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Everything posted by sandbox

  1. I'd say you did the right thing. It took a lot of strength to do it, so good for you.I had to get out of an abusive relationship recently too. Sometimes the abusiveness really sneaks up on you and these people are so good at manipulating you and feeding your guilt, especially if you truly care about them. Just think how much harder it would have been to leave the situation if you had waited for it to get worse--the longer you wait the less self-respect and grip on reality you have. Sooner or later it's off to Jerry Springer with you. But not for you my friend. No Jerry Springer for you. That's (probably) a good thing. p.s., I really hope he doesn't show up at your home, but if he does stay strong. You did the right thing.
  2. Yeah, I deleted everything. I was curious at first, but then I felt so creepy so I deleted it. Yuk! I'm no angel, but I tend to try to do the right thing. It could have been very messy for this guy if his info ended up in someone else's hands.
  3. Hi everybody, I ran into an interesting situation the other day, and I want to see what you guys think. One day I found an abandoned computer case and monitor sitting next to the dumpster at my apartment complex. Being the compassionate computer lover that I am I couldn't just leave it sitting there all alone awaiting its doom, so I wrapped it in swaddling clothes (okay, not really) and brought it back home to live with me. Inside I found a hard drive, floppy drive, motherboard, modem, graphics card, RAM, CD-ROM, processor, power supply, internal cables, etc.--all ten fingers and toes!After putting on my safety goggles (okay, not really, but safety first kids!) I plugged it in and turned it on, but alas, the computer did not respond. I replaced its power supply with one from my own computer, and WHAMMO, the thing came to life with a windows logon and everything.And I mean, everything...pictures, names, addresses, phone numbers, chat conversations, and on and on. I couldn't believe anyone would be so careless with their information. I've only recycled one computer, and I formatted the disk first. I try to never use the same password twice on two different accounts. Sometimes I even switch account names when I go from one place to another. Is this paranoia, or good information hygeine?I know that privacy is a touchy subject, but I'm curious how careful everyone else is with their information when they go online. Have you ever stumbled across anyone else's information on accident? Have you ever had your identity stolen?
  4. I went to glacier. I can't remember the trails that I took off the top of my head, but I can look it up for you if you want. I remember we had to change our route at the last minute because a bear was causing trouble somewhere along it. Oh yeah, and bring a topographic map and a compass! Practice your scouting skills man, it's fun. Even though the trails are well marked and you'll never need it to find your way around you can still locate peaks and other features with a topo. I didn't bring one and I missed it. And of course, if you're going to go into the backcountry it is essential.I've never been to the sawtooths, but glacier had all kinds of vegetation areas. We went through a lot of different elevations so we saw it all. There are woods, some meadows, and lots of lakes there. We went right around this time of year actually, and the thimbleberries are everywhere and they're delicious. Built-in trail food...The glaciated terrain is the best though. U-valleys, and boulder fields and mini-lakes. Touch a glacier before they're gone dude.
  5. My computer experiences are largely limited to windows boxes, so I'm betting that other folks have a different take on this, but I'm a big fan of getting a new computer I must say. I just got a new one at work with 2 Gb of RAM, hell yeah! It's also got a SATA hard drive, and I don't know if you guys have tried these things yet, but the transfer rates are insane! Even if you don't get a new box with maxed out specs a new windows machine can run a lot faster simply because it's not loaded down with spyware yet...I'm sure people who use other OSes just laugh at us for that. I would. One of these days I'm going to rebuild a box I saved from the dumpster as a linux box, I swear.
  6. I went to a national park in the Rockies for a 6-day backpacking trip a few years back. It was awesome. Soaring peaks, and frigid rivers, waterfalls, wild animals...wow. The native indians would come to the rockies for their spiritual rituals, and it's easy to understand why. The trails were really well maintained and the campsites weren't crowded. I went with a friend of mine, and we met a few folks that were very interesting. My advice is go with someone experienced if you're not, but get off the beaten path!!! If you're going to such a beautiful place you don't want to have to fight for a good view. Also, bring a stove. It's cold, and a fresh pot of hot coffee or tea is worth the extra pounds on your back.I remember feeling scared the first time I rode in a car after the trip because it felt like i was moving so FAST! I guess that is what happens when you hike for six days. Being without the internet and all the other distractions of modern life for a while is a good test of character. I highly recommend it.
  7. sandbox

    Hi Folks!

    It's good to be here, thank you t17. Now that I've gotten hooked into the army system I know that I'm here to stay, so hello!I'm an ASP coder and database designer that started out with M$ to simply get 'er done, and now I'm waking up to the wider world of open source (PHP/mySQL/etc.). I'm probably a heck of a lot older (29) than most of you rugrats, so all you fogies better represent! I will do my best to not smell like old people.
  8. Ha! I just set up a hello world, and looked into the api a little bit. It's not too fancy either once you get past the hype.MICROSOFT: I'm pretty sure runescape uses a java applet, not AJAX.
  9. lol, where's the sherlock holmes panda sig? I think the Xisto nameservers are probably misconfigured. There might be two entries in their lists, one for thablkpanda.com, and another for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. The one without the www is pointing to florisjuh. Just a guess!
  10. AJAX is really a combination of the technologies listed above, so you have to be familiar with most of them in order to use it. I'm still learning. One day maybe I'll know enough to do a tutorial for t17. It may be way out of my skill level, but you never know I guess!
  11. I think some people use adobe illustrator or the equivalent for things like this. A quick search pulls up: http://www.webjillion.com/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I haven't tried them, but the dub one looks pretty interesting. hth
  12. Yeah, I had a dog named Ajax. Of course, we named her after the cleaning powder, not the mythological figure. Okay, so ajax is a term first introduced in this blog entry: Essentially, it is the fusion of several existing technologies that allow websites to be ultra-responsive. Have you gotten a gmail account recently? When you fill in your password that you want, the form automatically checks the strength of the password and reports back to you within a few seconds, and the cool thing is you don't have to click anything. The page is using ajax to update itself according to your input to form elements even before you hit the submit button. The article has some cool diagrams and a more detailed explanation.
  13. Hi arbo,I've played around a little bit with googlemaps, but that's about it. The cool thing about ajax is that it doesn't require any new technologies that would cause incompatibilities between browsers. Of course it also opens up a brand new world for programmers to design web applications that look and feel more like desktop apps. I'm pretty new to all the skills required to use AJAX, but I'm learning. Are you using it for anything specific yet?Later.
  14. I chose mine to remind myself to not take things too seriously. I tend to get paralyzed online because I don't want to offend anyone, but it helps to remember to play around every now and then.
  15. The Register did an article on this, but I couldn't find anything on Tom's Hardware or Anandtech. TheReg was not impressed, but did report the booth at which the company will be demonstrating its wares come January's Consumer Electronics Show: There was one thread on TH (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) that heavily dismissed the claims of this technology. They said that even if it could present 1 TB to a processor it's doubtful a processor could address even a fraction of it. I guess we'll find out when they give out samples for people to run through the standard benchmarks.
  16. The last book I read was Harry Potter #4. It was the best one yet, but scary enough that I probably won't be able to see the movie with my nieces and nephews under 13. I'm starting to worry that I'm going to be traumatized after reading the next one. I've heard it gets more intense. No spoilers please...
  17. Wow, there is so much loyalty here. I just came from spooted.org which died most unceremoniusly last week. They were trying to offer features very similar to those offered by Xisto, but without the posting requirements. They must have had a big initial investment, because they went strong for a while but then they went splat. Now I see they have been resurrected, but the state of their site suggests they missed some kind of saving throw because it looks zombified. When I first started looking for a free host I hesitated to try the posting model, mostly because I didn't care about the community. Xisto, and a few others, have communities interesting enough that I think I would keep coming back to post. I have some smallish complaints with t17, but so far they have delivered on most of their promises. The fact that they've been around for so long in this market speaks volumes. I hope to stick around too. See ya!
  18. Thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify, Uniserver does, in fact, come pre-loaded with myPHPadmin. There are also some plugins for the default instillation to include things like an FTP server, but the list of plugins is not large. Also, I haven't tried the plugins yet. Apache2triad looks like a nice option though, when I get a USB key with more storage space. For installation of more complete packages I use cygwin. I haven't tried to install wordpress yet, but I think it automatically adds the entries to the .htaccess files that you need to turn mod Rewrite on. Otherwise, you can just turn it on yourself, right? IANAE, and I haven't tried to use mod rewrite with uniserver yet. Thanks again.
  19. Um, is this your homework?! Look up control structures in your book. You'll learn a lot more if you figure it out yourself. Once you read the section on control structures the answer will be clear. If you are still stuck you should probably email your prof instead of this forum. Your prof will be a better resource in the long run. good luck
  20. Most windows based servers will support ASP by default. It is possible to offer hosting with php and asp together (http://www.stpwebhosting.com/ --> reseller hosting account) because php can be installed on windows and asp can be installed on linux (at least chiliASP used to do this). I imagine that PHP tends to be offered by free hosts more often than ASP because it's cheaper to deploy.
  21. Hi folks, nice place you've got here. I hope to stick around for a while. Hopefully this topic is new. I checked the archives and didn't see a match. I ran across a bundle of php, perl, apache, mySQL, and phpMyAdmin, and I must say that it rocks. Once this baby is installed you are four mouse clicks away from a gui to a live mySQL database. Okay, so you have to count a double-click as a single click, and I'm not including opening the folder, but that's still not too bad. It easily fits on even the smallest of USB drives, and executes without fanfair or complaint as a mobile package. Check it out: http://www.uniformserver.com/
  22. Wow, yet another reason to love and use Firefox. I copy and paste my passwords all the time because I can never remember them. Great tip! It's scary to imagine all the people out there (90% of market, right?) that could be surfing with their clipboards easily viewable by malicious web sites.
  23. Hmm, I wonder if you could accomplish this using some Ajax type code. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but I did find a livesearch example with source code here: https://blog.liip.ch/archive/2004/07/06/livesearch-got-keyboard-access.html Maybe you could use the dynamic xmlhttprequest to send source code instead of queries, and the serverside php script accepting the live input could save it to a file and then call a second php script that includes the file and returns the output to the user. That would be pretty cool if it worked.
  24. One weird thing about bandwidth that I noticed on a friend's computer is that they were connecting with a 56K modem, but when you hovered over the network status icon in the system tray it reported speeds over 100K. How can this be?
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