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Everything posted by arboc7

  1. That's the only way I could think of doing it...you might be able to create your custom DTD and add the XHTML DTD you want by just adding that DTD to your custom DTD. You can get all of the W3C DTDs at http://www.w3.org/
  2. runescape definitely uses a java applet, which actually works more like a full flash website...AJAX is essentially XHTML and JavaScript brought together to create a very nice, generally quick web application that does not require the end-viewer to reload the general page. You might say that AJAX is similar to iframes (or just frames in general) that confine to the latest web standards...
  3. AJAX is not really that hard to learn, if you know a good amount of javascript, that is. I am not an expert in javascript, but all I had to do was figure out the XML connection properties of certain browsers, then you can import text or XML into javascript (which is running after the page loads) and print it to a specifyed <div> tag. I might need a little help, but I might be able to come up with a tutorial.As to how I have been using AJAX, only for content loading without reloading the whole page, just the content. Nothing fancy like Google Maps...
  4. Hi everybody,I'm starting to use AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And Xml), and it is quite nice and very cool. I was just wondering if anyone else is using it here yet??Thanks!
  5. I'm not aware of any way to do that very well in flash that is easy too. You might try googling it...In Photoshop CS and CS2, however, you can import a lot of pictures into certain templates. Most are HTML, but there are two flash templates that come with Photoshop, as of the last time I checked. Photoshop automatically creates thumbnails and the HTML for embedding the flash movie. Very nice and easy. Hope you figure out a good solution!!
  6. Nice, a little different and not the first thing I would choose, but nice nonetheless...
  7. Very nice...I like everything in one place, but the one thing that would be nice would be something like MapQuest, or even better, the Hybrid maps from google...then I'd be in heaven!
  8. I was going to say hotscripts.com, but for just ASP scripts, check out aspin.com. Otherwise, just google it!! (Always the best solution...)
  9. You cannot do anything like ASP.NET forms/server controls with PHP. With PHP, you can only use the normal HTML forms. .NET forms get really complicated, so I don't think they are worth learning anyway, since they don't add too much functionality. Just use the age-old HTML forms with a method of GET or POST to a PHP file. That's all you can do.Hope this helps!
  10. Very nice! I knew about some of the math functions, but it's nice to have them all in one, easy-to-remember (or bookmark, whichever you prefer) place!Thanks again!!
  11. I never thought of that...it's a really good idea!! Thanks a lot for it!! I'll be using it in all my websites soon.
  12. I was going to say, if you have Dreamweaver, use find and replace. But if you don't...well, notepad has one, but you can't edit multiple files at once, so I don't know how else to help you...Sorry!
  13. Looks good to me! I especially like the blue one, reminds me of water I guess...
  14. PHP includes all the way! I find Dreamweaver templates much too bulky and cluttered for my taste.
  15. You could probably get even the new Photoshop CS2 on the descendants of Kazaa and Napster. (I think the best one out right now iMesh, which can be downloaded at download.com, but I'm not sure because I don't use them)
  16. I would check out http://www.opensourcecms.com/ and http://www.cmsmatrix.org/ to see if you can find any CMSes that would fit your needs.
  17. I prefer Google Maps over MSN Virtual Earth by far. I think it's really funny that Microsoft wiped Google off the map in MSN Virtual Earth. Microsoft "claims" that it is an outdated satellite photo, but the immediate area surrounding Google's headquarters has perfectly clear satellite coverage. Funny isn't it?
  18. arboc7

    Max Table Width

    I believe that using the CSS property "max-width" you can do that. Just use the following: <table style="max-width:350px;"> Note that this may not be compatible with every browser since it is defined in CSS2. Hope this helps!
  19. It looks pretty good. I also like the color to black & white gradient. It's definitely better than I could do (maybe that's why I don't even try to!).
  20. Hi Everybody!I'm arboc7, of course. I love computers, and I can code in ASP, PHP, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML. I'm currently learning Java and JSP. I am also developing my own Content Management System for educational institutions, specifically libraries. It is called Islands.I've been poking around some today, and this seems like a nice community. I look forward to helping out!~arboc7
  21. I think I might know you may need to do in your CSS file. I think you need to do something like this: #primarynav { height:100%;} Please note that this may not be supported by all browsers. You may need to use various workarounds or "filters" which can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this helps!!
  22. That's really good. Definitely better than anything I could do...
  23. 1600 x 1200 on my 15.4" widescreen Compaq laptop. I love it! It's great for spreadsheets and for database read outs that have several columns.
  24. Mambo is great and has everything that I would ever need. Drupal is also good. For a comprehensive comparison of hundreds of Content Management Systems (both open source and commercial), you can visit http://www.cmsmatrix.org/. It even allows you to search for CMSes with certain features and at certain prices.
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