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Status Updates posted by Hurt4love

  1. Yeeeeeey Ice cream car is passing byt hte neighborhood playing fur elise :) I did not know they existed anymore till I heard it through the window right now :) Reminds me when I was a little girl and used to run outside to get ice cream when I heard the music...

  2. Rain, rain go away...Come again another day...Little Johnny wants to play...Rain, rain, go to Spain...Never show your face again! :)

    1. web_designer


      oh i sing that song to my baby :) but without the spain part..:D

    2. rob86


      Who pronounces again like Spain, anyway? Everyone but me, probably?



      My house won't be the only one to wash away I see. I do live in a van down by the river lol.

  3. I hear your song of love inside me and I feel that you are close...I feel your touch...I hear your voice...and above all...I feel your arms around me while you sing to me till I fall asleep ---Part of my newest poem for my special someone!

    1. web_designer


      nice words h4l...keep the good working...

  4. Look at me...You may think you see...Who I really am...But you’ll never know me...Every day, is as if I play apart...Now I see...If I wear a mask...I can fool the world...But I cannot fool...My heart...Who is that girl I see...Staring straight back at me? ...When will my reflection show...Who I am inside? ...I am now...In a world where I have to...Hide my heart...And what I believe in...But somehow...I will show the world...What’s inside my heart...And be loved for who I am...

  5. So close so far...I'm lost in time...Ready to follow a sign...If there was only a sign...Give me a reason...Why would you want me...To live and die...Living a lie...You were the answer...All that I needed To justify, justify my life...

    1. Hurt4love


      These are song metaphors anwiii :) it doesn't mean literally :) If it was literal then it wouldn't be as meaningful I think...

    2. anwiii


      i know what metaphors are and where they come from....:)

    3. Hurt4love


      I know you do :P

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Ok I decided! I am taking a vacation from the whole world! I don't care anymore!

    1. Hurt4love


      you're right things are not what they seem! I learned it the hard way! You know WD somehow it doesn't matter if I find my way or not! It is what it is and there is nothing we can do to change things sometimes! I just won't bother anymore :)

    2. Indego_Media


      Oh Hunny You need to Bother it pisses people off and its always good to smile when your pissing people off :) you know what i mean HUGS XOXO

    3. Hurt4love


      :) yeah I know what you mean then maybe I will bother :) Thanks Indego_Media and WD!
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. Oh yummy! Black tea with mint leaves! Haven't had that for a while...Smells so delicious but tastes even more delicious!

  8. School is over and now back to the real world! Inetrnship and job responsibilities!

    1. web_designer


      good jon h4l..you did great my friend..i am very proud of you dear...good luck with your new life...

    2. Hurt4love


      Thank you WD!!!! I am still in the process of finding a job though :P That is another hasstle on its own :)

  9. Finally!!! Our Documentary was finally screened and delivered today! Thank you for supporting our documentary and for helping us through it all! It was a very tiresome and hard process but you know what? WE DID IT!!! Way to go team!!!!!

  10. Did really bad on my final exam today but whatever, it is what it is...

  11. Migraine on and off for 2 weeks now :( Nothing is making it go away, it is killing me



      Is it gone now?


    2. Hurt4love


      Yes for now I hope it goes away forever and does not come back!

  12. I have sooooooooooo much to do in such a short time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hurt4love


      Sorry NNNOOOOOO I was getting fed up with a spammer who was spamming my status everytime I unlocked it, so I had no choice but to keep it locked :) I hate spammers!!!



      Same here. It was until the last one that I didn't know that you could unlock it.

    3. anwiii


      i don't appreciate you blocking my spam!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  13. Ever had milk that tastes like burned plastic? Well I just did and it's disgusting :( yuck!



      no. Though I have had milk give me indigestion. It was schools milk though, so nothing to worry about at home.

  14. 2 weeks only left for delivering my documentary! I guess I will be camping in the editing suite! Anyone has a knapsack I can borrow? :D

  15. Exhausted, hungry, stressed and need lots of sleep! Good night!

  16. Everytime I listen to the Pink Panther theme I feel like a little kid all over again :) maybe I should watch some Tom & Jerry now :)

    1. anwiii


      da dum da dummmmm... da dum da dummmmm... da dum da dummmmm.. da dum.. da dum da dum DAdum da dum da dummmmmm... da da da da dum!


      if pink panther theme makes you feel like a kid, what does tom and jerry make you feel like?

    2. Hurt4love
  17. Time to pull up our socks and lace our boots!!!

    1. anwiii


      make sure you put your shoes on the right feet first. that can be annoying if you don't :)


    2. Hurt4love


      Right!!! hehehehehehe you have a nice sense of humor!!

  18. Country roads...take me home...to the place...I belong...West Virginia...Mountain Mama...Take me home...Country Roads...

  19. I miss you WD!!! Where are you hiding these days?

  20. I still feel your heartbeats...tum tum tum tum tum tum tum tum

  21. hmmmmmmmm, you're going to make my head big now ;)

  22. Your Birthday is special not just because it is your birthday but because it is the day when you came into this wolrd to touch people's lives like you always do! I hope that this will be a special year for you and that you will have the life full of happiness and lots of magical moments that you truly deserve! With all the care in the world...I wish you a Happy Birthday!

  23. Everything happens for a reason, who knows what the reason is right now?! Maybe one day we can figure it out.

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