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Everything posted by Rigaudon

  1. Well, in any case, if the user can SEE the image, regardless of whether they can access it or not, they can always take a screenshot of it and crop it out.
  2. It's true that you must download a picture before you can view it, but most people don't know how to find it. To prevent them from copying the picture by right-clicking, you just need a simple script, and I think you'll find that it will stop the majority of people who visit your website from stealing it, as most people who browse the internet today aren't geeks (~60% still use IE... *barfs). Anyways, do this: <body oncontextmenu="return false;"> This will disable right click for your entire page. Good luck on... not getting your pictures stolen O_o
  3. Yes, my credits did go down. Under products/hosting, it has what i ordered, but it's marked as pending. I guess I'll file a ticket then, i guess. Where can I find my purchase history?
  4. Hi, I'm new to this "purchasing domain" thing, so please bear with me.Recently, I noticed a site in Xisto with my username as the subdomain (rigaudon.trap17.com), and I didn't know how to use it.After digging around some posts, I found out that I had to register for it from xisto. I went there and paid $1.95 for the logic plan, selected "I have registered a domain and want to host it", and purchased it.It's been a while since I've heard back (by my previous experiences, setting up a subdomain doesn't take very long). I was wondering if there's something I need to do, or whatever.Thanks in advance.
  5. This is actually very simple, and requires only JavaScript to manipulate styles of HTML elements. There are two things to consider when doing this: speed and increments. The lower the increment, the smoother the effect will be. Speed is self-explanatory.Here's the basic JavaScript function: function fadeIn(id,increment,speed){ var element = document.getElementById(id); //Standard var currentOp = element.style.opacity; currentOp = currentOp*1+increment; element.style.opacity = currentOp; //IE var IEOp = element.style.filter; IEOp = IEOp.replace("alpha(opacity=",""); IEOp = parseInt(IEOp)+(increment*100); element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+IEOp+')'; if(currentOp<1){ var again = setTimeout(function(){ fadeIn(id); }, speed); }} The increment should be between 0 and 1 (somewhere around 0.1 or 0.05) and the speed is in milliseconds (around 50 should work), but you can play with this yourself to get what you like. The id is the id of the element.Similarly, to fade out, it would be the same function, but reversed. function fadeOut(id,increment,speed){ var element = document.getElementById(id); //Standard var currentOp = element.style.opacity; currentOp = currentOp*1-increment; element.style.opacity = currentOp; //IE var IEOp = element.style.filter; IEOp = IEOp.replace("alpha(opacity=",""); IEOp = parseInt(IEOp)-(increment*100); element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+IEOp+')'; if(currentOp>0){ var again = setTimeout(function(){ fadeOut(id); }, speed); }} To put this function into action, you can do a number of triggers. You may want to do it when the document loads (body onload). Google uses onmouseover for the body.Here's a simple html file to show you fade-in in action. It's actually a calculator of some sort I wrote a while back to do the 3x+1 puzzle. Anyways, here it is:Note: the fadeIn function in this program only takes the ID as a parameter, so the speed was constant/increments were constant. <html><head><title>© Michael Wu, 3x+1</title><style type="text/css">body { background:rgb(170,200,256); padding:30px; color:#009; font-weight:400;}h1, h2, h4, h5, h6 { text-align:center;}td { text-align:center; width:100px; height:50px;}</style><script type="text/javascript">function solve(start){ var datacount = 0; var start = document.getElementById("start").value; var inhtml = "<table border='1px' id='htmltab'><tr>"; if(start<=1||start.indexOf(".")!=-1){ alert("Invalid Input. Must be an integer greater than 1."); }else{ var begin = new Date(); var startTime = begin.getTime(); start = parseInt(start); while(start!=1){ if(start%2==0){ inhtml+="<td style='background-color:gray'>"; inhtml+=start+"/2 = "; start = start*1/2; inhtml+=start+"</td>"; }else{ inhtml+="<td style='background-color:white'>"+start+"*3+1 = "; start = 3*start*1+1; inhtml+=start+"</td>"; } datacount++; if(datacount%15==0){ inhtml+="</tr><tr>"; } } var stopTime = new Date(); var end = stopTime.getTime(); var diff = (end-startTime)/1000; inhtml+="</tr></table><br /><br />"; inhtml+="<div style='text-align:center'>"; inhtml+=datacount+" steps in "+diff+" seconds."; document.getElementById("html").innerHTML = inhtml; document.getElementById("htmltab").style.opacity = 0; document.getElementById("htmltab").style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=0)'; fadeIn("htmltab"); }}function fadeIn(id){ var element = document.getElementById(id); //Standard var currentOp = element.style.opacity; currentOp = currentOp*1+0.1; element.style.opacity = currentOp; //IE var IEOp = element.style.filter; IEOp = IEOp.replace("alpha(opacity=",""); IEOp = parseInt(IEOp)+10; element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+IEOp+')'; if(currentOp<1){ var again = setTimeout(function(){ fadeIn(id); }, 65); }}</script></head><body><h1>3x+1 puzzle</h1><hr /><h3>Overview</h3><p><pre> Although no proof exists, the 3x+1 puzzle states that any integer greater than 1 can eventually reach 1 through this algorithm. If the number is even, then it is divided by 2. If it is odd, it is multiplied by 3 and added to 1.This program explores this unproved theorem. After entering an initial value, it will calculate how many steps it takes and show you the steps.Below, the <span style="color:gray"> GRAY </span> boxes show when the number is divided by 2. The <span style="color:white"> WHITE </span> boxes show when the number is multiplied by 3 and added to 1.</pre></p><form> Starting Value: <input name="start" id="start" type="text" maxlength="9"> <input type="button" value="Go" onClick="solve()"></form><div id="html"> </div><hr /><div style="text-align:center" id="footer"> <h3>Design and Code © Michael Wu, 2009</h3></div></body></html>
  6. By personal experience, the GUI (aero) only takes up around 1/10th of the total amount of memory when everything's running smoothly in Vista. Usually, useless applications such as the sidebar were extremely detrimental to Vista's performance. I do concur, however, that Windows 7 uses memory more efficiently than XP and still maintains the benefits of SuperFetch.
  7. Ever since they've been released, I've heard complaints that XP is better than Vista or 7 and that they use up too much memory. Naturally, people began asking, "Why does vista and 7 take up so much memory?" The answer is simple: it lies in a new service known as SuperFetch. Have you ever had a program that took forever to load up that you use a lot? If you use Vista or 7, then probably not. You can thank SuperFetch for that. What SuperFetch does is it seeks to populate all of your RAM with bits of memory that you use the most. If you use Internet Explorer (God forbid), then you'll notice that it starts up much faster than the first run of another browser like FireFox. This is a great detriment to gamers, however. Lets say you have 4 gigs of RAM, and a game took up 2 gigs. When you're playing, SuperFetch will populate the RAM with other programs so that barely any space is left available. If you, for instance, move into a new map area and had to import the map, your computer would have to take out what it doesn't need first and then bring in the map, rather than simply bringing it in. So the question is not necessarily "Why does Windows Vista and 7 Use so much Memory", but "Why do other versions of windows use memory so ineffectively?". When I'm gaming, I like to turn superfetch off so it doesn't make me lag. To do this, go to start>run>cmd and type "net stop superfetch". If you don't like superfetch on your machine, you can disable it by going to start>run>msconfig, going under services, and unchecking superfetch. You can find more information about superfetch at the Microsoft website here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and in other sites.
  8. Wow, that's really nice! Thanks for posting this, I was completely unaware that there were new brushes that you could download.
  9. Hah! This reminds me of a quote from Peter Griffin (from Family Guy): "I love my country. It's kinda like loving God or a step-parent. You never really feel them love you back, but they're busy, and you understand". In all seriousness though, "God"'s love is nothing more than what you feel from inside. It is generated from a series of chemical reactions in your body.Don't flame me for being atheist- I'm not an atheist because I hate God or something like that. I choose to trust in reason. And of course, I say the same thing about human love- a series of chemical reactions in the body to produce that feeling.
  10. I did a little research on this and it looks extremely nice! So JQuery really isn't different (at all) from JavaScript, it's just a library filled with functions and different ways to parse things! Hmmm, I look forward to learning this in the future.
  11. From personal experience, Cable is faster than DSL, and broadband varies a lot.
  12. I think you're familiar with MySQL and PHP, so why not just use that?mySQL CREATE TABLE `hitcounter` (`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,`name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,`hits` INT( 20 ) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ))INSERT INTO hitcounter (name, hits) VALUES ('Homepage',0) You can add more pages like this. Just put this at the top of each page: <?php$name = "Homepage"; //Change this to whatever the page is.//Connect to Database first.mysql_query("UPDATE hitcounter SET hits=hits+1 WHERE name='{$name}'");?>
  13. Can we make it so that all his posts undergo a php ucfirst() function where we double check that his sentences all begin with capital letters? (:P I'm only kidding)

  14. I personally don't know much about actionscript, but I DO know that Actionscript can access a database so a definite way would be to store inputs in the database and have actionscript retrieve it. To do what you want, you'd have to learn PHP and MySQL. Here's a snippet of code for PHP and MySQL, and you're on your own for actionscript.The textarea: <form method="process.php" method="post"><textarea name="myTextArea"></textarea></form> mySQL CREATE TABLE `inputs` (`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,`input` TEXT NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )) process.php (in the same folder) <?php$post = $_POST['myTextArea'];//Connect to database... Look up how to do this in PHP.mysql_query("INSERT INTO inputs (input) VALUES ('{$post}')");?>
  15. What do you mean by "admin page"? If you mean something for a database, you'd need PHPMyAdmin (https://www.phpmyadmin.net/).Otherwise, if you mean how to get your website started, find the root directory and put your website files there. Take note that a site called index.html will probably be automatically loaded.I don't know much about Joomla, since I use wampserver, but chances are that the root directory is in the same directory where you installed Joomla.
  16. Windows Vista and 7 takes much more memory than Windows XP, as well all know, mainly due to a new service called SuperFetch.Superfetch is a newly introduced service in Vista that has received much criticism and is the main reason people complain that vista "takes too much memory".It is actually a much more efficient way to handle memory than XP. What SuperFetch does is it finds out what programs you use the most and prepopulates the RAM with those programs. That way, you don't have to wait a long time if you want to use said programs. Windows XP will not do this.If your CPU is old or cannot handle windows 7, you probably should stick with XP.If you really want to use Windows 7 and are really worried about your computer overheating, turn off superfetch.To do this, go to start>run and type in "msconfig".Go under the services tab and uncheck superfetch. Uncheck everything else you don't need, for that matter, under services as well.
  17. That's a very vague question, but I'm assuming you mean how to remove something like a commentary from a movie (?)After a quick google search and by my hypothesis, I conclude that no such software exists at the present time if it is completely embedded into the mp3.However, you could remove a voice if the voice was a separate file or track that was a kind of add-on to the original file (like subtitles in a movie).
  18. There are two types of PHP forms: What I like to call Self-forms and linked forms (I'm sure there's a professional definition but that's what I call them).Before I get into that, in your HTML, you should have a form. You need to put the attribute "action" and method on it, like: <form action="process.php" method="post" enctype="multi-part/form data" > Also, be sure that ALL inputs in your form have names that are different. You also must include a submit button (input type="submit").I assume you already know about user CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) for MySQL.On a self-editing form, the form action would be the same as the file with the form on it.On the processing page, you need to use your superglobals (either $_POST, $_GET, or $_REQUEST), depending on which method you used for your form.If, for example, you had a field in the form named "username" with the "post" method, then what the user entered could be retrieved with: $_POST['username']; It's as simple as that. The $_REQUEST superglobal simply contains all the vars from both $_GET and $_POST. From there, you can insert them into the database.
  19. Very true. If you have (for example) 50 people visiting your website at any given time, that's 50 database queries every second, and it does add up. If you don't have many resources, changing the time between intervals from 1 second to, say, 3-4 seconds wouldn't make much of a difference to anyone having a legit conversation.
  20. I like classes that make sense (Math, chem, programming, music) and aren't just all memorization (history, government, biology).
  21. I've found a few of these sites where they pay you to do surveys. It's times like these that I'm so glad I'm a programmer and can write GreaseMonkey scripts that can do it all for me
  22. Not sure if anyone is still interested, but I've posted a shoutbox tutorial here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/71577-how-to-put-an-active-shoutbox-on-your-website-using-ajax-and-mysql/
  23. I'm not quite sure I understand-You have a scrolling marquee on your website and it scrolls by itself? And refresh the page when it reaches the end by itself?In this case, the speed of scroll and amount of text should already be defined. Simply put it through an algorithm that returns to you the total time it takes to scroll, and then have it refresh at that interval.Or, do you mean the user is scrolling it?Well, in either case, what you COULD do is to set a timeout function when the body loads, and have it refresh at the given interval, which you would define.This might be slightly troublesome, however, as you would need to put in the length of every song. Alternatively, you could just set a default rate in which it refreshes.Doing this would require PHP and JavaScript. I can help you write a script if you need to. ;)And, of course, the absolute best way to do this in any situation would be to use AJAX, which would completely render refreshing obsolete, which, again, I can help you write the script for if you need help.
  24. This is practically impossible to do in HTML. The ones that already exists are not done in HTML, but rather in other languages that support 3D better.If you must make it in HTML, your best bet would be either Flash (cartoon-like but it works), or using a Java framework and working with C++ (like Runescape).
  25. Once upon a midnight dreary, While i pron surfed, weak and weary, Over many a strange and spurious site of 'hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, "give me back my free hardcore!"Quoth the server, 404.
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