit, but those are consistenly fixed but when the hole is fixed new holes are discovered and the process of patching will never end. But when you are root, you have to be careful. Many linux distro consider creating a user without root privileges is a MUST. The deadliest command on the is the infamouse rm -rf /. Mac OSX is based on BSD-unix(Darwin) and it has root disable by default. On windows, microsoft does the opposite. The first user created(without a password!) has the administrator right by default and cannot be changed without the registry hack to display administrator user. You can see now why microsoft has given up some security for conveniency I must say I'm an anti-M$ and I sometime overcoment on something so don't take this too seriously.
  12. If you're going to use redhat, I'll give you a tip that the free version is called Fedora, and it has enough software you can use, actually too much. I don't think you have enough reason to go purchasing RedHat Workstation, since you never used Linux.
  13. I use Linux as my dual boot windows and Linux, though I use windows more often since I use it to play games. Who said Linux is only useful to developers. It can be very useful to some people in my country who doesn't know english! They find it very hard to use windows and give up on it. They tend to HATE computers cause they're in English. Then a governmental company released Linux NEARLY COMPLETELY translated. They just point to what they want and it'll come up. For me I use Debian Linux since it's quite customizable. I can bravely say that I've used most famous distros. I once used Gentoo and compiled from stage1. Mandrake(Now mandriva) has a graphical and easy to use install interface, so has SuSe and Fedora. If you want to see linux that runs faster than windows use Gentoo stage 1 and compile everything from source and compile with ONLY the features you need. Study all the use flags, plan what you need before you start. If you haven't got the time to compile, use debain and also install only what you want From my experience SuSe, Mandriva and Fedora took alot longer to boot than windows. That is because they install alot of programs which provides feature which you don't actually use! If you want to try linux before installing it try Knoppix which has a full-blown kde desktop running from a CD(OR DVD)! A smaller live cd is Damn Small Linux(DSL for short). It contain a mini linux under 50MB. Fittable under a bussiness card CD. Here are some links: Gentoo Linux Fedora Core Linux Mandriva Linux Debian Linux Knoppix DamnSmallLinux Hope this will help!
  14. Are you using FAT or NTFS? fixmbr DOES NOT fix the FAT file system chkdisk /F does(as hulunes mentioned). But I don't think it's a fat problem, the OS still boots quite fast right? If opening a file took that long booting windows would take an hour! Do you have enough memory to lauch that file? This fault & diagnosis tree should work for a modern system. |- Try booting Damn Small Linux(A linux live cd)|- Copy some files.| |- If it works ALOT faster than windows, it's windows problem| |- Try reinstalling windows.| |- If it's still slow check if you have enough ram| |- If it still slow in Damn Small Linux then it's probably a disk problem.| |- Buy a new disk Notice from BuffaloHELP: Please remember that the forum only allows a single spacing, therefore when you use multiple spaces to create an ASCII tree it will not hold the format. Inserted code tag and edited as reported.
  15. I'm afraid you are wrong. When a user changes his password, they ask for his own password. But if an admin want to change a user password, he can change it without the use password. So an admin can change an admin password, it is a fact
  16. Having a CMS especially for a site can be beneficial, but there are down side too. If there is a bug, you have to fix it. If there is an exploit you must find and fix it. There will be alot less tester for the CMS you have.
  17. SuSe 10.0 is now released. If you haven't downloaded 9.3 considering downloading SuSe 10.0 I think it must be better. I'm trying to download it today
  18. I remembered it's name now. It's called "mst defrag". It doesn't only defrag when you tell it to defrag. The program keep track of changed files in background and will start defragging when the computer is idle. This is what it keep my old computer boot time quicker that the avarage old computer. (I boot it yesterday to get some fonts from it)
  19. What about Corel Draw? When I capture a screenshot, I paste it in MSpaint. I don't paste it in paintshop pro, photoshop, etc. because it took along time to load. See you can paste screen shot with MSpaint
  20. Didn't he told you that he used Macromedia Captivate not print screen? Try http://www.debugmode.com/wink/ Or << removed >> Notice from BuffaloHELP: Link removed as reported.
  21. What kind of CMS do you like? Maybe we can find some CMS you can custumize to your need? Check out http://www.opencms.org/en/
  22. Alot of free CMS can handle a good site. If you really want a site your own style, I one that no one will have. You have to design(or mod) yourself a cms. I once did this and I must say, unless you're a very good programmer since alot made the mistake which made it easy to use sql injection
  23. Winrar open much more archieve than winzip. I'll go for winrar. I like 7zip more though. It's opensource and it opens rar archieve
  24. From what I heard 2000 was released before ME, so it's a downgrade. (It is an upgrade to the NT kernel though:lol:)
  25. I reccommend PHP-NUKE, I use it for my site, multiple language support(But Using One 1 is better), and big community. I even got PHP-NUKE and it's theme translated into my local language. I don't know much about XOOPS it doesn't seem popular in the country I live in.P.S. : PHP-NUKE IS commercial, you have to pay to get the VERY lastest version
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