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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. For some reason, I feel Windows 2000 and windows 98 are the most stable versions of windows. I have had many cases in which games did not run well or did not run at all in windows XP. However, they did just fine in Windows 98. I do agree that Windows XP is advanced and has proven to work a lot faster, but I see people (especially gaming freaks) still sticking on to windows 98.In other words, I would even like to say ... Windows SuX. no matter how far you go, you cant escape the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH! (BSOD)
  2. I have used both the Virus protection programs and in my opinion, McAffee rocks.The main downsides of Norton is that it is heavy on resources. I had also checked on one of the sites which had a comparision chart. And in there, Kaspersky was #1 followed by McAffee. Both their rankings were above 99.9% whereas ranking of Norton was around 99.5 or may be 95%. So, my choice would be McAffee at any time
  3. Yes, that is exactly the reason why Trap has managed to make this long journey. Today, Xisto is equally famous for its community as its hosting service. We have support of people and I give this credit to the management who have made it possible.
  4. hey luke.. Welcome back. I hope you like the new Trap.. I have managed to get many people in it ;-) Enjoy the company and have a nice time.
  5. I was working on it.. Its ready now. https://support.xisto.com/
  6. Thank You for sharing this Information. I am pinning this TOPIC [ Bypassing the DNS Propagation Issue ]
  7. Day before yesterday I got 2 orders to setup P4 ComputerS! And just think about this!I get the parts. Assemble the stuff. And to my despair, something is not working. I take the PC from Clients office to my home and check it out. I find the motherboard screwed.Now I call the main stores and report it. I go there, and give it back to them. The board is checked and its confirmed that its not working. So I have to wait for one day for replacement.The next day, Thats today I finally get the replacement in the evening at 7 PM. I get the Motherboard checked. Now I take the motherboard home as it is, plug the wires from powersupply and switch on the damn thing! And its not working AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ITs 8:30 already and the store is closed. Now how can anyone else have such a BAD LUCK! Now Tomorrow, I dont even know If I would get a replacement or not. And even If I do, I dont know how long I will have too.The worst thing is I have a bad feeling that I m going to lose my money for the motherboard! On top of that, for 2 days I havent been able to do my main work at all... Life SUCKS!
  8. post copied from gr dot bolt dot com/games/pc/strategy/empire_earth_ dot htm20 CREDITS REDUCED!
  9. Today, I came up with this strange PHP behaviour. Just wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions! I make a common variable/function file called config.php. I put in my generally used functions in it. Suppose this is my file <? // -----VARIABLES --- //$a=10,$b.... // -----FUCTIONS--- //function doit(){print "A value is " . $a;}?> Here, suppose we execute this file directly. Since A has a global scope, it does work perfectly. But if this same file is imported in another file say, mainfile.php // now we call our function doit(); ?> linenums:0'><? // -----VARIABLES --- //$c,$d....include 'config.php'; // INCLUDED THE CONFIG FILE// now we call our functiondoit();?> Here, the $a variable in function doit() does not work. Instead it prints only A value is INSTEAD OF A value is 10
  10. Thanks for clearing those doubts and sharing this information with us
  11. About your point runnning huge files, I would suggest instead of making 10MB big file, use FILE INCLUDES. A Good feature of php which will allow you to integrate code from external php file like modules. That is a better practice for coding.Because, allowing the server to process the entire file might put extra load on it and can result on your account to be terminated.As for the BW, the bw is only calucated in terms of the amount of data that is transfered between the client and the server. so, the issue of bw is not a problem. The only bw that is counted would be depending on the output of the program and not on the size of it.
  12. I will run the QUOTA Fix within 2 days as soon as there is some drop in the server load. It should be fixed then
  13. Until and unless you explain us the complete story, we wont be able to help you.Reasons like my ID disappeared sounds dumb, as no id can suddenly disappear off the forums. Please note, we do PRUN members, but we set the condition as "Members with 0 Posts, and Inactive for 2 months"If you say you are hosted, then give me your cpanel password. At the most, I can run a search for your username associated with your cpanel ID in our database.Incase you have lost the password, kindly use the password recovery tool.Also, please keep in mind, we can try to help, only if you give us enough directions. Simply asking for help without any technical details is not possible.-Peace
  14. Are you planning on to moniter all the ports.. And Do you plans like, Capturing the packets, editing them and injecting them back This sounds a bit interesting
  15. I hope these things are well tested and they know what they are doing. Cause, prolonged inhalation of oxygen can be injurious to health.
  16. I was very disappointed with Fedora previously. I used to have i810 motherboard with the normal Intel Graphics which the Great Fedora seemed to dislike. So the point is, Fedora does not support i810 display driver (intel). I hope in the latest version (4) they do support it. Also, I was aware that they did support it in their previous versions. So.. the Question was.. Why did they remove the support ?Anyway, Now I use SUSE. Quite happy with it
  17. umm.. LADIES! Are you listening..As for as me, I agree with JhonnY. Clearly explains perfectly about the likes and dislikes of a guy. Well, A topic about girls in such a manner would be highly appreciated. And I would be much more interested
  18. Did any one notice that We are running Clicksor ads too ?Well, the ads are basically targetted only for INTERNATIONAL traffic ( countries other than US/UK/Canada/Australia )As for as my opinion, they have a very low CTR and wont work good for a forum which has a broad category of topics.
  19. Checking out some of the suggestions provided by Brian to _the_offbeat. Well, here is a bit personal version. Considering your mind as a computer..Try a defrag. --> His brains are over fragmented. Wont work.Clean out some of your old bookmarks, too. ---> Its saturated. Not possible.Check for any spyware and adware that may have attached to your computer. ---> His mind looks like a spyware.. So its like throwing your computer off the window. So it wont help.Check out a faster/better internet company. --> Brain Transplant Aint possible.You didn't mention what operating system you have, but maybe you should read the owner's manual. ----> I think he is running Windows. We cant help him.AND don't forget to scan and remove any viruses or trojans that have gotten on your cpu. ---> The system detected your brain itself is a virus. You really got to flush it out.My Suggestion : Go out.. Breathe some fresh Air.. Go to your mommy, ask for some bucks.. and get a Paid Hosting.
  21. We are light on the QUOTA system of Capnel as it is very strict and heavy on resources.. Dont worry bout the Quota. If you are about to exhuast it, we will send you a mail
  22. We previously did not have any restrictions on the points earned through some of the topics like creativity, entertainment etc. But, we were soon forced to because, Items could be easily copied Most of them were not genuine Many people were simply abusing it posting huge text matter Most of the times, quite irrelavant things were found to be posted. Morever, the topic itself was not so serious or technical enough to be considered for giving points. Topics were not being followed by the creators themself. Too much strain on moderators editing the post and on admins too (adjusting credits) as most of the were topics and had to be manually adjusted. Inshort, the forum category was not natural at all. The post were made for the heck of it and was being abused a lot. Thus, we decided to keep it so that people who are really interested and wanted to share their work could use it :-)
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