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Status Updates posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. My name is Joe and this is my rap, I hate your face and you smell like crap, You tried to set me up you made your trap, Now I'm here to set you back. (rest coming later)



      I'll clean the streets with you two left feet, Get out of the fire, you can't handle the heat, The only way you'll win this battle is if you cheat, Might as well give up, you're gonna get beat.

    2. Margus


      Who is the "you" and why one hates it so much? :)



      You just say your words, though they are bad. But the sound of your voice is what makes me sad. We all know my rhymes are iron clad. If your name was Luke, I wouldn't be your dad. *Star Wars referance*

  2. Who wants to see a funny &%# video?

  3. Still making videos. Just finished uploading one. Check 'em out here: http://www.youtube.com/user/qazxsw21000

    1. andresf91


      great landing, what game is it?



      Flight Sim 2004.

  4. GOSH DARN IT!!! I was wanting to be in bed 2 hours ago, but I'm still up and thinking about food. I don't want to go to sleep hungry. Too bad I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      The only thing we have to put on it is peanut butter.

    3. Baniboy


      It's peanut butter jelly time!



      We ain't got no jelly. Nice video though.

    1. rob86


      Funny video, but the theme song is kind of boring.



      When I watch it, I feel like I'm high.

  5. Where the heck is my other GBA and my other two Pokemon games??? They just, disappeared.



      Just found one Pokemon game. That also means one is still missing and my other GBA is missing.

  6. Casey Anthony found not guilty - bull poo

  7. I'd say that I broke a random body part, but I'd be lying, and lying is a sin.........*quickly says* I like tuttles....*fkees*

  8. I thought that when I installed an 8MB video card on my PC, it was a down-grade, but made the video run better. I just found out that the old card is a 2MB. It's like "*BLEEP*, no wonder the setup costed 75 bucks," LOL!

  9. I finally get the resistor color code system. The only thing left is to remember the actual colors and corresponding numbers.

  10. Now that I customized a desktop, I need $3619 then s/h money.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. anwiii


      were you just playing around with it or are you really going to buy this system. don't get me wrong. nothing wrong with dreaming but that is like 2 months work wage for some people. after taxes and shipping and handling. that might be up to 4 grand. what do you have now?



      I was just playing with it, but if I could, I'd actually but it. The one in my room has a 512MHz processor, 200 megs of ram. A 14 gig HDD and a 750(?) gig HDD. An 8 meg video card (runs better than the 16 meg). Bought the original for $75.00. I added the 750 gig HDD and the 8 meg video card. Replaced the CD burner with a lite-on CD burner. Added a DVD burner which sucks (maybe a dirty lens).

  11. What the f***?!? http://www.gamestop.com/gba/games/pokemon-emerald/37370 For 5 extra dollars, you can get the system you play it on.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. anwiii


      exactly. since she didn't read it, she didn't care. if she didn't care, she spammed your status message for no good reason :)

    3. Eza


      It says on the website: Pokemon Emerald by Nintendo of America

      BUY PRE-OWNED $39.99

      It is a mystery where the option to get a system for 5 extra dollar is mentioned on the website.

      The question is where the deal to get a system for $ 5 can be ordered. This means like a link or an explanation about the way this site works. When a link is given and a question is asked it means the link doesn't provide enough information.



      Look towards the bottom, under the game price stuff. You'll see it.

  12. I gots me a splitting headache. I's sleepy, tired, sickish. Hopefully, I'll be asleep within 10 minutes.

  13. "Well I don't need, a whole lots a money. I don't need, a big fine car. I got everything that a man could want. I got more, than I can ask for. Well I don't have to run around, I don't have, to stay out all night. 'Cause I got a swwet, a sweet lovin' woman, who just knows just how to treat me right. Now my baby, she's alright, my baby's clean outta sight. Don't you know that she is, she's some kind of wonderful........"

  14. Anyone got a psp they want to GIVE me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      just kidding i want a psp 2

    3. anwiii


      i guess keesha the new user status spammer never got validated.....

  15. I just took a stab in the dark by thinking I could register with the SSS online. I think I was right 'cause I just did.

    1. Guest


      what do u mean

    2. Guest


      what do u mean

  16. "The best of times are when I'm alone with you Some rain some shine, we'll make this a world for two Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime We'll take the best, forget the rest And someday we'll find these are the best of times These are the best of times" More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/s/styx/#share

  17. The tornado chasers are staying at a hotel in my city.....That ain't good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      A tornado was supposed to form just over my city. I wasn't awake whit it was supposed to happen, but there was some trees down this morning.

    3. anwiii


      what are you talking about? they still can't predict tornados. also, wouldn't you hear the siren? :)



      That siren is far enough away that the only way I could hear it, I would have to be awake.

  18. When was it today that the world was supposed to start ending?

    1. anwiii


      only for the people who ask about it....

    2. anwiii


      well it's not the end of the world, but it's all downhill after 18.....actually 21 so you have 3 more years to enjoy yourself :)

  19. As I'm about to take pizza rolls out of the oven-me: "I'm going to assume that these are done...I'm going to assume that's a good assumption."

    1. anwiii


      pizza rolls don't cut it for me. i can eat 20 of them and still be hungry. go for the hot pocket :)

    2. anwiii
  20. My "no rain" wish STILL hasn't came true.

    1. Indego_Media


      maybe you need to do an Anti-Rain Dance. you know get out in it and curse the rain itself.


    2. anwiii


      i say just get outside in it all and appreciate it while you get sopping wet where you're clothes are 3 times heavier. if ya can't beat 'm, join 'm. live a little :)



      But if it doesn't stop, my house will wash away.

  21. Bet this video was fun to make for everyone.

  22. OMG, I dodn't know the "AP Physics B" test would carry on over to after school is out. When testing was over, I thought we still had 10-20 minutes of school left, then I immediately found out school was out for about an hour.

    1. anwiii


      was that a good thing or a bad thing...i can't tell....

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