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Status Updates posted by Hurt4love

  1. 99 Days since it all started and I haven't even forgotten once! I am happy :-)

  2. Happy Canada Day :)

  3. Silence is the only way...

  4. Happy Canada Day!

  5. I really wish people would start being more loving and less fake...If you really love your friend, or brother or anyone, you would accept them the way they are with all their flaws and imperfections and you would respect them no matter what, you would not try to change them if you really loved them. Then why lie and say you love someone when all you try to do is change who they are from the inside? If they smile you want to change them so they would frown...If they have a different lifestyle,...

    1. Hurt4love


      you try to impose your own lifestyle and opinions!!! This is not love...This is being fake and a hypocrite...

  6. How much is that doggie in the window?...The one with the waggley tail...How much is that doggie in the window...I do hope that doggie's for sale...I read in the paper there are robbers...With flashlights that shine in the dark...My love needs a doggie to protect him...And scare them away with one bark... :-)

  7. My back feels so sore and beaten up this morning :(

  8. So for the first time in my life I had a deep tissue and knot removal back massage today and I ended up yelling and crying :( I never knew it hurts this much!

  9. It is very hot and humid today and there is no wind :(

  10. OMG...MINT IMPERIALS!!!!!! I haven't had those for ages! I love them :)

    1. rob86


      I have good memories of those :) Grandma's house, choking to death...



      What? I don't remember those. Send me one. * expecting an envelope with candy*

    3. Hurt4love


      hehehehehehe Rob I hope you still like them despite the choking to death memories :P NNNOOOOOO I can send you a whole bunch :) but let me warn you first, if you have one you can't stop until you eat it all it is very addictive :)

  11. My Love for you is like an ocean, it is endless, it flows with lot's of power, and it survives all the nasty waves, My love for you will flow till the end of time, and I will love you no matter how far you are, I will always love you!

  12. Having a terrible time since I woke up...Struggling with a really bad sinus allergy :(

    1. anwiii


      i toook his comment as a joke. i took it as he gets it more than for times a year and year round like you.... 4 time a year....4 seasons? i could be wrong... :)



      Sometimes, I'll get it in between seasons too. From one season through the next.

    3. Hurt4love


      NNNOOOOOO, sounds like your allergy is as bad as mine. I think I am gonna go for another sinus operation because this has been becoming worse by the day!The pressure is always at its worst in my nasal area and feels like someone punched me right there.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. Congratulations to all of us and to all my classmates and other graduates! I finally made it to graduation :) Well one door closes and we are walking towards a new beginning now. I hope this new chapter of our lives turns out great and brings with it dreams and goals that will hopefully come true!

    1. OpaQue


      Congratulations! :)

    2. anwiii


      oh my god! haha that was unexpected!

    3. Hurt4love


      Thank you Opaque!!! It was very unexpected to find a reply to my status from you since you haven't been around much :) But I am so glad my status this time made you reply! Thank you for your wishes and for replying and I hope we continue to see you around in KS more often :)

  14. Thank you for your birthday wishes :)

  15. Thank you bani for your birthday wishes!

  16. Thank you, you're so thoughtful :D

  17. I'd like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes!!! I had a blast and my birthday was so wonderful :)

    1. web_designer


      oh god...seems i missed your birthday honey.. :( i am sooo sorry...i hope you can forgive me i have no life right now...

      but i will still say... HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear friend...

    2. Hurt4love


      Don't worry dear, better late than never right? ;) You don't need to ask me to forgive you because I really understand your circumstances and I am not angry with you in the first place. I know you are so busy right now and I can understand why you are not around a lot right now. Don't feel bad I am just happy to hear from you again and to know that you are ok. It is only few days since my birthday and your birthday wishes are very appreciated!!! Thank you so much for y...

  18. Thanks for the Birthday message!!! Yes please I would like to come out of a cake for me :)

  19. Happy Birthday to ME :D Let me make a wish....ok I made my wish :) but it's pretty much a miracle if my wish comes true on my birthday :)



      Is your wish that I'll reply to your status? If so, wish come true! Also, happy birthday.

    2. anwiii


      yea, i think that's everyone's wish on their birthday :)

  20. One of the drawbacks of independence is that when you get to celebrate your accomplishments and success, you end up doing it all alone with no one to celebrate with :( Now that really sucks!!!

  21. Unbelievable! I just met someone who totally said the wrong thing to say to me by a total stranger...If you don't have something good to say then don't say it at all!!!

  22. ``I don't know much...But I know I Love you...That will be...All I need to know``

  23. Woke up cranky again today! why do my neighbors need to mow the lawn in the morning and wake everyone up?!? I hate that stupid Lawn mower!

    1. anwiii


      maybe if you learned to go to sleep at a decent hour so that you can wake up at a decent hour, you wouldn't be hearing people mow lawns in the afternoon :)

    2. Hurt4love


      you know me :P I sleep when people are awake and wake up when everyone is asleep :P but still I would be awake if they mow the lawn in the evening or around 4 pm but they have to do it at 1 pm! Anyway whenever they do their lawn the sound of that stupid mower still irritates me even when I am already awake!

  24. Yeeeeeey Ice cream truck is passing by the neighborhood playing fur elise :) I did not know they existed anymore till I heard it through the window right now :) Reminds me when I was 5 and used to run outside to get ice cream when I heard the music...



      Our ice cream guy was called "Swan Man". He worked for the Swan Ice Cream company. He would come by some times and sell us boxes of ice cream.

    2. anwiii


      it's like 65 degrees over there. not really bomb pop weather.....

  25. Yeeeeeey Ice cream car is passing by the neighborhood playing fur elise :) I did not know they existed anymore till I heard it through the window right now :) Reminds me when I was 5 and used to run outside to get ice cream when I heard the music...

    1. anwiii


      you have ice cream cars in canada? that is sooooo cool. we have ice cream trucks in the states :)

    2. Hurt4love


      Ok well a truck is a car for me :) It has four wheels and you drive it but yeah to be specific we have ice cream trucks and that is what I meant not a sedan car :)

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