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Everything posted by iivosevic

  1. I have even some images bigger than that. Btw, the smallest OS that I have is BeatriX 2005.1f . It has 180MB and it's CD bootable like Knoppix. It's funny that developer named this OS after his cat. People do funny things.
  2. My first computer...It was so long ago... My father bought it for me when I was 3 or 4 years old, I guess. It was IBM 286 platform with a 2GB hard disk, it had built in 5.24 inch floppy disk. I can't remember proccessor speed, but it was miserable comparing with computers today. I remember it had small monochrome monitor. Operating sistem was in the beginning DOS and then Win 3.11.I had a lots of fun with that old peace of machinery, and I upgraded it several times. It had worked for about 10 years at least, what's not so bad.
  3. I agree with dymondgurl, there is no perfect person. We live with our partners and as time passes we are getting accustomed to their flaws, vices... Because of that everyone serches for someone who would replenish others flaws, and if the right match is found , then those two people could represent something perfect.
  4. Hi Ambient! I am also newbie on Xisto as you are, and I live far far far away from Missoury. Enjoy free hosting.
  5. What is a problem with people and slow computers? I've had computer since 286 platform and I can tell that I know a lot about computers. There is no point to stress when your computer slows down or freezes or eventually dies. Software bugs always existed and hardware can not last forever. Kicking it, throwing it on the flor, or punching it with a screwdriver just damages it more. So, when your computer starts to act slow, chill out, go for a walk, think a bit about what could cause a problem, and then try all over.
  6. Personally, for me abortion is equal to killin a person. But in some countries, where social status and standard is very low, maybe rising a child is not as easy as in other more developed countries. Also, what about women who have been raped and then stayed pregnant? That is enogh reason for someone to go for abortion. Anyway, this is a very complex question and it requires a real debate.
  7. I also hate peanut butter . Tried it once and never again. It tastes awfull to me! Thank God that my parents understood what I think about peanut butter and that they haven't forced me to eat it when I was a child.
  8. I'm against any kind of violence, so these news always shock me an make me wander where does humanity go. I think that the things that started to happen all over the world, such are terrorist attacks, kidnaping of innocents, are not something that derived from any of religions. It is a race for money, power and who knows what else. Especially in Irak, where you have great oil reserves, that terrorist influence is huge. From history we know that America will never surrender, and it shouldn't do that, but sometimes US government makes wrong steps. Maybe it would be better if they have let those guys in Middle East to kill each other, cause now we have something like payback, because we tried to help them out. Really sad. Exactly that. Two wrongs don't make a right. We are the same species. If just a different color of the skin and religion are making us hostile, we won't live for long...
  9. Who knows, maybe the sucide was commited because of some religious beliefs, or the sheep were maybe in some cult... Who pushed them to use drugs, when they knew its bad for health... Doesn't matter what maked them to kill themselves, still is funny...
  10. I have to agree with heavensounds that the whole civilization is going in the wrong way. We could orientate a bit on our envoirment and try to stop or at least decrease pollution. So, instead of inventing flying cars and such crap, mankind should use its knowlege to presereve nature. Concerning web design, I think that it won't change a lot in next decade, maybe a few improvements ( or come-downs, who knows... ). And what I would like to see in future? Well, they are talking something about human expanding to Mars, and first Mars settlemens.... So that would be great to see...
  11. Personally, I think that scientist should not go messing around with DNA and cloning everything that moves. Yes, maybe it is good for science, we could cure many diseases and so on, but it has also its bad side. There won't be a chance for any ordinary men ( such as we are ) to compete with these geneticly enhanced "monsters" in any sphere of everyday life. So, I conclude that this new step for mankind could be malignant for society of today.
  12. Something alike happend to me... There was a girl in my class in highschool, and I liked her very much. But she had a boyfriend and as time passed I didn't know what to do. I haven't cried like astraesboi ( it doesn't mean like crying is something wrong or ashaming thing ) but I was really devastated like he was . The only thing I managed is to become her best friend. I think that's not so bad at the end.
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