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Everything posted by Vistz

  1. If you're in the United States, there's no doubt that you've already heard about Ted Williams' story. For those of you who haven't, I will explain it. A few days ago, a reporter stops to give a homeless man some change. That man, had a "voice of gold". He was previously a radio announcer but due to some bad life choices (drugs/alcohol), he lost his job and became homeless.This man's story hit the Internet and within 48 hours, he was already getting job offers. In fact, Ted Williams recently signed a contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers (a basketball team in the US). They even gave him a house to live in. This sort of story is really moving and restores my faith in people(and the Internet) to collectively do good things.Here is a link to the YouTube video[media]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/]
  2. Well since you've already posted on the forums, I might as well reply here. In terms of sharing between your Ubuntu machine and your Windows machine, Ubuntu has a feature called Ubuntu One. Ubuntu One is basically an online storage space that all Ubuntu users have. You should have a folder called "Ubuntu One". Basically, you put files in the folder and they are automatically uploaded to your account online. Another alternative is to store everything using Google Docs. I know that there is a 500 file limit(or something similar) but for smaller files, it's definitely the easiest.
  3. Wow. You are correct. Terribly sorry.I used the diameter instead of the radius.
  4. So a few weeks ago, Google had a form up where you could submit your information and if they chose you, then they would mail you a CR-48 laptop to beta test. The CR-48, of course, runs Google Chrome OS. Yours truly was selected. I have been using it for several weeks now and I have to say, I am enjoying it quite nicely. There are a few things, however, that I am disappointed were not included. For instance, you can not run Java as of right now. Google Chrome OS is designed in such a way that you have to rely on Google almost 100% in order to get things working. I personally have no problem with this. This way, all of my information/data is in one place. If anybody has any questions regarding the CR-48 laptop or Google Chrome OS, I will be happy to answer them.P.S. You guys (mods/admins) might want to make a separate subforum for Google Chrome OS.
  5. When you say radius, I'm assuming you mean the diagonal. If so, then when you solve for "x", then you are solving for a side of the square. And you already know that the A = s*s where "s" is the length of a side. So I think that the answer should be ~25, not 100.
  6. I would prefer the processors made by Intel. Sure they may be a bit more expensive, however, they are generally faster than their counterparts at AMD.
  7. No what I meant was that it was 11 am when my friends and I got to the train station to go to Washington D.C. The line was ridiculously long, just to get into the station, and we still hadn't bought tickets. So if we had waited in line, we wouldn't have made it to the rally. I was ok with it being crowded, just getting good placement would have been impossible.
  8. I have a question about subdomains. When I go to purchase a web hosting plan, if I choose a subdomain like: mydomain.astahost.com, will I still be able to put adsense on there and treat it like a normal website?
  9. No worries. Here's a link for clarification: Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear Basically, it was a satire of Glenn Beck's rally. And I'm sure, in the early stages of planning, it was meant as such. However, as many people began to grow interest for said rally, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, I'm sure, tried to make the rally a bit more serious. This rally took place on October 30th and it was only a few miles from me. It's a shame it was too crowded.
  10. I personally do not own neither the iPhone nor the iTouch but if I were to get one, I would probably get the iTouch. There's no need for me to get an iPhone. All it really functions as is an iTouch but is more expensive. Also, I already have a functioning phone so there's no need to replace it with an iPhone.
  11. I hadn't even considered IE8 because I never use it. But I heard IE9 Beta is amazing (from what I've heard). You might have better luck with that.
  12. Did anyone here go to the Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive? If you don't don't know what I'm talking about, I'm referring to the rally that John Stewart and Stephen Colbert had on the National Mall in Washington D.C. There were many famous people who showed up. The Roots (a band) played as well as Ozzy Osbourne, Sheryll Crow and a bunch of other people.As for me, I was planning to go to the rally with a bunch of my friends. The night before, we made a plan to leave at 10:30 am. Since the rally started at noon, we figured that we had enough time to catch the Metro (subway system) and make it to DC. However, the next morning, we stopped for breakfast and by the time we finished, it was 11 am. So we thought, "Whatever, we'll still make it". As we were getting off the bus at the Metro station, there was a MASSIVE line. Just to get into the station, the line went up the stairs leading inside, through a parking garage, out the parking garage, and about half a mile down the sidewalk. We just looked at the line and got back on the bus. We figured that even if we waited in line to get to the Metro, we still had to get tickets and if we got there, we probably would not have been able to see much. And plus, the lines to get back would have been horrendous. So we ended up coming back to my friend's room and watched the rally on his TV.I have to say, the rally was a tad boring in the beginning, but I really enjoyed John Stewart's speech at the very end. Overall, the rally was a huge success. Many reports estimate the crowd size at around 217,000 people. That's amazing. Glenn Beck's rally only pulled about 86,000 people. But yea, did anyone here attend the rally?
  13. So if you get a subdomain (mydomain.astahost.com), then I don't have to pay for it, correct?
  14. Excellent game. I have Ubuntu installed and I played in in Firefox. Close to no lag and the graphics were great. The only drawback to this game is that that aren't that many online players. Yes there are some but not as much as I would have hoped.
  15. There are also other ways to make money online. For instance, there are GPT(get paid to) sites. Basically, a GPT site is a site where you do certain tasks and in return, you get some money. Not a lot of money mind you, but it adds up. Most GPT sites will have you fill out surveys. You use your real information except your email, for which you will use temporary emails.
  16. The same goes for me. I still have some problems with it when my computer lags. But other than that, I feel accustomed to using it.
  17. You mention that talking to girls is not an issue. Having a girlfriend would mean you are comfortable around girls. You should try talking to one of your friends (who is a girl). Maybe ask her if she wants to see a movie or something. Just as friends though. Or if you can't do this, try asking her and go with a group of friends. You claim that you have admiration for girls and, I quote, "especially beautiful ones". Why? What have they done that the "non-beautiful" girls have not done? When you talk to a girl, it doesn't have to be for the sole purpose of trying to get her to be your girlfriend. Be social. And there generally is no "trick" to getting a girlfriend. Getting someone's phone number does not mean you know them. You'll probably have to go on a date or two, and that's a whole other topic. What is getting 10 phone numbers going to accomplish? You said that your purpose was to get a girlfriend. Perhaps I should clarify: are you looking for a long term girlfriend or just someone to have fun with. Because if you're looking for a long term girlfriend, getting 10 phone numbers and putting all of them through a screening process isn't going to work. Let's say somehow you decide Girl 3 is the girl for you. What if Girl 3 finds out that you're also dating Girl 9? Then what?
  18. I may be mistaken but I think I read somewhere that if you are logged into your Gmail account, you should be able to use Google Instant. If this is the case, then there should be a toggle that allows you to turn on/off Google Instant.
  19. My favorite would have to be Avira AntiVir. Not only is it lightweight, it is free (which is a must for me) and is usually able to pick up almost anything in terms of viruses. Another good one to use would be AVG. This is also free.
  20. I'm not sure if this applies to you but for slower connections, Google has set the old style of searching as the default. But for faster connections that can handle the AJAX, they replaced it with Google Instant.
  21. Hm. That's interesting. Now when you're typing the text, are you including this character" "/"? If you are, that may be an escape character. I know that in Java, when you type "\", the compiler will ignore the character directly following it.
  22. I'm pretty sure Microsoft comes with some sort of speech function built in. Although this is a good alternative if you don't want to use the generic feature provided by Microsoft.
  23. Oh ok. I am familiar with building up myCents to purchase a plan. I was just unsure if anwiii mean completely free or not.
  24. Hm. I've never heard of LinuxMint until now. Is there a specific reason why you switched from Ubuntu? I personally find it convenient to use. The Gnome interface provides a comfortable UI where I can perform most if not all of my tasks.
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