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Everything posted by arboc7

  1. My first computer was a Compaq. 66 Mhz I believe. It came with the old truly "floppy" disk drive. It was really old and really slow.
  2. I can only think of one way to include the non-secure files in the secure file without the warning. You would have to have files in the secure folder that use PHP Filesystem functions to pull the content out of the non-secure files. I don't know any other way. Please let me if you find another way.
  3. I personally use Dreamweaver. It's great and easy-to-use for all sorts of web programming and has built-in FTP support.
  4. I don't fully understand your question. If you are trying to read the PHP source of a file on another server, that is impossible as far as I know. If you are just trying to get the HTML source, you can use the Filesystem functions in PHP (http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.filesystem.phphttp://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.filesystem.php). Let me know if this helps and if you still need help getting the Filesystem functions to work.
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