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Everything posted by iwuvcookies

  1. That's cool. Oh one thing that was funny I saw her sing on VH1 on a show called "but can you sing?" and she was singing Like A Virgin. You know the song from Madonna. She can't sing but it was funny because you know she's not a virgin. lol.
  2. I woudln't know anything about the topic of liking teachers. Maybe have hot teachers but my school doesn't have hot teachers none the less to say the young age of 23. Atleast if something happens it won't be another Mary Kate Latorneau thing. If you know what i mean.
  3. Cell phones bother me when people talk during class. Its like the teachers outside and they call someone. What's so important that you have to talk to that person?? I'm sitting at my desk and hearing this guy. Yes a guy talking to some other guy like "wassup, i'm just in class chiling, yah, yeah, yeh its boring up in this mug," and its just pointless stuff. Then I hate being around people who starts to pick up their cellphone while it rings and talk. I feel like they don't want me there. I don't want to listen to your conversation either. lol.
  4. Awww Spongebob. I haven't heard much heap about it since like last year or so. But I still some people wearing the ties and shirts. Spongebob to me is okay. I think he's cool. I don't watch SPongebob's cartoons anymore. I dont know why. I guess I don't ahve time or it doesn't appeal to me. I'm not sure why. I like the spongebob game though. I won it. I like playing the multiplayer game something with pants, camera, something. lol. Its like Mario Party but Spongebob style and its just fun with lots of people playing. Well there's only four players but that's fun. lol.
  5. That is a cool invention. I hope it will reach to other buses and school buses too. Its just a wonderful invention to make our environment a little better. Everytime I see a bus go by me I smell the awful smoke left behind and I just try to not breathe. I would like to be able to breathe on the streets. Its my freedom. I want to protect it. lol. But that is neat. I bet it cost alot too. But New York can afford it. They have lots of money.
  6. Hi welcome to Xisto. Hope you get your hosting or already using the hosting. Its excellent. It has lots of things that no other place offers. Well they might offer the same thing but its not as cool as Xisto.
  7. I don't know if this is true or not. But that would hurt their chain if people actually knew that the chicken isn't real. I can't believe it. It will be sorta of weird if you ate "I can't believe its not butter" brand and its really just butter. The same thing. I can't believe I'm not eating real chicken. Here's a site that is really true. I know its sort of like a tree hugging type of site as in environmental loving people made this site. http://www.themeatrix.com/ its quite interesting if you ask me. My teacher showed us that in our class one day and its just disgusting how they do the things to the animals. Its in humane yet they taste so good at their expense. I'm starting to sound evil. I can't believe it. But I don't eat KFC chicken. I eat Churches chicken only. Maybe its cheaper or something. But I like Churches. lol. okay. just look at the site. It won't dissappoint you.
  8. My name Nguyen Do Trang is supposed to be named after a Vietnamese scholar that's smart and stuff. I guess I'm kinda smart in away. lol. I can't live up to my name. lol. Its not my fault. But yeh I have had people come up to me and ask the significance of my name. I know my name is popular amongst Vietnamese people and well known but my has a meaning behind it. You sort of name your child in wish one day that name will be destined for greatness. I hope i live up to it like the elders say. lol. they better not trick me.
  9. I like 5 too. lol. Lots of people like 5 for some reason. I like it because it just sounds like a whole group, its not even but it sorta sounds like it a complete package. Bands are in groups of five mostly and power rangers are in group of five. lol. 5 is the number of fingers required to give a Hi-5 and shake people's dirty hands. 5 is the complete.
  10. These operations that people perform on Xisto, um can they perform these opearations on their own computer and its free too? I know you can install a database and server on your computer like apache or something. Would that be the same? or maybe Xisto is too good that it has lots of things?
  11. Um I'm "sotra" opposed to it. If I"m correct Bush's goal is to get the oil or do some kind of retaliation or something. First off I don't think we should start a war that will make our economy go down just because you want oil or something of economic value. We have found that there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I think we should just leave and let them Iraq people handle themselves. We have soldiers dying over there because they're trying to handle peace operations over there. And once a day or something some retard bombs our soldiers or something. If we just get out and let the people take care of themselves we will be fine. Just finish rebuilding and get out.
  12. I use to thought it was hard too. I still think it is. lol. But I know it has many useful functions and things that make web making easy like php includes. I just love all the little things that help make your life easier. I wish I had a class or something that teaches me more indepth. I would learn it online but I don't know where to start. It seems like an interesting enough subject to learn. I'm sure I'll benefit from it in the future and I might make a business of it but that's just something in the future and unsure of.
  13. My school doesn't have clashes between the nerds, punks, preps, ghetto, goths, emos/skaters, losers, etc. Basically they leave each other alone. There are really no nerds. ITs just normal people who are smart. I'm sort of nerdy because I'm in the science cluster a magnet program at my school. Mostly we have wannabe gangs of Mexicans hang around each other and talk about girls or a party. It strikes me that these people who are so different from you but actually smart. These gangster looking people who act like it too and they really do their homework. I'm just amazed by that. But at the same time they have that annoying attitude of thinking they're all tough. I'm talking about any groups in general. I hang out with everyone. I don't think we have prep at my school or losers. I don't know what losers do. lol. maybe be losers. iono. that'a alittle ambiguous. We just never use the word clique at my school. Were not that socailly divided but we do have two lunch side that people can go out to after they finish their lunch. And there is a side with Mexicans and a side with Black people. They just want to divide themselves like that. I like the black side more. The mexican side stare too much. They have staring problems. Its like a staring contest to see who you can stare the most.
  14. I'm guessing you work for a restaurant. Yeh I've heard stories of annoying customers. They're infamous. What about the other side? lol. The other side of the window and in the car. Sometimes I go up to the box and I can't hear a thing the person is saying. Either they're english is not clear enough and they still have that first language stuck or the machine is broken. lol. But yes I do agree some customers are crazy. They order something that's like from Burger King that's usually an item at McDonalds. lol.
  15. That's really neat. I can never do anything to resemble that not even the small spider or the big pumpkin just to name a few. Your really good at this thing. Thanks for making everyone a desktop background or whatever people will use it for. Its nice. Maybe you can make Holiday Backgrounds. Start you own website. that would be cool. Thanks again. I'll be using it.
  16. Yes its always the advertisement, spam, viruses, and spyware. I just hate those things about the internet. I hope it doesn't get worse in the near future. I hope it will be rid of those things. They're just annoying. Or some kind of super ad blocker and spyware blocker. When will it ever be secure??? lol. never..well maybe someday when i'm dead.I also hate site where you have to click an ad to get in to the main page. That's retarded it just makes people not want to visit your page. Another thing is when the server is offline. One day is ok. But like a whole week. wow. that's just heart wrenching. I miss my server. No offence to Xisto. Its my other server. sucky! I think antoher thing is chatroom. I go on AIM to the chatrooms and there are bunch of bots or something and people aim'ing me saying "hey look at my hot webcam." lol. its just stupid and retarded. I don't want to see your cam. For all I know it might be a virus your sending. They're just like "17.female. hot body, looking for hot 20-25 male." weirdos... do your spamming some where else.
  17. i think ghost simply exist. Here is what comes to conflict. Its contradictory in The Bible. What if these people aren't Christian and other religions do see the ghost. I hope you get what i'm saying. I think they do exit. I haven't seen one myself but people i know said they have. I know that's not circumstanstial proof but some of them I believe. If there is a thing such as a creator than there must be other unworldy things such as ghost and angels. Its a matter of believing it or not. YOu can say I'm wrong. But thats what i believe. Hey I don't get it. HOw come Satan gets to come out? In the Exorcism of Emily rose a bunch of devils possessed the girl. lol. i know its a movie. It said 3 oclock was the hour they come out. Anyways you woudn't want ot see ghost. lol. they might scare you.
  18. I wouldn't know about Homecoming things that happen at the place but for all I know they just go with the simple boyfriend and girlfriend asking to go to homecoming. Its not like they're ask somebody. They mostly hang there just because its cool or whatever.
  19. how would you go about shutting your site down without deleting your stuff?
  20. iwuvcookies

    George Bush

    It doesn't matter if you like the president or not. People will always like or hate any president. I may hate Bush but someone might like him. Its all about pointing fingers and stuff. Hes' the scapegoat cause he makes most of the decisions.
  21. I would say Harry Potter too. I've seen all the movies and only read three of the books. I still need to read Goblet of Fire before the movie comes out to theaters. I just saw How to lose a guy in ten days. and it was funny. Lol little sophia.
  22. ITs like little music movie. lol. If only i understood what she was singing than that would've helped alot. I bet it would help alot. You can give your eyes to other people. lol. gross. this story is bad. knock over an unsealed photo developer bottle and she gets blind. lol. why not gangsters trying to kill her and he goes to save her.
  23. Everybody is so smart and computer literate. I feel so retarded compared to you guys. I think its cool what yall are doing. I can't do anything remotely illegal like that. Well against the school rules. I bet they have some program that watch what links we click. I'm just scared they'll kick me out or something. I've never been bad especially using a computer to do my bidding. lol. You computer people are rebellious.
  24. I just took the SAT today. I didn't take any subject test. They cost money and i don't have that kind of money. lol. I don' tthink i did a good job on my test. There were bunch of math problems I didn't complete. Either they were too hard or they took some time to figure out. The passages are long and they expect you to read over it and answer complicated questions. I'm planning to take the test again. I wouldn't know my scores until the 28th of October. I just hope its not that bad. Or maybe I should just take the ACT again. I really don't know which test is better. But I'm thinking SAT is more college appropiate.
  25. my favorite feature out of gmail is the autosave. Now i don' thave to worry typing a long email and it would just close so i would lose my information. I think that's the only email that can do that. I just think that's the coolest thing. go Gmail. but other than that its easy to use and lots of space.
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