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Everything posted by puppyforest

  1. I hate freewebs and tripod as well. I tried many different hosts and they all suck! I hate ads on sites, pop-ups, and pop-unders, and slow servers. Glad to finally have a host that doesn't suck!
  2. puppyforest


    Uh, hi there. I'm Puppy. welcome to Xisto. Let me tell you, this forum is rather cool. And the webhosting is awesome as well. You'll like it here, I think.
  3. Ha ha ha! Very funny. Well, I'm not voting simply because I'm not old enough to. But if I could vote, I would NOT vote for Bush. I guess I'd vote for Kerry. I don't know. Also you can't believe anything they say. I wonder who will win... I hope not Bush.Yea, if the background was transparent, the words would be hard to see. That's very creative, I guess.
  4. Well, I like all the foods listed. I think Mexican is the best, and I also love Chinese foods. I like anything spicy with lots of flavor. I love fast food, especially McDonald's, but I know it isn't so healthy. Oh, yeah, and I love chicken! Italian food is good, and I love pastas and pizzas.
  5. Welcome back! I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with you. I hate going to the hospital. It really must suck being in there for 11 days. The longest I've been was a night, and that really sucked.Hope to hear you are okay!
  6. Ipods are rather expensive, and I want one. In American currency, how much would an Iriver cost? What other mp3 players are there, and are there any low-priced good ones? They sound rather fragile. I'm careful with things of that sort anyways, and have always been. If I had one, I'd be sure not to drop it.
  7. My little brother had two hamsters. They fought and one ate the other one. She died a few days later though, probably from indigestion. Hamsters are cute, but yeah, all they do is sit there. I don't like pets that sleep all day. It's like having a pet rock. No, you don't have to take them to the vet monthly. I don't like cats. Dogs are much better. And not all dogs drool!
  8. I hate pop-ups. I don't care if you have to push a key or what, they have no purpose to me. Most people have pop-up blockers, so why would anyone even bother to make one for their site??? That's a waste of time in my opinion. They are annoying and pointless, so don't bother. Okay, maybe some have their uses, but most are annoying.
  9. That is very nice. The font does look odd; but overall it is a nice effect. What did you use???
  10. I think the name Xisto is a good name. I normally don't like things with numbers, but this does sound catchy. The name caught my attention out of a list of hosting sites, and I was tired of looking at sites that have the word "host" in the address. Personally, I wouldn't like my site to be me.freehosting.com, or something like that. To me, puppyforest.trap17.com sounds better than that. I wanted something short and catchy, and this was it.
  11. I live in North Carolina. I was born in California, and also lived in Idaho for a few years.
  12. puppyforest

    Game Maker

    I have Game Maker. I have made a few games with it before, but they weren't that good. It is easy to use once you get the hang of it. Making games from codes seems complicated to me, but still I'd like to learn. When I have more time to play around, I will try to learn C++. But really, it does sound complicated.
  13. So what anti-virus software is free? What's the best free one? I had McAffee, but it was a trial, and has expired. I can't afford any expensive programs, so that's why I'm asking about free ones. Know any?
  14. You mean a key on the keyboard to turn off the overstrike option? If that's what you are looking for, push the "insert" key above the arrow keys. hope that helps.
  15. Everywhere you go, you find stereotypes. I'm an American, and I can tell you that not all Americans are rude. Some are rude, but a lot actually aren't. As for that stereotype that we are all fat...well, I see that many Americans are getting fatter and fatter...but that's not all of us. Some are fat; some are thin. Some are kind; some are mean. Some are shy; some are arrogent. You have these types of people everywhere.~Puppy
  16. No, I can view it now as well. At that time I couldn't. I don't know why. I thought it was on my computer. But it works now. thanks
  17. Thanks to everyone who tried to help me! The site was up, it was actually on my computer that the problem occurred. I know this because I used internet explorer to view it and not the AOL browser, and it was there. Stupid AOL! I'm getting a new ISP as soon as I can. ~Puppy http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. thanks. I got the files uploaded, but when I go to my site, I don't get it. It was easy to get the files there, but now what? Why can't I see my site? Can you help me there?
  19. Thank you, Punit.I'm downloading cuteftp and I'll see how that works.~Puppy
  20. Well, first I started learning on my own. Then I took a coputer class at school (callled Computer Applications II) where I learned some basic html. We made webpages using html and it was actually fun, even though my website in the end turned out rather sucky. ~Puppy
  21. Hey,Can someone give me simple step-by-step intructions for uploading my website from Frontpage? I've been trying to, but I think I'm doing something wrong.Thanks in advance,Puppy
  22. Well, if someone has bad arthritis, they shouldn't be trying to learn anyways. What I mean is, it is just as possible to learn at age 30 as it is at age 8. But I've heard it said that people learn better at a young age. I guess it just depends on the person. I started at 15, pushed it aside for a few months, and now want to take it up again. ~Puppy And you can't teach an old dog new tricks
  23. Hey, I use yahoo and AOL messenger. I haven't used MSN's but I think I will try it. I have a MSN account, I just never use it. Gaim? I looked at that site, and since it sounds like a good program, I will download it. It would be cool to use the same program for many different accounts. By the way, does anybody know of any other things to do with those stupid AOL disks? I get them in the mail all the time, and would like to make use of them. ~Puppy
  24. hey people,I disagree with war in general. Too many innocent people have died. I am an American, and I want someone who is not going to put us in danger to run the country. I'm not going to diss the current president, but war is a bad idea. Maybe it was the best choice, as some say, but I don't know about that. I never was fond of Bush anyways.~Puppy, a proud, peaceful American
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